Exclusive Interview, Lee Carroll (Kryon Channeler) Talks with Natalia Kuna
Lee Carrol Interviews Natalia Kuna for his "Healing Wednesday" show. I discussed my experiences with the angels 😇+ more!
⚜️ When I saw an angel as a child in my bedroom, when angels saved my life from danger & the vision the angels gave me while awake.
⚜️ How my love for angels turned into training to work with them with Doreen Virtue, my stories being published in Hay House books.
⚜️ Various spiritual & angelic experiences that interweaved through my life.
⚜️ How my connection with angels & psychic senses grew to the point I started to do readings, healings & pass on messages to people.
⚜️ What it's like working with angels, doing this work, how the angels gave me new healing techniques directly from Spirit during session.
Watch video or read full transcript below:
⚜️ When I saw an angel as a child in my bedroom, when angels saved my life from danger & the vision the angels gave me while awake.
⚜️ How my love for angels turned into training to work with them with Doreen Virtue, my stories being published in Hay House books.
⚜️ Various spiritual & angelic experiences that interweaved through my life.
⚜️ How my connection with angels & psychic senses grew to the point I started to do readings, healings & pass on messages to people.
⚜️ What it's like working with angels, doing this work, how the angels gave me new healing techniques directly from Spirit during session.
Watch video or read full transcript below:
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Monika Muranyi:
We have an amazing guest joining us I even want to say an amazing Angelic guest - her name is Natalia Kuna, and she's coming to us from Australia, so super exciting for me of course. Natalia has an amazing story and it has led her to what she's doing today.
Lee Carroll:
It’s really true! Natalia Kuna is an intuitive energy healer, spiritual coach, host of Spiritual Soul podcast, founder of Spiritual Course Academy. It just keeps going! Featuring online spiritual development courses on energy management, intuitive development, mindset and transformation for empaths energy sensitives and those on the spiritual path - that's a lot of spiritual people... so they can learn, grow and align back to soul.
Isn't that beautiful: “Align back to your soul.” So, how did it all begin? Well, Natalia has had three true Angel stories and they were even published in Hay House books by Doreen Virtue about her real angel experiences including an angel that appeared in her room when she was a child and also being alerted of danger as a young adult. So she trained as a certified Angel intuitive, which actually opened her up even more to a beautiful genuine Gateway for her work with angels in her readings working with angels for her energy healings, as well as in her intuitive messages and energy updates for the public.
Lee Carroll:
Natalia guides heals and uplifts people, helps them release toxic energy - thanks so much for that - raise their vibration and move into deeper self-awareness. She supplies teaching tools and techniques to allow them to cope better understand what's happening on a deeper level so that they can align into their true authentic higher selves and awaken their innate sense of Soul Essence and purpose.
That's a lot Natalia! Welcome to the program!
Natalia Kuna:
Thank you so much you know when both of you speak, I can feel the energy literally moving through your words. You really breathe the words through from a place of Truth and I thank you for that. I think with the angels it's just something that I've always sensed around me or that something I just believed in and just felt this Affinity with, like some people do for Jesus Christ, which I also do.
And you know things like that and when I was eight years old I went to a christening of my little baby cousin and there at by the end of the night everyone was drinking and carrying on and one of my um uncles was known to be a bit of an alcoholic and I was only very young but things got a little bit much and he got very angry, aggressive - he ended up knocking down a whole cabinet and all of my grandmother's fine china and crystal glasses all went smashing down and it was quite dramatic for me at that time, being quite young and I remember being really worried about my dad. He'd also sort of been drinking a bit too and he was trying to calm the situation down.
So it had become really late by then and he needed to be driven home - he was trying to drive home himself - so my father took the keys off him and my dad drove him home. And in the meantime I'd gone home with my mum separately. So when I was home I was just so worried about the whole situation and my dad, like I felt something would happen or something like that and it was then that this Angel just appeared in my room right in front of me.
I was lying down in bed and just this beautiful all of this light with all of these radiant colors and just gave me such an immense feeling of calm and peace and I just knew that my dad was okay and that everything would be okay - and that was the reason for that visitation. And I think even now in hindsight you know it's possible maybe something could have otherwise happened and the angels possibly averted that.
But the most profound realization in me was that this was a really true real experience and that the angels are nothing but a very warm, caring, trustworthy, safe kind of feeling that just comforts you. And that really carried through with me so that when I was older and in my 20s, one day I was walking around a sort of dark kind of area at night time - a bit of a semi-ominous area, quite ominous - and there was like Cemetery in front of me behind me. And I was walking to the bus stop from University and as I was walking a voice came literally in my head like this and said literally told me what will happen. So the voice said a man is going to come in his car and pull up and try to get you in the car. And then literally within maybe 10 seconds that's exactly what happened.
The voice to me was really made me feel so calm just like the angel when I was eight. It immediately gave me a sense of it would be okay, I'm feeling calm, I'm going to get through this experience and it guided me in a way through how to deal with it because I had been told and forewarned right in advance.
So this car pulls up and this very sort of dodgy guy tries to verbally coerce me to get into the car - he was being quite aggressive verbally and motioning around - he really, really, really wanted me to get into the car.
The area that it was,(is) actually very close to a road - it's called K Road and it's known to have you know um ladies of the night shall we say, things like that going on, so in hindsight I wondered if he saw me as some kind of opportunity like that ,however the feeling that I received was that if I were to go in that car something very terrible would happen and I possibly might never return - so as he's coercing me into the car and and there's this grayness and this Darkness all over him and in the whole area, and it was very spooky.
And this is also in the dead of the night. There was not a single soul. It’s like time stood still. And then something just happened and all of a sudden it's as if he saw something. He just paused as if right in front of him he saw something Supernatural and all of a sudden he just took off and it was really bizarre because I don't think there would have been anything that would have stopped him from getting me in that car otherwise, so that voice really did save my life and give me that sense of calm and trust, and it's something that I've never forgotten.
I think the beauty of that was the precursor you received as a young child to recognize that energy and it's from your way of describing it - it's very real - 100 percent accurate, 100 percent soothing, truthful and calming. So there's no doubt that you now recognize that energy and incorporate it into everything you do. So tell us about how you then use this Divine Angelic presence and energy in your life in the spiritual work that you now do.
Natalia Kuna:
Yeah that's right, it's been such a journey really. There was even actually another time when I was traveling and I was actually working in Japan for a year teaching English and I was really Awakening a lot at that time and I was living in Tokyo.
And one day I got the voice again - it came into my head on this angle again and said there is going to be an earthquake – and literally and within 10 seconds that's exactly what happened. And then I had all these spiritual experiences such as my psychic gifts opening up. So I would meet a person and just when I'm about to say - oh where are you from, because you know, there were a lot of tourists there and international Travelers and it was all very exciting and just as I said it - I literally heard exactly what his background was - and it was really long-winded and something really unlikely like it was a combination of like Bulgarian, Serbian, Chilean and Chinese or something - just the most unlikely combination of four ethnicities.
And then he went and said all the things in order and I couldn't believe it. And just before I was in Japan actually, mind you too, just to weave into this whole thing, how everything kind of just follows a thread to where you are now… I was in 1999 in Adelaide and it was the first time that I had heard of Kryon and you, Lee, because I worked with someone that was going to your event at that time. And at that time there was a real sense of Spiritual Awakening in the air.
I didn't understand a lot of things, but I have these experiences, and this is where I feel like everything comes 360 to me being here today. Because at that time I remember hearing about Kryon, being really intrigued, it really opened me up.
And then one day around that time I was walking down the street and I felt what I would call a ‘magnetic pull’ and I know that when Kryon speaks you have that word ‘magnetic’ - and so this magnetic pull was kind of like a big energy wave that would overcome me and I knew there was something on the ground for me to see and pick up.
So I'd feel this magnetic pull and then I would look over and this object is like glowing with light. So I went down and I go to pick it up - and you know it's just an example of a sign, of a experience - and it was a box of incense that said “love” - and at that time I just knew it meant ‘unconditional love’ and it had so much profound meaning. And someone might just walk right by or not take any notice, but it was just this big suspended moment of time where I felt this magnetic pull and there was this energy in the air.
And then through those experiences and others that I had had, where I would feel this what I describe as this magnetic pull, such as walking past … there was a time where there would be some teenagers that were in trouble or sort of really in a depressed state and I would walk past and I'd feel the magnetic pull and then I trust in that, just like trusting in that Angelic voice and I would stop and sit with the child and just be with them and you know there was one who was really depressed and another one who was a runaway and I helped guide that run away back home.
So I know that these experiences of these profound moments of being, it feels a little bit emotional, but you know the job of an “Earth Angel” I guess - kind of like an angel on earth. But having that Angelic connection, it just comes through you, like when you're channelling and you just know that you're at the right place at the right time. And I think that's something that a lot of people do experience themselves in different ways, but for me these were really profound moments and that's the closest understanding that I would have to how energy feels - that kind of pull. I didn't really know how to explain it but that was my words magnetic pull.
And so… fast forward and in 2009 I trained to be an angel intuitive with Doreen Virtue and Hay House and I didn't really know, you know, much about being psychic or energy and things like that and it was the most amazing experience which really was like a doorway that opened up for me.
And even literally speaking of doorways, when I first entered the event room they had all these energy healers that would just do all these waves of energy as you walk in and I didn't know about energy healing and things like that so I'm minding my own business and just walking through, you know, can't wait to get my seat, and all excited. And as soon as I would walk through this entranceway I literally felt the waves of energy and that sort of magnet - a different kind of magnetic pull - that it's like a I could feel it - it was so thick and it made me feel so amazing and I felt like I was just in a whole other world.
So from that really, in that whole experience, just everything opened up. And I know that different people have different experiences they have of opening up. And that mixed in with the Angelic connection - I just really came into my own in a way and it did take a number of years, you know. I had children and through them I really think through pregnancy is another doorway or Gateway that opens you up spiritually. So many women connect with their babies or you know pre-birth and actually that's another time that the Angels came through to me - is when I was first pregnant.
So I woke up one morning and it was early in the morning and I literally had a vision while I was awake of the Angels- that it feels a bit emotional again - The Angels handing me a baby. And it was real, I was not asleep, it wasn't a dream. It was actually a waking vision. And there were literally many, many angels handing me this baby with this yellow light, this bright yellow light. It was this most amazing experience. I ran and did a pregnancy test and I was positive - I was only probably five, six weeks in mind you too, it was very early.
And it was the most amazing feeling. And then I had that baby -and then when my daughter was two she would never stop talking about the ‘yellow man’ who lives in the ‘yellow house’ and she would point up to the sky and I thought well when I had that Vision she was surrounded by yellow light and for ages I was desperate to know what that meant but what I've learned too is that we don't always understand everything, but just to trust in it and trust in that process.
And trust is really something that it carried me through this whole experience - to all of a sudden I'm giving people readings and I would never have believed that before. When I first started I put off my first client for two weeks because I was so scared and I made it a Friday, right at the end of the week - and at that stage I was doing oracle card readings and you know using my trusty Angel cards and the funny thing was I did not know at that time that I could just give a psychic or intuitive reading. I knew that I would receive intuitive information through the cards because that's something that just naturally developed and also when I held the cards it just felt so natural like I'd had lifetimes of holding cards - just it felt real in my hands, like something so familiar to me.
And then so when I went to do my first oracle card reading I was so surprised that I didn't even look at the cards or open them up for 45 minutes because all this information just came through, and then I then I did the cards. So things just happen I think when you're in the right place and if you are working with the angels they just weave through this kind of beautiful energy and they help you along and you just grow in so many ways.
And so from there I would give readings and my mediumship opened. I'd be minding my own business going to the shops and then all of a sudden again it's that feeling like a glow or a magnetic pull and someone would just glow out to me at the mall - they just glowed. And I just had this calling and this great feeling to pass on a message. And so a message would come through often from their loved one in spirit and… it would be this most amazing moment in time where they trust in you. Sometimes I think I must look like a crazy person.
Read more about such stories here
What's your Segway Natalia- you're in the supermarket - it's like “Excuse me ma'am, I have a message for you.” - how do you do that…
Lee Carroll:
Or when she is stuck over the turnips and cauliflower -and “I’ve got you a message…”
Yeah it's so funny - sometimes there is no segway at all, and there's no way. Sometimes if I think too much how can I just all of a sudden just say this thing, that like:
“Your dead dad is right there and he wants to say this.”
Everyone has their own way, but for me I think it's coming from a soul level. People trust, I think. When you imbue an energy, people trust in that, even if they don't understand it - and I think my natural way is very soft. And so, I would just say, they're there in aisle 10 looking at the gherkins, and I'm like walking by going:
“Oh God, it's happening again.”
“Angels, please make sure they look at me and smile, otherwise I'm not going to give a message.”
I didn't even do my hair, I'm wearing my tracksuit pants, they’re gonna think I just came out of the freaking loony bin… There was one time where I didn't do it and I don't think I ever recovered because there was a message I had to give, so I knew to trust in it
So I'd go by and then the person might turn around look at me and smile, because that was my cue:
“Angels make sure they look at me!”
And I'd say something like:
“I'm an energy healer and if you're open to this I just feel you know there's so much energy around you and um I see that um there's a little bit of sadness around you and what's coming through is that I feel like there's a loved one around you who has um a special message to share and I'm just feeling all these children circling around you and a black dog.” … something like that.
And then all of a sudden … tears would come out and they'll be like … “So-and-so passed away,” and some story about working with children or children that they had lost or something like that and it would all make a connection.
And I think it's just breaking down the walls of when people are in that moment when you pass the message. They really feel the energy of it and it's like it breaks their kind of 'Earth spell' - the human spell of that block and that veil. And it just drops and it's like a suspended moment in time and I just trust in the process - it's always guided me through. And I'll say:
“Are you open to hearing a message?”
Lee Carroll:
I love that I do I do. And then I wonder, because it's a healing show and I know you're a Healer. What kind of healing energy do you use in your spiritual work besides the psychic ability?
Thank you, yes so the healing is really something that to me, sort of is all part and parcel of it all. It's like an intuitive healing. And really for me I feel like it's very natural and that energy healing is a very simple, natural thing.
I first learned through the angel therapy route with Doreen Virtue at that time and then it just happened on its own. So I would do things like clear chakras and I started to get a really clear sense of the chakras by feeling it around people and what each one represents and how people get so affected by them. And I found over time that there would be some really common ones like so many people especially women are really blocked around the throat chakra or and the other one for empaths is around the solar plexus, because this is the area where you're just picking up all the energy of other people.
And I think through having different clients and experiences, and me knowing for myself this is an area of accumulation - of accumulated energy and also psychic attack, which really just is the energy of other people on you whether deliberate or accidental, and carrying that and being so stuck in those areas. So I would do things like clear chakras but also bring in the energy healing through the angels and just you know the standard healing is bringing in the light and that kind of thing that also having the Angels there.
And the angels are just bringing this other kind of dimension quite literally and they're always so loving. And people really feel that energy. People would come in, when I had people come into my home for example, I'd be preparing and you know lifting up the vibration, and bringing in the angels. And then they would come in and they'd say:
“Oh it's still so peaceful here.”
And it'll just put them at ease. And then by the end they feel that sense of a lightness and upliftment. And through readings and healings there's this kind of sense of … they're kind of funny … Angels really lift you up they bring in so many funny things, like a play on words and puns - and they would bring up funny quirks about people such as, You know, they'll say things like:
“You talk to yourself at home and your husband has stinky feet.”
or something like that and it just makes you laugh and it brings in the healing aspect.
They sort of fluff up your energy and they put you in this beautiful little soft bubbly cocoon and it's just a very beautiful feeling.
And then over time what would happen is because I would sort of open up. As I'm preparing for a session, I'm opening up my psychic channel and bringing in the angels and they'd start giving me all this information. I'm like:
“Not now, I've got a client!”
And I'm getting information for like my courses and meditations and something I need to tell everybody, and I'm like frantically writing it down and all my notes are on all these angles and I'm like:
“ I've got to prepare! Tell me another time!”
But it's because I've opened myself up. Because many of us, it's not like we always meditate every day, you know and we live our normal, human lives. So then during the session I found that with particular people, new healing techniques would come through naturally depending on that person. So for example I might have a client who, they really overthink in their brain, and to me because I can sense and feel into their energy, their brain just feels really tight.
So I would just naturally follow. It all just comes naturally really, but I would sort of loosen their brain in a way, so loosen and open it up. And then the Angels would show me they're allowing a light to come in and literally as you do it, as I do it myself now, I can sort of feel it. You feel sort of so much more like it's just been opened up and you've been freed in a way. And then that helps clear the mental mind, which for so many people it's overwhelming - the non-stop thoughts and the self-criticism and all these things.
So over time there'd be different techniques that would come through such as psychic surgery which is just like sewing up something and literally it's like I have an Invisible Thread and I'm sewing it up, or allowing people to feel a sense of nurture Because I would always have a very empathic sense of what people were going through emotionally and at the time sometimes as I'm doing my session, I'm just putting in a little nurturing energy, just bringing that down, that maternal nurturing energy. And that opens it up and it puts them at ease and it's something that they need.
And then sometimes Archangel Michael would come through and show that you would stand behind them and show that he has their back, because they felt like nobody ever had their back.
So these profound things would happen.
Another example of them (the angels) bringing through a technique was, I would just start to do it, so “Going Down the Person's Timeline” is how I call it. Normally we think of a timeline as horizontal, but for me energetically it's vertical. So starting at say, they're 50 right now, and I would go down like this with my energy hands being open. And so I'd go 50, 49...47 – 47, okay and that's where I feel an energy bump. So literally the experiences I've told you about before are feeling a magnetic pull and then feeling that energy at the doorway of the Angel Intuitive event. Now I recognize the energy pull, so at that time there's an energy when you're 47. So sometimes I might feel it was depressing at that time or something amazing happened:
“Oh, I got married.” Um there was a crack. “Yeah, I got divorced.”
And so I always know that whatever age gets pulled up it's for a reason. When a person comes to me, they're coming because something in them knows and they're guided to come to me. When they're really coming from that authentic place and then I'm just clearing whatever needs to be released.
So let's say at 47 they got divorced and there's a crack there, it doesn't matter, it could be all the way down, something when there were five. Then that's something needs to be opened up, that little crack, and then that light comes in and it's all part of the healing.
So as I go down and then maybe it'd be like for some people who've gone through significant trauma in their childhood, sometimes when I'll go down and I can feel a resistance, let's say 14 and down, it's like: Oh, okay… and then I feel like they maybe don't want me to go there because this is getting into some nitty-gritty stuff, or it's just the resistance of the energy - yep there's stuff there.
Thank you so much for sharing all of that with us.
Lee Carroll:
That is a great explanation.
Now if you're wanting to connect with Natalia, her website is: www.nataliakuna.com. Or for spiritual development courses, classes & freebies, visit her online academy: Spiritual Course Academy. So that has been amazing. We are pretty much at the end of the interview, but I do want to ask if you have last words to say in 30 seconds or less - what would they be?
I think the overall message is to come back to remembering that you are soul, that you are so much more, you are so much bigger than what you think that you are. And when you open up to those higher Dimensions, everything opens up. When you expand, you really move out of your lower self and you welcome in the light. And then you recalibrate with the higher energy that is here for us today, and that is guiding us back home to where we belong. And our job here is to rise up and remember who we are.
Oh so beautifully said. Thank You Natalia thank you.
Lee Carroll:
We need you on this planet. Thank you so much for being with us!
Thank you. So with that let us rise up and remember those beautiful words. And I would like to encourage you to go and look at Natalia's website.
We have an amazing guest joining us I even want to say an amazing Angelic guest - her name is Natalia Kuna, and she's coming to us from Australia, so super exciting for me of course. Natalia has an amazing story and it has led her to what she's doing today.
Lee Carroll:
It’s really true! Natalia Kuna is an intuitive energy healer, spiritual coach, host of Spiritual Soul podcast, founder of Spiritual Course Academy. It just keeps going! Featuring online spiritual development courses on energy management, intuitive development, mindset and transformation for empaths energy sensitives and those on the spiritual path - that's a lot of spiritual people... so they can learn, grow and align back to soul.
Isn't that beautiful: “Align back to your soul.” So, how did it all begin? Well, Natalia has had three true Angel stories and they were even published in Hay House books by Doreen Virtue about her real angel experiences including an angel that appeared in her room when she was a child and also being alerted of danger as a young adult. So she trained as a certified Angel intuitive, which actually opened her up even more to a beautiful genuine Gateway for her work with angels in her readings working with angels for her energy healings, as well as in her intuitive messages and energy updates for the public.
Lee Carroll:
Natalia guides heals and uplifts people, helps them release toxic energy - thanks so much for that - raise their vibration and move into deeper self-awareness. She supplies teaching tools and techniques to allow them to cope better understand what's happening on a deeper level so that they can align into their true authentic higher selves and awaken their innate sense of Soul Essence and purpose.
That's a lot Natalia! Welcome to the program!
Natalia Kuna:
Thank you so much you know when both of you speak, I can feel the energy literally moving through your words. You really breathe the words through from a place of Truth and I thank you for that. I think with the angels it's just something that I've always sensed around me or that something I just believed in and just felt this Affinity with, like some people do for Jesus Christ, which I also do.
And you know things like that and when I was eight years old I went to a christening of my little baby cousin and there at by the end of the night everyone was drinking and carrying on and one of my um uncles was known to be a bit of an alcoholic and I was only very young but things got a little bit much and he got very angry, aggressive - he ended up knocking down a whole cabinet and all of my grandmother's fine china and crystal glasses all went smashing down and it was quite dramatic for me at that time, being quite young and I remember being really worried about my dad. He'd also sort of been drinking a bit too and he was trying to calm the situation down.
So it had become really late by then and he needed to be driven home - he was trying to drive home himself - so my father took the keys off him and my dad drove him home. And in the meantime I'd gone home with my mum separately. So when I was home I was just so worried about the whole situation and my dad, like I felt something would happen or something like that and it was then that this Angel just appeared in my room right in front of me.
I was lying down in bed and just this beautiful all of this light with all of these radiant colors and just gave me such an immense feeling of calm and peace and I just knew that my dad was okay and that everything would be okay - and that was the reason for that visitation. And I think even now in hindsight you know it's possible maybe something could have otherwise happened and the angels possibly averted that.
But the most profound realization in me was that this was a really true real experience and that the angels are nothing but a very warm, caring, trustworthy, safe kind of feeling that just comforts you. And that really carried through with me so that when I was older and in my 20s, one day I was walking around a sort of dark kind of area at night time - a bit of a semi-ominous area, quite ominous - and there was like Cemetery in front of me behind me. And I was walking to the bus stop from University and as I was walking a voice came literally in my head like this and said literally told me what will happen. So the voice said a man is going to come in his car and pull up and try to get you in the car. And then literally within maybe 10 seconds that's exactly what happened.
The voice to me was really made me feel so calm just like the angel when I was eight. It immediately gave me a sense of it would be okay, I'm feeling calm, I'm going to get through this experience and it guided me in a way through how to deal with it because I had been told and forewarned right in advance.
So this car pulls up and this very sort of dodgy guy tries to verbally coerce me to get into the car - he was being quite aggressive verbally and motioning around - he really, really, really wanted me to get into the car.
The area that it was,(is) actually very close to a road - it's called K Road and it's known to have you know um ladies of the night shall we say, things like that going on, so in hindsight I wondered if he saw me as some kind of opportunity like that ,however the feeling that I received was that if I were to go in that car something very terrible would happen and I possibly might never return - so as he's coercing me into the car and and there's this grayness and this Darkness all over him and in the whole area, and it was very spooky.
And this is also in the dead of the night. There was not a single soul. It’s like time stood still. And then something just happened and all of a sudden it's as if he saw something. He just paused as if right in front of him he saw something Supernatural and all of a sudden he just took off and it was really bizarre because I don't think there would have been anything that would have stopped him from getting me in that car otherwise, so that voice really did save my life and give me that sense of calm and trust, and it's something that I've never forgotten.
I think the beauty of that was the precursor you received as a young child to recognize that energy and it's from your way of describing it - it's very real - 100 percent accurate, 100 percent soothing, truthful and calming. So there's no doubt that you now recognize that energy and incorporate it into everything you do. So tell us about how you then use this Divine Angelic presence and energy in your life in the spiritual work that you now do.
Natalia Kuna:
Yeah that's right, it's been such a journey really. There was even actually another time when I was traveling and I was actually working in Japan for a year teaching English and I was really Awakening a lot at that time and I was living in Tokyo.
And one day I got the voice again - it came into my head on this angle again and said there is going to be an earthquake – and literally and within 10 seconds that's exactly what happened. And then I had all these spiritual experiences such as my psychic gifts opening up. So I would meet a person and just when I'm about to say - oh where are you from, because you know, there were a lot of tourists there and international Travelers and it was all very exciting and just as I said it - I literally heard exactly what his background was - and it was really long-winded and something really unlikely like it was a combination of like Bulgarian, Serbian, Chilean and Chinese or something - just the most unlikely combination of four ethnicities.
And then he went and said all the things in order and I couldn't believe it. And just before I was in Japan actually, mind you too, just to weave into this whole thing, how everything kind of just follows a thread to where you are now… I was in 1999 in Adelaide and it was the first time that I had heard of Kryon and you, Lee, because I worked with someone that was going to your event at that time. And at that time there was a real sense of Spiritual Awakening in the air.
I didn't understand a lot of things, but I have these experiences, and this is where I feel like everything comes 360 to me being here today. Because at that time I remember hearing about Kryon, being really intrigued, it really opened me up.
And then one day around that time I was walking down the street and I felt what I would call a ‘magnetic pull’ and I know that when Kryon speaks you have that word ‘magnetic’ - and so this magnetic pull was kind of like a big energy wave that would overcome me and I knew there was something on the ground for me to see and pick up.
So I'd feel this magnetic pull and then I would look over and this object is like glowing with light. So I went down and I go to pick it up - and you know it's just an example of a sign, of a experience - and it was a box of incense that said “love” - and at that time I just knew it meant ‘unconditional love’ and it had so much profound meaning. And someone might just walk right by or not take any notice, but it was just this big suspended moment of time where I felt this magnetic pull and there was this energy in the air.
And then through those experiences and others that I had had, where I would feel this what I describe as this magnetic pull, such as walking past … there was a time where there would be some teenagers that were in trouble or sort of really in a depressed state and I would walk past and I'd feel the magnetic pull and then I trust in that, just like trusting in that Angelic voice and I would stop and sit with the child and just be with them and you know there was one who was really depressed and another one who was a runaway and I helped guide that run away back home.
So I know that these experiences of these profound moments of being, it feels a little bit emotional, but you know the job of an “Earth Angel” I guess - kind of like an angel on earth. But having that Angelic connection, it just comes through you, like when you're channelling and you just know that you're at the right place at the right time. And I think that's something that a lot of people do experience themselves in different ways, but for me these were really profound moments and that's the closest understanding that I would have to how energy feels - that kind of pull. I didn't really know how to explain it but that was my words magnetic pull.
And so… fast forward and in 2009 I trained to be an angel intuitive with Doreen Virtue and Hay House and I didn't really know, you know, much about being psychic or energy and things like that and it was the most amazing experience which really was like a doorway that opened up for me.
And even literally speaking of doorways, when I first entered the event room they had all these energy healers that would just do all these waves of energy as you walk in and I didn't know about energy healing and things like that so I'm minding my own business and just walking through, you know, can't wait to get my seat, and all excited. And as soon as I would walk through this entranceway I literally felt the waves of energy and that sort of magnet - a different kind of magnetic pull - that it's like a I could feel it - it was so thick and it made me feel so amazing and I felt like I was just in a whole other world.
So from that really, in that whole experience, just everything opened up. And I know that different people have different experiences they have of opening up. And that mixed in with the Angelic connection - I just really came into my own in a way and it did take a number of years, you know. I had children and through them I really think through pregnancy is another doorway or Gateway that opens you up spiritually. So many women connect with their babies or you know pre-birth and actually that's another time that the Angels came through to me - is when I was first pregnant.
So I woke up one morning and it was early in the morning and I literally had a vision while I was awake of the Angels- that it feels a bit emotional again - The Angels handing me a baby. And it was real, I was not asleep, it wasn't a dream. It was actually a waking vision. And there were literally many, many angels handing me this baby with this yellow light, this bright yellow light. It was this most amazing experience. I ran and did a pregnancy test and I was positive - I was only probably five, six weeks in mind you too, it was very early.
And it was the most amazing feeling. And then I had that baby -and then when my daughter was two she would never stop talking about the ‘yellow man’ who lives in the ‘yellow house’ and she would point up to the sky and I thought well when I had that Vision she was surrounded by yellow light and for ages I was desperate to know what that meant but what I've learned too is that we don't always understand everything, but just to trust in it and trust in that process.
And trust is really something that it carried me through this whole experience - to all of a sudden I'm giving people readings and I would never have believed that before. When I first started I put off my first client for two weeks because I was so scared and I made it a Friday, right at the end of the week - and at that stage I was doing oracle card readings and you know using my trusty Angel cards and the funny thing was I did not know at that time that I could just give a psychic or intuitive reading. I knew that I would receive intuitive information through the cards because that's something that just naturally developed and also when I held the cards it just felt so natural like I'd had lifetimes of holding cards - just it felt real in my hands, like something so familiar to me.
And then so when I went to do my first oracle card reading I was so surprised that I didn't even look at the cards or open them up for 45 minutes because all this information just came through, and then I then I did the cards. So things just happen I think when you're in the right place and if you are working with the angels they just weave through this kind of beautiful energy and they help you along and you just grow in so many ways.
And so from there I would give readings and my mediumship opened. I'd be minding my own business going to the shops and then all of a sudden again it's that feeling like a glow or a magnetic pull and someone would just glow out to me at the mall - they just glowed. And I just had this calling and this great feeling to pass on a message. And so a message would come through often from their loved one in spirit and… it would be this most amazing moment in time where they trust in you. Sometimes I think I must look like a crazy person.
Read more about such stories here
What's your Segway Natalia- you're in the supermarket - it's like “Excuse me ma'am, I have a message for you.” - how do you do that…
Lee Carroll:
Or when she is stuck over the turnips and cauliflower -and “I’ve got you a message…”
Yeah it's so funny - sometimes there is no segway at all, and there's no way. Sometimes if I think too much how can I just all of a sudden just say this thing, that like:
“Your dead dad is right there and he wants to say this.”
Everyone has their own way, but for me I think it's coming from a soul level. People trust, I think. When you imbue an energy, people trust in that, even if they don't understand it - and I think my natural way is very soft. And so, I would just say, they're there in aisle 10 looking at the gherkins, and I'm like walking by going:
“Oh God, it's happening again.”
“Angels, please make sure they look at me and smile, otherwise I'm not going to give a message.”
I didn't even do my hair, I'm wearing my tracksuit pants, they’re gonna think I just came out of the freaking loony bin… There was one time where I didn't do it and I don't think I ever recovered because there was a message I had to give, so I knew to trust in it
So I'd go by and then the person might turn around look at me and smile, because that was my cue:
“Angels make sure they look at me!”
And I'd say something like:
“I'm an energy healer and if you're open to this I just feel you know there's so much energy around you and um I see that um there's a little bit of sadness around you and what's coming through is that I feel like there's a loved one around you who has um a special message to share and I'm just feeling all these children circling around you and a black dog.” … something like that.
And then all of a sudden … tears would come out and they'll be like … “So-and-so passed away,” and some story about working with children or children that they had lost or something like that and it would all make a connection.
And I think it's just breaking down the walls of when people are in that moment when you pass the message. They really feel the energy of it and it's like it breaks their kind of 'Earth spell' - the human spell of that block and that veil. And it just drops and it's like a suspended moment in time and I just trust in the process - it's always guided me through. And I'll say:
“Are you open to hearing a message?”
Lee Carroll:
I love that I do I do. And then I wonder, because it's a healing show and I know you're a Healer. What kind of healing energy do you use in your spiritual work besides the psychic ability?
Thank you, yes so the healing is really something that to me, sort of is all part and parcel of it all. It's like an intuitive healing. And really for me I feel like it's very natural and that energy healing is a very simple, natural thing.
I first learned through the angel therapy route with Doreen Virtue at that time and then it just happened on its own. So I would do things like clear chakras and I started to get a really clear sense of the chakras by feeling it around people and what each one represents and how people get so affected by them. And I found over time that there would be some really common ones like so many people especially women are really blocked around the throat chakra or and the other one for empaths is around the solar plexus, because this is the area where you're just picking up all the energy of other people.
And I think through having different clients and experiences, and me knowing for myself this is an area of accumulation - of accumulated energy and also psychic attack, which really just is the energy of other people on you whether deliberate or accidental, and carrying that and being so stuck in those areas. So I would do things like clear chakras but also bring in the energy healing through the angels and just you know the standard healing is bringing in the light and that kind of thing that also having the Angels there.
And the angels are just bringing this other kind of dimension quite literally and they're always so loving. And people really feel that energy. People would come in, when I had people come into my home for example, I'd be preparing and you know lifting up the vibration, and bringing in the angels. And then they would come in and they'd say:
“Oh it's still so peaceful here.”
And it'll just put them at ease. And then by the end they feel that sense of a lightness and upliftment. And through readings and healings there's this kind of sense of … they're kind of funny … Angels really lift you up they bring in so many funny things, like a play on words and puns - and they would bring up funny quirks about people such as, You know, they'll say things like:
“You talk to yourself at home and your husband has stinky feet.”
or something like that and it just makes you laugh and it brings in the healing aspect.
They sort of fluff up your energy and they put you in this beautiful little soft bubbly cocoon and it's just a very beautiful feeling.
And then over time what would happen is because I would sort of open up. As I'm preparing for a session, I'm opening up my psychic channel and bringing in the angels and they'd start giving me all this information. I'm like:
“Not now, I've got a client!”
And I'm getting information for like my courses and meditations and something I need to tell everybody, and I'm like frantically writing it down and all my notes are on all these angles and I'm like:
“ I've got to prepare! Tell me another time!”
But it's because I've opened myself up. Because many of us, it's not like we always meditate every day, you know and we live our normal, human lives. So then during the session I found that with particular people, new healing techniques would come through naturally depending on that person. So for example I might have a client who, they really overthink in their brain, and to me because I can sense and feel into their energy, their brain just feels really tight.
So I would just naturally follow. It all just comes naturally really, but I would sort of loosen their brain in a way, so loosen and open it up. And then the Angels would show me they're allowing a light to come in and literally as you do it, as I do it myself now, I can sort of feel it. You feel sort of so much more like it's just been opened up and you've been freed in a way. And then that helps clear the mental mind, which for so many people it's overwhelming - the non-stop thoughts and the self-criticism and all these things.
So over time there'd be different techniques that would come through such as psychic surgery which is just like sewing up something and literally it's like I have an Invisible Thread and I'm sewing it up, or allowing people to feel a sense of nurture Because I would always have a very empathic sense of what people were going through emotionally and at the time sometimes as I'm doing my session, I'm just putting in a little nurturing energy, just bringing that down, that maternal nurturing energy. And that opens it up and it puts them at ease and it's something that they need.
And then sometimes Archangel Michael would come through and show that you would stand behind them and show that he has their back, because they felt like nobody ever had their back.
So these profound things would happen.
Another example of them (the angels) bringing through a technique was, I would just start to do it, so “Going Down the Person's Timeline” is how I call it. Normally we think of a timeline as horizontal, but for me energetically it's vertical. So starting at say, they're 50 right now, and I would go down like this with my energy hands being open. And so I'd go 50, 49...47 – 47, okay and that's where I feel an energy bump. So literally the experiences I've told you about before are feeling a magnetic pull and then feeling that energy at the doorway of the Angel Intuitive event. Now I recognize the energy pull, so at that time there's an energy when you're 47. So sometimes I might feel it was depressing at that time or something amazing happened:
“Oh, I got married.” Um there was a crack. “Yeah, I got divorced.”
And so I always know that whatever age gets pulled up it's for a reason. When a person comes to me, they're coming because something in them knows and they're guided to come to me. When they're really coming from that authentic place and then I'm just clearing whatever needs to be released.
So let's say at 47 they got divorced and there's a crack there, it doesn't matter, it could be all the way down, something when there were five. Then that's something needs to be opened up, that little crack, and then that light comes in and it's all part of the healing.
So as I go down and then maybe it'd be like for some people who've gone through significant trauma in their childhood, sometimes when I'll go down and I can feel a resistance, let's say 14 and down, it's like: Oh, okay… and then I feel like they maybe don't want me to go there because this is getting into some nitty-gritty stuff, or it's just the resistance of the energy - yep there's stuff there.
Thank you so much for sharing all of that with us.
Lee Carroll:
That is a great explanation.
Now if you're wanting to connect with Natalia, her website is: www.nataliakuna.com. Or for spiritual development courses, classes & freebies, visit her online academy: Spiritual Course Academy. So that has been amazing. We are pretty much at the end of the interview, but I do want to ask if you have last words to say in 30 seconds or less - what would they be?
I think the overall message is to come back to remembering that you are soul, that you are so much more, you are so much bigger than what you think that you are. And when you open up to those higher Dimensions, everything opens up. When you expand, you really move out of your lower self and you welcome in the light. And then you recalibrate with the higher energy that is here for us today, and that is guiding us back home to where we belong. And our job here is to rise up and remember who we are.
Oh so beautifully said. Thank You Natalia thank you.
Lee Carroll:
We need you on this planet. Thank you so much for being with us!
Thank you. So with that let us rise up and remember those beautiful words. And I would like to encourage you to go and look at Natalia's website.