Lionsgate Cosmic Portal & Energy Shift
Lionsgate is a cosmic energy event that happens every year on August 8th. In this thorough article, discover: what Lionsgate is, how it connects with lion and Leo energy and the Syrius star system as well as Giza pyramids of Egypt. PLUS: the spiritual meaning, energy, benefits, symptoms, as well as intuitive advice, guidance and powerful meanings of number 8 energy.
What is Lionsgate?
"Lionsgate" is a cosmic occurrence that happens on August 8th (8/8) every year, though the time of impact and burst of energy is said to last for about 4-5 days, up till around August 12th, the whole time period can be referred to as the Syrius portal.
You will also most likely feel the energy building up before this period, starting at the opening on July 26th / late July.
Some refer to this as the Planetary New Year and a high symbol of rebirth, which is why its so important and impactful.
"Lionsgate" is a cosmic occurrence that happens on August 8th (8/8) every year, though the time of impact and burst of energy is said to last for about 4-5 days, up till around August 12th, the whole time period can be referred to as the Syrius portal.
You will also most likely feel the energy building up before this period, starting at the opening on July 26th / late July.
Some refer to this as the Planetary New Year and a high symbol of rebirth, which is why its so important and impactful.
The way in which you are impacted by Lionsgate energy will probably also be affected by whatever other world. cosmic energy and planetary alignments are happening at the time.
For example, in recent years there have been solar and lunar eclipses and retrogrades around July and August, all of which carry potent energy and influence. But the cosmos is an ever-changing landscape of influence. Read my article: 'What is Cosmic Energy & How Does it Affect Us'.
For example, in recent years there have been solar and lunar eclipses and retrogrades around July and August, all of which carry potent energy and influence. But the cosmos is an ever-changing landscape of influence. Read my article: 'What is Cosmic Energy & How Does it Affect Us'.
Why the Name 'Lionsgate'?
The 'lion' reference is born from the fact that Lionsgate happens at the time when the sun enters the constellation of Leo. The energy of the lion and related beings is said to be present on earth and influencing our psyche in powerful ways.
The 'gate' reference is linked to the notion of a cosmic gateway, otherwise known as a stargate, which is a powerful gateway portal of energy.
The 'gate' reference is linked to the notion of a cosmic gateway, otherwise known as a stargate, which is a powerful gateway portal of energy.
What Happens Cosmically During Lionsgate?
Over a period of about 4-5 days, to two weeks, a cosmic vortex opens up, bringing with it waves of powerful light that hit earth from the galactic centre. It is said that these intense light waves are super magnified by the sun and northern 'heliacal rising' of Syrius.
'Helicacal rising' means the annual rise of a star, star cluster or galaxy, when:
"it becomes visible above the eastern horizon for a moment before sunrise, after a period of less than a year when it had not been visible. Historically, the most important such rising is that of Sirius, which was an important feature of the Egyptian calendar and astronomical development. The rising of the Pleiades heralded the start of the Ancient Greek sailing season, using celestial navigation." (Source: Wikipedia)
'Helicacal rising' means the annual rise of a star, star cluster or galaxy, when:
"it becomes visible above the eastern horizon for a moment before sunrise, after a period of less than a year when it had not been visible. Historically, the most important such rising is that of Sirius, which was an important feature of the Egyptian calendar and astronomical development. The rising of the Pleiades heralded the start of the Ancient Greek sailing season, using celestial navigation." (Source: Wikipedia)
Powerful Galactical Alignment
Lionsgate is a celestial and physical alignment between earth and cosmic, galactical bodies.
At the peak of Lionsgate on 8/8, earth directly lines up with the the galactic center, the planet Syrius, and Orion's Belt. On earth, the alignment happens exactly in the location of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
There is a massive energy portal that opens up, a vortex from the star system Syrius. It is a kind of cosmic/celestial convergence that allows a huge wave of light from the galactic centre to come down to us on earth. The galactic centre is considered a highly charged energy point & the middle point of our solar system, and the spiritual heart of our universe.
At the peak of Lionsgate on 8/8, earth directly lines up with the the galactic center, the planet Syrius, and Orion's Belt. On earth, the alignment happens exactly in the location of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
There is a massive energy portal that opens up, a vortex from the star system Syrius. It is a kind of cosmic/celestial convergence that allows a huge wave of light from the galactic centre to come down to us on earth. The galactic centre is considered a highly charged energy point & the middle point of our solar system, and the spiritual heart of our universe.
The Great Central Sun
When this portal opens up, it will offer a great surge of energy. The Great Central Sun will be extra energized and powerful, and radiate super light waves and high energy codes to raise our love and light vibrations.
The combination of such powerful light from both the warm, nourishing, sun and the energy strong Sirius star system (and keeping in mind that Syrius is known as the Spiritual Sun), means that both celestial bodies will unite to create a massive influx of light and energy.
The combination of such powerful light from both the warm, nourishing, sun and the energy strong Sirius star system (and keeping in mind that Syrius is known as the Spiritual Sun), means that both celestial bodies will unite to create a massive influx of light and energy.
A Rise in Sun & Fire Energy
The activation of the sun brings in amplified sun energy which is intensified also by the fire energy that is harnessed from Leo, being a fire star sign.
This is also why we've seen a lot of literal fires happening in the world in recent times.In 2017 for example, there were a lot of literal physical fires happening in the world leading up to this time, whether natural or manmade.
For example the Grenfell Tower fire in London in June 2017, and massive forest fires in Spain, Canada elsewhere. In July 2018 close to Lionsgate, there were major fires in Greece and California for example.
It would be interesting to note if there are intensified solar flares during this period also, which is another energy factor or influence to humans, providing a host of symptoms.
While fire is a wild and destructive force, it also is an agent of change, regeneration, transmutation and transformation. Fire energy is also about action, passion and the eager reawakening of power, a major Lionsgate theme. Fire promotes rebirth. Through its powerful transmutative process, it allows something new, pure and even stronger to arise, like the phoenix rising from the ashes. So it is like an upgrade.
The Significance of Syrius
Syrius is known as the brightest star in our night sky, bigger and brighter even than the sun. In fact it is dubbed our 'Spiritual Sun,' as it contains much Divine wisdom. Syrius is said to have a powerful energy as a planetary body that brings powerful high vibrations.
It is a planet that has an illuminated power, and is very connected to earth since ancient times. It forges a cosmic connection to awaken our souls as is also said to be filled with light beings who guide us especially at this time.
On a spiritual level, Syrius plays a cosmic role in helping us with our evolution, and in receiving exponential bursts of high frequency energy that activates, illuminates and expands our consciousness in our individual and collective awakening process. At the time of year of Lionsgate, the link between the two worlds is strongest, and something to be revered.
It is a planet that has an illuminated power, and is very connected to earth since ancient times. It forges a cosmic connection to awaken our souls as is also said to be filled with light beings who guide us especially at this time.
On a spiritual level, Syrius plays a cosmic role in helping us with our evolution, and in receiving exponential bursts of high frequency energy that activates, illuminates and expands our consciousness in our individual and collective awakening process. At the time of year of Lionsgate, the link between the two worlds is strongest, and something to be revered.
Powerful Portal, Energy Waves & Light Codes
Some believe that this boost of energy directly from Syrius activates new 'light codes' - from the star beings there.
These powerful, divinely orchestrated energy waves are said to contain mega light codes to help us with our personal and collective evolution.
It is like an access point, opening a powerful doorway of knowledge, wisdom and high energy.
Link Between the Syrius, & Giza Pyramids in Egypt
The Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx act as a powerful anchoring point, enabling all the high energies to be transmitted onto earth's grid.
The ancient Egyptians and Mayans both considered this astrological time like a planetary new year where a window and influx of light was being provided.
Both of these sacred cultures carry ancient star wisdom and knowledge about Atlantis and creation history. In fact knowledge from ancient Atlantis and Lemuria refer to the star Syrius rising in the sky, which also is said to mark the tie when the gods, such as Osiris and Isis were born.
The ancient Egyptians and Mayans both considered this astrological time like a planetary new year where a window and influx of light was being provided.
Both of these sacred cultures carry ancient star wisdom and knowledge about Atlantis and creation history. In fact knowledge from ancient Atlantis and Lemuria refer to the star Syrius rising in the sky, which also is said to mark the tie when the gods, such as Osiris and Isis were born.
The Egyptians have known very well the significance of this galactical alignment since ancient times, and this sacred knowledge was used in the architectural structure and positioning of the pyramids.
This was also the time the River Nile would rise to its upmost level, providing great abundance and fertility. The light of Syrius was acknowledged for its part in helping crops flourish so abundantly. The physical flooding was also said to represent spiritual cleansing and purification.
This was also the time the River Nile would rise to its upmost level, providing great abundance and fertility. The light of Syrius was acknowledged for its part in helping crops flourish so abundantly. The physical flooding was also said to represent spiritual cleansing and purification.
Syrius the Dog Star & the Dog Days of August in Egypt
In ancient times, August was a super hot time in Egypt, nicknamed "Dog Days," and you will see in ancient cultural iconography images of sleeping dogs which are said to represent the fact that it was so hot at this time that dogs just lie about sleeping lazily like cats.
The actual deeper meaning of the dog symbology is that the dog is linked to the fact that Syrius has been coined the Dog Star, otherwise also known as the Blue Star. |
In terms of the powerful light energy streaming in during this time, it is believed that the Giza Pyramid complex would receive the energy and then act as a kind of anchor point, allowing for ultimate transmission of this energy out to the earth via earth's grids.
In this way Giza acts as a kind of divine, sacred anchor and medium point to best facilitate the light codes streaming in.
In this way Giza acts as a kind of divine, sacred anchor and medium point to best facilitate the light codes streaming in.
Celia Fenn says that for some time the Giza Stargate was deliberately closed and because of that, earth was not assimilating the light frequencies very well, thusly affecting and slowing down earth's evolution.
The idea is that now, due to earth's profound awakening this millenium, and the rising of its and our consciousness, this stargate has re-opened and re-established its role of acting as a power place between the lower earthly physical world and the higher cosmic / celestial realms - this way the powerful energy is illuminated and spread out rather than distorted and squelched.
The idea is that now, due to earth's profound awakening this millenium, and the rising of its and our consciousness, this stargate has re-opened and re-established its role of acting as a power place between the lower earthly physical world and the higher cosmic / celestial realms - this way the powerful energy is illuminated and spread out rather than distorted and squelched.
"The Sirians assisted in the establishment of the Ancient Egyptian civilization after the Atlantis trauma had destroyed all previous civilizations. The Egyptian civilization carried the “Star Wisdom” and “Creation History” of the Elohim, which was transmitted to the Earth by the Sirian Wisdom Keepers. In Ancient Egypt the Sirians were the Mediators between the Galactic Council at the Central Sun and the people of Earth." - Celia Fenn |
Syrian Star Beings & Cat People / the Feline Race
Some say that there are beings of a higher dimension that reside in the Syrius star system. I have also heard of 'feline' beings, which are said to be tall, feline-like beings.
Many people will attest that their cat pets are psychic, and that animals are intuitive, sentient or even wise in some cases beings - so its not that much of a stretch to imagine that there is a higher consciousness associated with lion and cat energy.
Many people will attest that their cat pets are psychic, and that animals are intuitive, sentient or even wise in some cases beings - so its not that much of a stretch to imagine that there is a higher consciousness associated with lion and cat energy.
Lion Energy & Archetype
The lion is known to be a powerful animal of great significance. They carry many qualities which can greatly empower and guide us.
Lions are strong, powerful and have a commanding, royal presence. Lions are known to be fierce creatures, but also are associated with courage and the heart. This brings to mind the lion character in "The Wizard of Oz," as well a s the powerful movie "Lion" and the associated "Lionheart" charity movement.
Lion energy as well as the star sign Leo is about asserting yourself and developing your inner and outer power and spiritual prowess. It calls you to rise above, have good self esteem, be strong and stand up for your convictions. The wisdom of the lion lies in listening to your heart and being calm and wise before taking action. It calls you to go into your heart to access your more instinctual intuition and this will greatly aid in any decision making.
Lions are strong, powerful and have a commanding, royal presence. Lions are known to be fierce creatures, but also are associated with courage and the heart. This brings to mind the lion character in "The Wizard of Oz," as well a s the powerful movie "Lion" and the associated "Lionheart" charity movement.
Lion energy as well as the star sign Leo is about asserting yourself and developing your inner and outer power and spiritual prowess. It calls you to rise above, have good self esteem, be strong and stand up for your convictions. The wisdom of the lion lies in listening to your heart and being calm and wise before taking action. It calls you to go into your heart to access your more instinctual intuition and this will greatly aid in any decision making.
Seeing Lion, Cat or Other Signs
Leading up to Lionsgate, it is common to see lion signs or images or even in your dreams.
You might also see any other related signs such as cats in general, other cat family animals, or anything to do with the sun, Egypt, pyramids or the colours yellow or gold.
Once while making a You Tube video on Lionsgate energy at that time I was driving and pulled over. I looked out the window and saw that I had parked right in front of a house with a lion statue guarding it! Another year I saw bright yellow daffodils during this period, and knew intuitively it was a sign.
This is, especially the case for for intuitive, sensitive and awakening people.
You might also see any other related signs such as cats in general, other cat family animals, or anything to do with the sun, Egypt, pyramids or the colours yellow or gold.
Once while making a You Tube video on Lionsgate energy at that time I was driving and pulled over. I looked out the window and saw that I had parked right in front of a house with a lion statue guarding it! Another year I saw bright yellow daffodils during this period, and knew intuitively it was a sign.
This is, especially the case for for intuitive, sensitive and awakening people.
This is because you are being open to the upcoming energies and the universe is giving your signs to notice, trying to get your attention, to be aware of the giant shifts taking place and get you in sync with the energy.
You may notice them or take in information on a soul level or with your sub conscious mind. Spirit will be working overtime trying to get signs, synchronicity, insight and information to you.
During this time much synchronicity and magic is happening, so be sure to be open to messages and tap into the cosmic energy.
You may notice them or take in information on a soul level or with your sub conscious mind. Spirit will be working overtime trying to get signs, synchronicity, insight and information to you.
During this time much synchronicity and magic is happening, so be sure to be open to messages and tap into the cosmic energy.
The Significance of the Numbers 8, 88 & 888
What is interesting about Lionsgate is that it is the 8th day of the 8 month, when we have Leo, the 8th sign of the zodiac. Thus it is often referred to as 8/8. This means that you have double impact and presence of the powerful 8 energy.
Also, if you are an 8 person (such as you were born on an 8 day, have 8 somewhere in your birth chart, or it is your life path number in numerology or just your lucky number), or if you happen to be a Leo, fire sign or someone whom power is important (or you are disempowered), expect major change, transformation and illumination.
On top of this, when we are in an 8 Universal year numerologically, such as in 2013 (2+0+1+3=8), we refer to it as 8/8/8 (888).
This is also the case when the Lionsgate date ( 8/8+year ) as a whole numerological formula adds or breaks down to the single digit of 8 (such as in 2017 - 8 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 7 = 26 --> 2 + 6 = 8), then we refer to the cosmic phenomenon as 8/8/8 (888).
This brings an even stronger, triple magnification of the 8 vibration.
This is also the case when the Lionsgate date ( 8/8+year ) as a whole numerological formula adds or breaks down to the single digit of 8 (such as in 2017 - 8 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 7 = 26 --> 2 + 6 = 8), then we refer to the cosmic phenomenon as 8/8/8 (888).
This brings an even stronger, triple magnification of the 8 vibration.
Higher Meaning of the Number 8
8 as a number represents power, strength, infinity, wisdom, luck and balance, It is also about divine connection, awareness and rebirth.
However, where there is light, there is dark. 8 is also about balance and we must remember there is a negative flipside. There will probably be negative events and distractions - disasters, possibly earthquakes etc, chaos, conflict - try your best to overcome them by rising above and staying in the light.
Think of it also like this: the darkness wants us to be in fear and distracted because they know that we are in a fresh new cycle where we can manifest positive change, being that this is a 1 year collectively. They also are trying their darndest to stop, hinder or side-track people from awakening.
However, where there is light, there is dark. 8 is also about balance and we must remember there is a negative flipside. There will probably be negative events and distractions - disasters, possibly earthquakes etc, chaos, conflict - try your best to overcome them by rising above and staying in the light.
Think of it also like this: the darkness wants us to be in fear and distracted because they know that we are in a fresh new cycle where we can manifest positive change, being that this is a 1 year collectively. They also are trying their darndest to stop, hinder or side-track people from awakening.
The Number 8 as Infinity Symbol and Link to DNA
The number 8 sideways signifies the powerful infinity symbol. You can see it also depicted in the halo of the woman in the Strength major arcana card of tarot further below.
Notably the 8 is about balance and perpetually moving energy, with its equal two sides and endless looping.
The notion of the crossing over of lines at the apex central point of the figure represents zero point.
Notably the 8 is about balance and perpetually moving energy, with its equal two sides and endless looping.
The notion of the crossing over of lines at the apex central point of the figure represents zero point.
On top of this, the shape of the number 8 reminds us of the DNA spiral. It contains the same geometric configuration / structure.
On a higher level, when there are powerful energy surges, waves and shifts with powerful light codes and frequencies, they can act as initiatory passageways that somehow hook into and influence us at a core level, right down to our DNA.
On a higher level, when there are powerful energy surges, waves and shifts with powerful light codes and frequencies, they can act as initiatory passageways that somehow hook into and influence us at a core level, right down to our DNA.
When it comes to our DNA as storehouses of information and coding, we need to be reminded of how we are connected with our ancestors and star companions.
This is why this is a powerful time to pay your respects and be open to communication and connection with your ancestors in spirit, as well as the greater cosmos, just like our ancient forebears did. For this is a time of unity, heightened consciousness, vibratory activation, spiritual growth and wider expansion.
This is why this is a powerful time to pay your respects and be open to communication and connection with your ancestors in spirit, as well as the greater cosmos, just like our ancient forebears did. For this is a time of unity, heightened consciousness, vibratory activation, spiritual growth and wider expansion.
The 8th Major Arcana Card of the Tarot
The lion is ruled by and connected to the Sun.
The number 8, as well as the notion of the lion as a symbol of power and strength, is depicted in the 8 card of the major arcana in tarot. Notice the infinity sign also above the female's crown chakra - the power energy center which connects humans to the Divine. It also more likely represents the 8th chakra, known as the soul star chakra, just above the head, which represents Divine love. |
Seeing Number Sign
It is common for awakening and sensitive / intuitive people to see numbers signs leading up to cosmic events like Lionsgate. You might start to notice numbers like 88 as a direct reference to Lionsgate.
I often see 55/555, which means that you are about to undergo a colossal energy shift or major change and transformation. It might feel like a roller coaster ride. It really befits the energy.
You might see other angel numbers such as 444 (the angels and archangels are with you, or 11:11 (read about that here). In 2017, I saw 11:11, 2:22 and 55 or 555 as well as other numbers repetitively several weeks beforehand. In 2018 I especially saw 444 and 55/555. Read more about the spiritual meaning of triple numbers here.
I often see 55/555, which means that you are about to undergo a colossal energy shift or major change and transformation. It might feel like a roller coaster ride. It really befits the energy.
You might see other angel numbers such as 444 (the angels and archangels are with you, or 11:11 (read about that here). In 2017, I saw 11:11, 2:22 and 55 or 555 as well as other numbers repetitively several weeks beforehand. In 2018 I especially saw 444 and 55/555. Read more about the spiritual meaning of triple numbers here.
The Gifts of Lionsgate Energy & the Effects on You
Lionsgate is about bring us into self awareness and transmuting old fears. It is about the development of inner strength and your own self fortitude, by becoming empowered and enlivened. It is about coming into your own truth, your true soul essence.
It reminds us of our divinity and full spiritual potential, and helps you re-awaken your cosmic connection & sense of eternal, soul level sovereignty.
"The lion, as stoic King of the Jungle symbol, augurs us to stand in our power, under the wings and in the light of the Divine, so that we can embody and charge up our innate power more fully." - Natalia Kuna
What You Might Experience
High Energy Expansion
This powerful cosmic event will offer a major, powerful BURST, SHIFT and ACCELERATION of high frequency energy and catapult for change. At its peak, it offers a surge.
The light new light codes that come in for the year ahead help raise the consciousness of the planet. We will receive huge 'downloads' and activations of extremely high frequency energy which will assist, enlarge and enhance our spiritual awakening, and super charge our awareness.
This powerful cosmic event will offer a major, powerful BURST, SHIFT and ACCELERATION of high frequency energy and catapult for change. At its peak, it offers a surge.
The light new light codes that come in for the year ahead help raise the consciousness of the planet. We will receive huge 'downloads' and activations of extremely high frequency energy which will assist, enlarge and enhance our spiritual awakening, and super charge our awareness.
Be open to tuning into, feeling and receiving this great surge and expansion of high energy.
If you are aware of energy and quite sensitive or intuitive, anyone who is aware that they and the planet are rising in consciousness will also have an awareness on some level of the high energy coming through a cosmic energy portal that happens
There are common themes leading up to the LIONSGATE cosmic event that you will probably go through.
During this time, I have intuitively felt, with the confirmation of the angels, that our spiritual guides and higher beings of light are not just looking down on us, but also wanting us to pay attention. They are transmitting messages, light frequencies and guidance.
You will have a stronger connection with your guides and own internal wisdom system.
It is a powerful time to be reminded of our Divine connection with the cosmos, universe and higher realms and come back to our Higher Selves and the wisdom within us. It is like there is a thinner veil between dimensions, frequencies and realities, an energy position that we should definitely make the most of.
You will have a stronger connection with your guides and own internal wisdom system.
It is a powerful time to be reminded of our Divine connection with the cosmos, universe and higher realms and come back to our Higher Selves and the wisdom within us. It is like there is a thinner veil between dimensions, frequencies and realities, an energy position that we should definitely make the most of.
This high energy period is especially felt by anyone who is energy sensitive, intuitive, psychic or that identifies with being an earth angel, old soul, seeker, indigo, crystal or rainbow child/adult or star seed.
It is a powerful time for waking up (spiritually awakening) on many levels and at rapidly and powerfully higher rates, levels and frequencies, as well as receive further, deeper insight and information about your divine life purpose and mission.
You will also likely feel more inspired and creative - its a wonderful time to express yourself spiritually and creatively. The whole theme of power also reminds us that we have all the power and might within us and that we can call for action with our willpower, intention, high creativity and connection.
It is a powerful time for waking up (spiritually awakening) on many levels and at rapidly and powerfully higher rates, levels and frequencies, as well as receive further, deeper insight and information about your divine life purpose and mission.
You will also likely feel more inspired and creative - its a wonderful time to express yourself spiritually and creatively. The whole theme of power also reminds us that we have all the power and might within us and that we can call for action with our willpower, intention, high creativity and connection.
You will find that your intuition is heightened and if you are psychic, your clairs, that is your psychic pathways, are open at extremely powerful levels.
Your third eye chakra and pineal gland will be significantly open and buzzing. You will receive visual and information downloads in your wakeful state as well as night time landscape through dreams.
You might also hear buzzing, humming, ringing or high frequency sounds through your ears. Your clairaudience will be ultra sharp and greatly elevated.
Read Ringing in Ears Spiritual Meaning of this Awakening Symptom article here.
Your third eye chakra and pineal gland will be significantly open and buzzing. You will receive visual and information downloads in your wakeful state as well as night time landscape through dreams.
You might also hear buzzing, humming, ringing or high frequency sounds through your ears. Your clairaudience will be ultra sharp and greatly elevated.
Read Ringing in Ears Spiritual Meaning of this Awakening Symptom article here.
Lionsgate Symptoms - What Other Symptoms Might You Experience?
Lionsgate symptoms are similar to Awakening / Ascension Symptoms and what you might feel during major planetary movements such as super moons, eclipses and retrogrades, but it might feel a bit different too.
You may be going through some releasing symptoms (emotions, past memories / issues / traumas clearing), a feeling of intensity, or major life changes or defeat as you clear your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. You also might feel like you are struggling, as lower energy might be trying to bring you down, as they know in advance that the light is coming and don't want you to access the higher energy and reach your full potential.
Read '30+ Awakening & Ascension Symptoms' Article here
There may be intense news items as the 3D world of chaos and illusion continues to disintegrate and change. You will feel like there are breakdowns or breakthroughs, or that things are about to burst.
There will be more truth and transparency with the evil goings on in the world and realizations about the hidden hand and enslaving structures and altered reality. Outside of that, some common themes leading up to the LIONSGATE cosmic event that you might have felt are: |
What Can You do to Help Yourself During Lionsgate?
Just like depicted in the Strength Tarot card, you will have to harness courage, strength and bravery and look right into the lion's mouth. By doing so, you will tame the animal and by doing so instill calm power that overrides fear and chaos.
Lions are strong, solid and grounded to earth. They hold and anchor their place, position and space through their powerful, commanding presence.
So follow their example. Be sure to look after your energy body by performing daily grounding, clearing and protection. Clear your chakras and particularly focus on your solar plexus.
Know that on some level you are being prepared and activated (even if on a very subconscious level to begin with), to act as a sign post and messenger for others around you in their own awakening / awareness process, and to nurture, ground and balance them through (as well as yourself) this time of change.
Welcome in this fire energy and allow it to do what it needs to do in order for the transformation to take place. Release, open up and rise above. You will be more of an open vessel if you don't hold on to things but rather let them go and allow them to process and transmute.
Here is a list of some things you can do to assist you during this period:
Welcome in this fire energy and allow it to do what it needs to do in order for the transformation to take place. Release, open up and rise above. You will be more of an open vessel if you don't hold on to things but rather let them go and allow them to process and transmute.
Here is a list of some things you can do to assist you during this period:
Information About the Chakras at this Time
There are three chakras that stand out to me that are activated during the Lionsgate period, or that benefit from clearing, opening, expanding, being aware of and developing. They are:
Opening your third eye will help you receive insight, messages and heightened your visual power.
The influx of sun energy and theme of power, gut instinct courage and self esteem signifies that you will want your sunny yellow solar plexus chakra (in your stomach area) to be clear, sunny, open, balanced and in optimum condition to receive high energy and light.
So work on clearing away darkness and toxic energy from your navel area. Allow yourself to be strengthened and empowered, as well as confident and aligned. you will find that this chakra is being worked on during this period. So it helps to be conscious of what issues are coming up in this area.
A sign that I saw leading up to 2018's Lionsgate was a bright, yellow bunch of daffidols in a shop I walked by. They stood out to me so much, and I couldn't help notice the vividness of the colour yellow. I knew it was a sign, but but didn't quite sink in as a connection to Lionsgate until a few days later.
The influx of sun energy and theme of power, gut instinct courage and self esteem signifies that you will want your sunny yellow solar plexus chakra (in your stomach area) to be clear, sunny, open, balanced and in optimum condition to receive high energy and light.
So work on clearing away darkness and toxic energy from your navel area. Allow yourself to be strengthened and empowered, as well as confident and aligned. you will find that this chakra is being worked on during this period. So it helps to be conscious of what issues are coming up in this area.
A sign that I saw leading up to 2018's Lionsgate was a bright, yellow bunch of daffidols in a shop I walked by. They stood out to me so much, and I couldn't help notice the vividness of the colour yellow. I knew it was a sign, but but didn't quite sink in as a connection to Lionsgate until a few days later.
To aid in your spiritual connection with the upper realms, the stars, your soul and higher consciousness, visualize your soul star chakra (which is your 8th above your crown chakra/head), as bringing through the strong, clear, powerful, Lionsgate light and sacred sun energy through your crown and down, into your heart.
You can imagine this flame opening, expanding, absorbing, integrating into your light body.
You can imagine this flame opening, expanding, absorbing, integrating into your light body.
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