30+ Awakening & Ascension Signs & Symptoms

This extensive article covers over 30 awakening & ascension signs & symptoms you experience in your every day life. It is broken into the following categories:
- general life changes & shifts
- questioning global reality
- career & life purpose
- changes in relationships
- mental & emotional
- physical affectations
- spiritual changes & symptoms
General Changes & Shifts in Your Life
Change, Chaos, Challenges & Catastrophe

You feel a profound sense of change within yourself or evident in your life, even if you cannot quite understand it or put your finger on it. You feel different, and sense something different ‘in the air’.
You will also have times where you go through major life changes such as break ups, loss, family/friendship changes and so on. You might have a huge pulling desire to change jobs or location.
Sometimes it may feel like your total life is in utter chaos and catastrophe.
Tip: Welcome the transformation, there is always a blessing in disguise, and a higher reason for the change often seen later down the track when the dust has settled.
You will also have times where you go through major life changes such as break ups, loss, family/friendship changes and so on. You might have a huge pulling desire to change jobs or location.
Sometimes it may feel like your total life is in utter chaos and catastrophe.
Tip: Welcome the transformation, there is always a blessing in disguise, and a higher reason for the change often seen later down the track when the dust has settled.
Quickening of Time and Manifestations

The earth is rising in vibration and so are we – there is a ‘quickening’ of energy as things now seem to be speeding along.
Time seems to be moving fast. We see this in technology, as well as in the raised frequency of awakening souls – when we are aligned, awake and in the flow, we start to process stuff, release and manifest at record speeds.
We can’t seem to get enough done in one day, and our ‘to do’ lists are going crazy. We are going through so much change.
But it is amazing when our true heart’s desires, wants and needs are manifesting in our lives.
Tip: watch your thoughts, as they will come into reality.
Time seems to be moving fast. We see this in technology, as well as in the raised frequency of awakening souls – when we are aligned, awake and in the flow, we start to process stuff, release and manifest at record speeds.
We can’t seem to get enough done in one day, and our ‘to do’ lists are going crazy. We are going through so much change.
But it is amazing when our true heart’s desires, wants and needs are manifesting in our lives.
Tip: watch your thoughts, as they will come into reality.
Need to Simplify, Clear Out & Declutter your Life

You find yourself wanting to clear so much out of life. From household clutter, to papers, work matters, old emails, duties, obligations, commitments, toxic friendships and unhealthy people.
You have been clearing so much out of your life and on so many levels – this is evident in your friendships, personal, family, love and work life, and even in your house.
You are cleaning up and clearing away (or they are doing it for you).
You might have felt called to simplify your life, spring clean and sell or donate items you no longer need to charity. You actually wonder why you hold on to so many things, for so long. You can now throw them away with peace of mind and it feels GREAT!
You have been clearing so much out of your life and on so many levels – this is evident in your friendships, personal, family, love and work life, and even in your house.
You are cleaning up and clearing away (or they are doing it for you).
You might have felt called to simplify your life, spring clean and sell or donate items you no longer need to charity. You actually wonder why you hold on to so many things, for so long. You can now throw them away with peace of mind and it feels GREAT!

Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are cleaning up your energy and preparing for the new by moving out the old and opening up a space for people and circumstances that are no longer in alignment with the new you who is growing and expanding.
On an intuitive level, you understand that everything is energy and intention is important/ So by clearing away any debris, you are not only clearing your space and head, but also making the way for the new.
You might even find yourself attracted to feng shui, smudging your home with sage, or other energy clearing techniques.
On an intuitive level, you understand that everything is energy and intention is important/ So by clearing away any debris, you are not only clearing your space and head, but also making the way for the new.
You might even find yourself attracted to feng shui, smudging your home with sage, or other energy clearing techniques.
A Profound Sense of Restlessness
You feel on edge, restless, unsatisfied and unfulfilled.
You might start to question things. Doing the same thing every day has become mindless for you. This is also an aspect talked about in the groundbreaking book the Celestine Prophecy.
Why the restlessness?
Because something inside you is stirring. Something has gone unexpressed, unactioned. Something is stirring in world and you can feel it in your fingertips, even though you cant quite grasp it.
There is something more you want out of life, and there is a colossal dissatisfaction of how things feel and seem to clash with what you know on a deep, soul level.
You might start to question things. Doing the same thing every day has become mindless for you. This is also an aspect talked about in the groundbreaking book the Celestine Prophecy.
Why the restlessness?
Because something inside you is stirring. Something has gone unexpressed, unactioned. Something is stirring in world and you can feel it in your fingertips, even though you cant quite grasp it.
There is something more you want out of life, and there is a colossal dissatisfaction of how things feel and seem to clash with what you know on a deep, soul level.
Urge to Break Free, Step Out, Try New Things

You begin to gain courage and confidence (in spurts, as you are also vulnerable and fall into bouts of low self esteem) and you take a plunge or leap of faith – you may step out to meet
new people, do new things, embark on new journeys.
Though you may hide and freak out at times, you feel compelled to discover the
unknown – it pulls you.
You have an innate desire to break free of your old ways and comfort zones and step into the new.
new people, do new things, embark on new journeys.
Though you may hide and freak out at times, you feel compelled to discover the
unknown – it pulls you.
You have an innate desire to break free of your old ways and comfort zones and step into the new.
You Don't Feel Like Watching T.V. Every Night

Don't' get me wrong - most people still like to watch TV, escape from the demands of the world and blob out. Me too, though I have changed what and how I view.
You might have lost interest in shows you used to watch, or trending mainstream viewing that 'everyone' is talking about, but you are just not into it!
This is about a vivid sense that you might get at times, that you could be doing something else much more fulfilling and soul-fuelling with your precious time.
TV eats away at your creativity.
​Changing Hobbies, Interests, Creativity & Inspiration

You long to find yourself in creative pursuits, or find yourself in spurts of inspiration and creativity.
Your soul is urging you to express yourself and be creative, but you might question having the time or energy to do so.
When you do step into this creative zone, you are connecting with higher spirit and even channeling divine inspiration.
So write, paint, sing, create a video, website, be musical and sew. Anything that gets you expressing yourself and the ideas and feelings that come to you.
Start a project of interest yo you - whatever makes you tick and your heart and spirit shine and dance in joy. So many creatives are naturally intuitive, so it is a crucial part of our awakening.
Your soul is urging you to express yourself and be creative, but you might question having the time or energy to do so.
When you do step into this creative zone, you are connecting with higher spirit and even channeling divine inspiration.
So write, paint, sing, create a video, website, be musical and sew. Anything that gets you expressing yourself and the ideas and feelings that come to you.
Start a project of interest yo you - whatever makes you tick and your heart and spirit shine and dance in joy. So many creatives are naturally intuitive, so it is a crucial part of our awakening.
Questioning Global Reality
You Realize You are a Slave to the System

Where once you just put your nose to the grindstone 'cos that's just what you do', you now begin to WAKE UP.
You question the way in which the world is run. You question government, the economic system, banks, education and any organised systems where you feel under their control and influence and like you CANNOT ESCAPE.
You can't breathe from your mortgage, credit card debt, uni debt, utilities bills, insurances, medical costs, the ever rising cost of living... the list goes on. You feel trapped, like you can never get ahead, you feel its bullshit and you just want to break free!
You question the way in which the world is run. You question government, the economic system, banks, education and any organised systems where you feel under their control and influence and like you CANNOT ESCAPE.
You can't breathe from your mortgage, credit card debt, uni debt, utilities bills, insurances, medical costs, the ever rising cost of living... the list goes on. You feel trapped, like you can never get ahead, you feel its bullshit and you just want to break free!
Truth Seeking & Questioning ‘Reality’

You have an insatiable desire for knowledge and truth, or to walk your truth as your integrity raises. You are unsatisfied with the 'status quo'.
You have a natural radar that detects liers and non-truths, and you can’t tolerate it any more.
You might even be an Indigo, or have Indigo traits. I know I do.
You may question ‘reality’ as it has been presented to us today and throughout history - religion, politics, society, organizational structures and certain groups and individuals.
You may have an interest in conspiracy theory, spiritual theory, independent thought and critical thinking, or search stuff on the internet a lot. Injustices torment you. Your true self seeks fairness and justness in the world.
You have a natural radar that detects liers and non-truths, and you can’t tolerate it any more.
You might even be an Indigo, or have Indigo traits. I know I do.
You may question ‘reality’ as it has been presented to us today and throughout history - religion, politics, society, organizational structures and certain groups and individuals.
You may have an interest in conspiracy theory, spiritual theory, independent thought and critical thinking, or search stuff on the internet a lot. Injustices torment you. Your true self seeks fairness and justness in the world.
​Questioning Religion, Dogma & Belief Systems

You might find yourself questioning religion or other organised religions, or belief systems of society or what you grew up with.
You might question how you were told things should be, how you should be or live your life, or beliefs around working hard and tirelessly or to be successful for example.
For some, you will just want to branch out and include other things. For others, you will feel compelled to break free and grow spiritually on your own.
For many, there will be a big battle in your mind between what is right and wrong, or whether more alternative routes are safe, trusted, or even accepted by mainstream religion.
Maybe you have felt torn between your religion and their heavy-set views about spirituality, misconceptions and what is referred to as the 'new age' (not a term I really subscribe to anyway), other movements and the 'occult' (which in actuality just means secret knowledge).
You might challenge religious views or question whether its okay to meditate, do a tarot reading or open up your psychic or mediumship abilities, as religions have deemed them as sinful.
You might question how you were told things should be, how you should be or live your life, or beliefs around working hard and tirelessly or to be successful for example.
For some, you will just want to branch out and include other things. For others, you will feel compelled to break free and grow spiritually on your own.
For many, there will be a big battle in your mind between what is right and wrong, or whether more alternative routes are safe, trusted, or even accepted by mainstream religion.
Maybe you have felt torn between your religion and their heavy-set views about spirituality, misconceptions and what is referred to as the 'new age' (not a term I really subscribe to anyway), other movements and the 'occult' (which in actuality just means secret knowledge).
You might challenge religious views or question whether its okay to meditate, do a tarot reading or open up your psychic or mediumship abilities, as religions have deemed them as sinful.
World Matters, Social Issues, Politics Disturbs You

You can't watch the news anymore, or at least not as much as you used to, or it makes you question things on a large scale.
You sense something is not right, the world is in chaos, and you feel a great need to do something about it. Maybe you dream of joining a rally, signing a petition, post on social media or make a stand in some way.
You wish to raise awareness. But you are stuck in the busy-ness of your every day life.
You sense something is not right, the world is in chaos, and you feel a great need to do something about it. Maybe you dream of joining a rally, signing a petition, post on social media or make a stand in some way.
You wish to raise awareness. But you are stuck in the busy-ness of your every day life.
You Question the Money System & Materialism

You have a battle of the mind between the economy / material accumulation of wealth and objects VS a 'higher calling'.
Money & greed start to bother you. You can't stand selfishness, ego-ism. You might feel conflicted between your material, household and fashion desires vs not being so caught up in keeping up with the Jones's.
Maybe you initially chose a job or degree based on money and now you doubt yourself, feel stuck, wonder what its all for and want to make a change.
Money & greed start to bother you. You can't stand selfishness, ego-ism. You might feel conflicted between your material, household and fashion desires vs not being so caught up in keeping up with the Jones's.
Maybe you initially chose a job or degree based on money and now you doubt yourself, feel stuck, wonder what its all for and want to make a change.
Humanitarian Calling: Earth, Environment, Animals & People in Need

Your humanitarian nature is calling you.
You feel compelled to do your part on earth. You feel this in a deep, soul level, even if you don't know what to do. You feel empathy and connection with animals, plants and living things, and care about the poor, sick, abused, vulnerable and downtrodden.
You might be a quiet activist, donator or spokesperson to causes and charity, or feel pulled in that direction.
Your sense of consciousness and duty is awakening.
You feel compelled to do your part on earth. You feel this in a deep, soul level, even if you don't know what to do. You feel empathy and connection with animals, plants and living things, and care about the poor, sick, abused, vulnerable and downtrodden.
You might be a quiet activist, donator or spokesperson to causes and charity, or feel pulled in that direction.
Your sense of consciousness and duty is awakening.
You Crave Freedom

You feel trapped, unfulfilled, stifled. You just can't breathe anymore.
Inside you feel like a Braveheart spirited warrior, but you cant always express this side of you in this world.
You want to completely beak free from the chains that bind and run with the wind...
Then you remember you have a mortgage. Welcome to awakening.
Inside you feel like a Braveheart spirited warrior, but you cant always express this side of you in this world.
You want to completely beak free from the chains that bind and run with the wind...
Then you remember you have a mortgage. Welcome to awakening.
Career Changes, Unfulfilment, Seeking for Life Purpose
Degree Shmegree, Work Shmirk

You have a degree, climbed the corporate ladder, but now what? You wonder what its all been for...
You hate your job, the people in it and are chronically unfulfilled. At lunch break you run out the door and seek solitude and respite. You are suffering inside and feel unsatisfied, depressed, anxious and nervous. Some days you feel like you cant get out of bed or stand it a minute longer.
Your soul seeks another direction. Or, you want to entirely re-route but are worried you don't have the right qualifications or experience, and it is stressful to think you have to study or start over.
Your self esteem takes a toll and sooner or later your body and energy system will completely shut down. You might get ill or lose your job - which at first feels horrible and you plunge into a dark night of your soul. But then, if you are aware, you realise its a blessing in disguise and that the universe is speaking, sending you in a new direction. It acted as a catapult of change.
Life Purpose, Missions & Seeking Deeper Fulfilment

You seek a deeper fulfillment and sense of purpose in your life. You know you have untapped potential and are yearning for something more meaningful.
You start to question your very own life purpose and wonder if you have a higher reason or mission for being here on earth – you long to understand your purpose in life, find and activate that inner calling, and to embark upon your own sacred mission.
You wonder whether you are doing the right job and following a career path that is aligned with your higher spirit.
You might feel empty or unsure, or considering a change; but also worrying about the implications. You might fear financial security and question your intuition or alternative pathways.
You start to question your very own life purpose and wonder if you have a higher reason or mission for being here on earth – you long to understand your purpose in life, find and activate that inner calling, and to embark upon your own sacred mission.
You wonder whether you are doing the right job and following a career path that is aligned with your higher spirit.
You might feel empty or unsure, or considering a change; but also worrying about the implications. You might fear financial security and question your intuition or alternative pathways.
Changes in Relationships
Karma, Karma, Karma & Old Stuff Re-Surfacing

You go through marked periods where all your old, buried stuff – pain, circumstance, patterns, memories, or people seem to resurface into your life or consciousness. No matter what you do, you cant seem to escape it, and it comes up time and time again. The higher reason for this is so that you can process and release this baggage in order to clear your energetic body and pathway to allow for the new.
Karma means working through energy that has been left hanging between people and situations, and often from lifetimes ago (past lives). We reincarnate with the same group of people again and again until we learn our lessons.
There is a message and meaning in everything, and you are cleaning out your karmic cupboard!
Shifts in Friendships & Where’s ‘My Peeps?’

As you awaken and go through shifts in your life, you have a new growing awareness. You find yourself shifting away or not clicking anymore from your old friends.
You start to experience and notice toxic people and due to growing sensitivities adn awareness, you find it harder to deal and cope with.
You are now in a different place internally, energetically or spiritually, and you seek new friends and groups – likemindeds who live, breathe and speak this stuff.
You start to experience and notice toxic people and due to growing sensitivities adn awareness, you find it harder to deal and cope with.
You are now in a different place internally, energetically or spiritually, and you seek new friends and groups – likemindeds who live, breathe and speak this stuff.
Desire for Greater Love: Seeking Soulmate or Twinflame Connections

You wish for more love and deeper intimacy and connection in your life with your current partner, or you seek a soul mate or twin flame relationship.
Your soul craves and misses true love, which you know deep down is the truest and highest energy of all.
Mental & Emotional Ups & Downs
Fear, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Confusion, Self-Doubt

You go through layers and layers and days, weeks, months or even years of fear, self doubt, denial, worry, stress, confusion, fogginess, clumsiness (being accident prone), spaciness, anxiety, turmoil, frustration, impatience, restlessness, lack of focus, depression, low self confidence / esteem.
You seem to plunge into depths of despair out of nowhere and y our mind is like a ticking time bomb relentlessly repeating thoughts over and over.
You might even have a sense of impending doom, like something is going to happen, even if you don't quite understand it.
Emotional Rollercoaster

Your energy and emotions seem come and go in waves, at times you cry at the drop of the hat. It feels like an emotional rollercoaster! You might find yourself suddenly tearful or depressed, with no apparent reason, and you can't discern whether its yours, or something random.
Your emotions go up and down and fluctuate like a yo yo. Your mood wings make you feel vulnerable and weak, and it will quickly escalate feelings of depression, low self esteem and questioning everything in your life.
Your energy and emotions seem come and go in waves, at times you cry at the drop of the hat. It feels like an emotional rollercoaster! You might find yourself suddenly tearful or depressed, with no apparent reason, and you can't discern whether its yours, or something random.
Your emotions go up and down and fluctuate like a yo yo. Your mood wings make you feel vulnerable and weak, and it will quickly escalate feelings of depression, low self esteem and questioning everything in your life.

It is like an influx of emotional energy drains you and you find yourself sinking quickly into energetic quicksand, like you cannot swim, are drowning, and can't even come up for air.
You have a heightened sensitivity that at times is extreme and it leaves you open, vulnerable and a target.
And why is this so?
As you become more and more sensitive and realise you are empathic and sensitive to energy, that your emotions are not always your own.
Your spiritual body is more in tune with universal energy as well as your psychic senses and you are picking up on energy from everyone and everywhere - not just the cosmic energy shifts that are happening, but also from worldwide events and other people.
You have a heightened sensitivity that at times is extreme and it leaves you open, vulnerable and a target.
And why is this so?
As you become more and more sensitive and realise you are empathic and sensitive to energy, that your emotions are not always your own.
Your spiritual body is more in tune with universal energy as well as your psychic senses and you are picking up on energy from everyone and everywhere - not just the cosmic energy shifts that are happening, but also from worldwide events and other people.
Loneliness, Isolation, Profound Introspection, Going Within

You yearn for more time alone in peace and quietude. You revel in these moments and crave more, you find yourself frustrated when you can’t achieve it:
“If only I had the time!”
Sometimes you cannot rest, concentrate, meditate or find that inner quiet because your mind and life seem so busy, but when you do, you feel great: empowered, relaxed, and at peace.
When you have that time for yourself you somehow feel more clear, connected and at peace outside of the noise, clutter and chaos of modern life.
You wish you could feel like this all the time. You have a desire to meditate more, or partake in yoga. You might find yourself being more inwardly and introverted, reclusing and hermiting at times.
Your soul craves this time and space and you can never get enough!
“If only I had the time!”
Sometimes you cannot rest, concentrate, meditate or find that inner quiet because your mind and life seem so busy, but when you do, you feel great: empowered, relaxed, and at peace.
When you have that time for yourself you somehow feel more clear, connected and at peace outside of the noise, clutter and chaos of modern life.
You wish you could feel like this all the time. You have a desire to meditate more, or partake in yoga. You might find yourself being more inwardly and introverted, reclusing and hermiting at times.
Your soul craves this time and space and you can never get enough!
Feeling ‘Different’

You might have felt ‘different’ all your life, perhaps you were the ‘black sheep’ of your family, or, you are now finding yourself somehow different to others. You might even have new aspects of your unique self emerging, as old parts of you melt away, or you start discovering new, buried or hidden talents and gifts.
Where you were afflicted by low self esteem in the past and suffered in your feelings of not being like others, or not being truly seen o accepted; you now begin to gain self confidence and a desire to express yourself individually.
You no longer wish to suppress the true you that you have hidden inside of yourself. Baby steps.

Inreased Empathy & Sensitivity to Energy
You have a heightened sense of yourself as an empath, or you begin to notice that you are feeling, sensing or absorbing energy from other people or the planet.
You also have a natural need to get grounded, and are becoming more attuned to natural rhythms and cycles.
Allow yourself to feel, go there, go with the flow, and then release and let go. Be gentle on yourself and just allow yourself to ‘be’.
Avoid being around any harsh or toxic people and environments as much as possible – rest and relax, go out and release your thoughts via writing, exercise, gardening or time out in nature.
You have a heightened sense of yourself as an empath, or you begin to notice that you are feeling, sensing or absorbing energy from other people or the planet.
You also have a natural need to get grounded, and are becoming more attuned to natural rhythms and cycles.
Allow yourself to feel, go there, go with the flow, and then release and let go. Be gentle on yourself and just allow yourself to ‘be’.
Avoid being around any harsh or toxic people and environments as much as possible – rest and relax, go out and release your thoughts via writing, exercise, gardening or time out in nature.
Spiritual Awakening & EvolutionChanges in Your 'Spiritual Body' (Chakras, Energy System, Kundalini Rising)With all the energetic shifts, you are now beginning to notice and feel your spiritual body (entire aura / energy system) (as well as the energy of others), where as before you were much more closed in the lower density of earth and your physical body, or you are alternating between the two.
Your spiritual body is now aligning and becoming more in tune with the energy that is all around us. With this comes increased sensitivity and heightened experiences. You are becoming more in tune with your soul, that higher part of you. |
Third Eye Opening
![]() Your third eye chakra is probably opening, meaning you are becoming increasingly clairvoyant, seeing visions, even if its just in your dreams.
Your third eye is a major intuitive energy center of your body, and it can become activated, like your crown chakra, as you become more sensitive and awaken. Crown Chakra Activations![]() You might feel tingling sensations on the top of your head – this is your crown chakra being activated, opened and downloaded with Divine energy and information. You are becoming more connected to Source and the invisible universe. This is your god connection, and your wiring that links you to the angels, high realm and your divine origin. Ringing in the Ears![]()
Ringing in the ears can be an awakening symptom when not a medical issue. I have written a whole informative article on hearing ringing, buzzing or humming sounds or whispering in the ear as a spiritual phenomenon of receiving high vibrational downloads, along with an angelic channelling with much insight on the topic. Click here to read. |
A Thirst for Knowledge & Search for Answers

You find yourself on a spiritual quest, seeking answers to the meaning of life.
You have a deep need to understand the mysteries of the world and the universe on a higher level. You are truth seeking.
You have a heightened desire to learn about spiritual stuff – whether that is basic yoga and meditation, or deep esoteric knowledge and ancient wisdom.
It is an inner calling within you. Your soul is hungry for you to learn and awaken. You are now entering earth’s classroom of ‘higher learning’ and you can’t get enough.
You become a magnet to just the right teacher or experience at the right time, and you also, are a teacher to others.
You have a deep need to understand the mysteries of the world and the universe on a higher level. You are truth seeking.
You have a heightened desire to learn about spiritual stuff – whether that is basic yoga and meditation, or deep esoteric knowledge and ancient wisdom.
It is an inner calling within you. Your soul is hungry for you to learn and awaken. You are now entering earth’s classroom of ‘higher learning’ and you can’t get enough.
You become a magnet to just the right teacher or experience at the right time, and you also, are a teacher to others.