Shifting from New Year Resolution to Intention & Mindset
The Old Paradigm of New Year Resolutions

We have lived our lives suffocated by the short rise and quick fall of making New Year Resolutions. And while we may have had some successes, it is our failures which have truly marked us. It has really come clear to me, in the last several years, that we are now moving away from this old, dated, never-ending paradigm where we keep repeating the same old broken cycle.
In my view, those of us who feel the call, are now moving towards a whole new mindset, lifestyle and way of being and doing.
We are changing, shifting, upgrading.
In my view, those of us who feel the call, are now moving towards a whole new mindset, lifestyle and way of being and doing.
We are changing, shifting, upgrading.
The Statistics
Studies show that 80% of people abandon their New Year Resolutions by the start of February, or even as early as January the 19th. So in reality, resolutions last less than one month in entirety.
Interestingly, this is especially evident with Generation Z's and millennials, and women are a little more likely to give up compared with men. But we don't need science to prove this. We don't have to look to far to know this ourselves, as we have experienced and witnessed it repetitively in our own personal lives.
Interestingly, this is especially evident with Generation Z's and millennials, and women are a little more likely to give up compared with men. But we don't need science to prove this. We don't have to look to far to know this ourselves, as we have experienced and witnessed it repetitively in our own personal lives.
The Rise

Recall all those years when you recited the New Year countdown:
"10, 9, 8.... 3, 2, 1 !!!!!!!!"
As the clock ticked midnight, an explosion of fireworks cascaded the night's sky, and your flute of champagne splashed around in celebratory glory, as you screamed, yahoo'd and kissed everyone around you.
No, we had not won the war. But there was a palpable sense of hope, exhilaration, freedom and glory. Out of that airborne excitement, the cultural push of New Year Resolutions was to follow.
"10, 9, 8.... 3, 2, 1 !!!!!!!!"
As the clock ticked midnight, an explosion of fireworks cascaded the night's sky, and your flute of champagne splashed around in celebratory glory, as you screamed, yahoo'd and kissed everyone around you.
No, we had not won the war. But there was a palpable sense of hope, exhilaration, freedom and glory. Out of that airborne excitement, the cultural push of New Year Resolutions was to follow.

Remember all the times people asked you what your new year resolutions were - it was almost as if they expected your long list to be fabulous, outrageous and cool, like the new millenium's version of the 'bucket list'.
You were a loser, not a cruiser if you didn't have any, or they were average and lonesome, like reading books.
Most wishful thinkers would have diet and gym membership on the list. Others would dream of travel, fashion, cars, yachts and writing a book.
Go back all those years, especially in the 80s and 90s - and look how far you have come (or fallen back) since then.
You were a loser, not a cruiser if you didn't have any, or they were average and lonesome, like reading books.
Most wishful thinkers would have diet and gym membership on the list. Others would dream of travel, fashion, cars, yachts and writing a book.
Go back all those years, especially in the 80s and 90s - and look how far you have come (or fallen back) since then.

Remember all those times you got inspired, motivated, no matter how pure, hopeful or naive?
Remember that feeling of eager determination as you stated to yourself:
"THIS would be the year you would X, Y, Z..."
You'd write it down excitedly, feel good about yourself, or have a cry at all your flaws you wanted to change and leave behind.
Or it was some kind of emotional hallmark movie combining the two.
Remember that feeling of eager determination as you stated to yourself:
"THIS would be the year you would X, Y, Z..."
You'd write it down excitedly, feel good about yourself, or have a cry at all your flaws you wanted to change and leave behind.
Or it was some kind of emotional hallmark movie combining the two.
The Fall

But bang, smash, splat. Not long after each resolution was born, each would tumble, fall and collapse, sometimes even hitting you smack in the face.
The keen inspiration to read more would leave you surrounded by a pile of new books where you couldn't get past the first page. The aspiration to get promoted at work led to longer hours and having to deal with the new office bitch.
The hopes to get body tight and look like an airbrushed version of Sports Illustrated Elle Macpherson led rather to donuts, 'hanger' (hungry anger), clothes strewn on the floor and a miserable crestfallen depression. The dreams to be an author led to screwed up pages and melancholic poems.
Remember the lonesome drives to a mountain or sea, where you blasted 80s / 90s music full board?
Just like the pendulum swing and anything in life, after the up, there must be the down. But that can be true of both the resolution and the intention. Let's look at this a bit more deeply
The keen inspiration to read more would leave you surrounded by a pile of new books where you couldn't get past the first page. The aspiration to get promoted at work led to longer hours and having to deal with the new office bitch.
The hopes to get body tight and look like an airbrushed version of Sports Illustrated Elle Macpherson led rather to donuts, 'hanger' (hungry anger), clothes strewn on the floor and a miserable crestfallen depression. The dreams to be an author led to screwed up pages and melancholic poems.
Remember the lonesome drives to a mountain or sea, where you blasted 80s / 90s music full board?
Just like the pendulum swing and anything in life, after the up, there must be the down. But that can be true of both the resolution and the intention. Let's look at this a bit more deeply
Why Don't Resolutions Work?

Let's face it. Although having a resolution can absolutely work, and maybe you can live the tale to prove it; as an overall system and life changing strategy, it most likely leads to a fail and fall of epic proportions.
It has become pretty clear, if you really think about it, that it is an old way of doing things. We need to give this whole outdated concept a reality check.
We all know that change doesn't happen overnight and Rome wasn't built in a day. But the tendency to give up and not follow through is rife and all too common. You can blame failure for laziness, lack of will power, fall of motivation, or just the fact that you lose your mojo or life gets in the way. Priorities change, enthusiasm fades and sometimes people just forget.
There is the very real human pattern to give up, throw in the towel and put ones aspirations in the 'too hard box' (and throw away the key), especially when it all gets too much. We have to keep in mind that having major goals all at once can be completely overwhelming. On top of this, having unbreakable confidence and believing in oneself is a constant challenge, and some cant do it at all. There is the very real tendency to compare yourself with others, feel 'less than' and have a deep feeling of unworthiness.
It has become pretty clear, if you really think about it, that it is an old way of doing things. We need to give this whole outdated concept a reality check.
We all know that change doesn't happen overnight and Rome wasn't built in a day. But the tendency to give up and not follow through is rife and all too common. You can blame failure for laziness, lack of will power, fall of motivation, or just the fact that you lose your mojo or life gets in the way. Priorities change, enthusiasm fades and sometimes people just forget.
There is the very real human pattern to give up, throw in the towel and put ones aspirations in the 'too hard box' (and throw away the key), especially when it all gets too much. We have to keep in mind that having major goals all at once can be completely overwhelming. On top of this, having unbreakable confidence and believing in oneself is a constant challenge, and some cant do it at all. There is the very real tendency to compare yourself with others, feel 'less than' and have a deep feeling of unworthiness.

Sometimes goals are unrealistic or based on what you THINK you should do, or that people or society tells you to do, rather than what feels right to you deep inside. We often feel not good enough, not quite ready, or think we need to keep reading or learning.
Perhaps you know exactly what you need to do, or at least the starting pieces, but you don't put in the application - and this is that common mistake, or huge missing piece - where there is a clear divide between mental or even spiritual perception, and actual physical action.
"Rome cannot be built, without stones being upturned!" - Natalia Kuna
Some people see dreams as wishful thinking, fantasy and fiction, rather than signs of something calling from deep within. The more further away it seems, the less tangible it gets. Then we only see the complete lack and dire emptiness of our glass, rather than hold the intention, energy and vision of its abundant fullness.
Perhaps your vision seems too far away and your goals too vague or inaccessible. And we have just lost our way.
Some fear success, others failure. But regardless where you fall in all of this, those resolutions fall to the wayside like fading debris lost in the throws of the wind.
Perhaps you know exactly what you need to do, or at least the starting pieces, but you don't put in the application - and this is that common mistake, or huge missing piece - where there is a clear divide between mental or even spiritual perception, and actual physical action.
"Rome cannot be built, without stones being upturned!" - Natalia Kuna
Some people see dreams as wishful thinking, fantasy and fiction, rather than signs of something calling from deep within. The more further away it seems, the less tangible it gets. Then we only see the complete lack and dire emptiness of our glass, rather than hold the intention, energy and vision of its abundant fullness.
Perhaps your vision seems too far away and your goals too vague or inaccessible. And we have just lost our way.
Some fear success, others failure. But regardless where you fall in all of this, those resolutions fall to the wayside like fading debris lost in the throws of the wind.
Enter the New Paradigm of Intention & Mindset

Fear not, hope is here on this new horizon! Let's put everything into perspective...
We have been entering a whole new energy and mindset as a collective. This will have felt especially palpable to you if you have raised your awareness, felt the calling and stepped into that flow. It is all about consciousness, frequency and alignment, and is all a part of the Great Awakening. Or at least we are heading towards this new, more updated way of being.
The new paradigm that we are shifting into, is all about intention, presence and mindset.
In my spiritual life, I have come to realize that everything is about intention, I apply it in all things I do. Holding ones intention can really have the power to reframe your focus, uplift your energy and shift things.
We have been entering a whole new energy and mindset as a collective. This will have felt especially palpable to you if you have raised your awareness, felt the calling and stepped into that flow. It is all about consciousness, frequency and alignment, and is all a part of the Great Awakening. Or at least we are heading towards this new, more updated way of being.
The new paradigm that we are shifting into, is all about intention, presence and mindset.
In my spiritual life, I have come to realize that everything is about intention, I apply it in all things I do. Holding ones intention can really have the power to reframe your focus, uplift your energy and shift things.

But it is important to note here that we really need to understand what intention means.
We need to come into the realization that the kind of intention that I am talking about here is mindful, conscious and energy imbued. It is mind, body and spirit all aligned. THAT is the powerful difference.
WE are coming from SOUL and balancing all the worlds, not ego and material, earthly-plane-only perspective.
To be grounded in this, makes it not about wishful thinking, but grounding a vision into your reality as a truth and a way, and being prepared to keep aligned and take the steps that are needed.
We need to come into the realization that the kind of intention that I am talking about here is mindful, conscious and energy imbued. It is mind, body and spirit all aligned. THAT is the powerful difference.
WE are coming from SOUL and balancing all the worlds, not ego and material, earthly-plane-only perspective.
To be grounded in this, makes it not about wishful thinking, but grounding a vision into your reality as a truth and a way, and being prepared to keep aligned and take the steps that are needed.
How do you Make Intentions in this New Way?

Whereas in ancient Babylon as well as Roman times, New Year resolutions were made to appease the gods, from our upgraded soul's perspective on this new time on earth, we are here to wipe away that old false paradigm and enter a higher, brighter space.
The new way of doing things is to get get back into basics rather than over complicating things. Simplicity is the way, as it is clear, spacious and free.
Find ways to come back to you, start the day with a self and soul routine and be in a sacred sense of inner and outer space so you can connect with God / Source and your soul and align with what is calling and right for you.
This way you can get in touch with what you truly feel in your heart while bridging out into the upper realms of inspiration and knowledge beyond our universe and make solid, grounded intentions from a space of expansive energy and the real inner you.
The new way of doing things is to get get back into basics rather than over complicating things. Simplicity is the way, as it is clear, spacious and free.
Find ways to come back to you, start the day with a self and soul routine and be in a sacred sense of inner and outer space so you can connect with God / Source and your soul and align with what is calling and right for you.
This way you can get in touch with what you truly feel in your heart while bridging out into the upper realms of inspiration and knowledge beyond our universe and make solid, grounded intentions from a space of expansive energy and the real inner you.
"From my perspective, when we have a clear and focused mind, balanced and aligned with grounded body, soul and higher spirit, it provides a clear landscape and energy space upon which dreams are born -and that is where intention and mindset are key factors in the mental and spiritual foundation of the vision you are birthing." - Natalia Kuna

Can you see and feel that difference?
It is clear intentions of doable dreams, aligned with balanced self, attuned purpose, focus and aligned action steps.
You keep your eye on the target and your body mind and soul in the lane. You surround your self with light around you, see the vision ahead through its own tunnel of light, and keep working towards it like a portal.
You make your intentions align with where you are now, with the vision of where you want to be, while maintaining a higher energy space. You can visually and conceptually see this plan not only on terms of a linear earth style timeline of progression with markers towards your goal, but also in a higher way that is a spiral upwards, towards your greater soul's evolution.
Welcome to the new world.
It is clear intentions of doable dreams, aligned with balanced self, attuned purpose, focus and aligned action steps.
You keep your eye on the target and your body mind and soul in the lane. You surround your self with light around you, see the vision ahead through its own tunnel of light, and keep working towards it like a portal.
You make your intentions align with where you are now, with the vision of where you want to be, while maintaining a higher energy space. You can visually and conceptually see this plan not only on terms of a linear earth style timeline of progression with markers towards your goal, but also in a higher way that is a spiral upwards, towards your greater soul's evolution.
Welcome to the new world.
"Write your dreams and intentions into a journal and breathe them into existence." - Natalia Kuna
Come Join me on the Journey
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