Quantum Jumping: Consciously Changing Your Reality
Introduction to Quantum JumpingSome spiritual adepts & dimension explorers are intentionally willing themselves into different realities – this is where the power of our mind can ideally take us, and is a process that some call ‘quantum jumping’.
Quantum jumping is like adjusting your focus and belief and leaping into another reality in order to create a different version of your reality or achieve a desired goal. It's like jumping into an etheric wormhole of possibilities. |
Understanding that we can Consciously Change Our Reality
Once we realize that we live in a multiverse of multiple parallel universes, we can really play around with the concept consciously. This is possible when you realize that you can indeed shift your time-space reality.
We can actually use this knowledge in order to change, shift, adjust or better our own 'reality.'
In this time period of awakening and raising of consciousness, we are learning to come into our own sense of power. We can enter and attune to a higher timeline that improves our reality and shifts us up a higher level.
We can actually use this knowledge in order to change, shift, adjust or better our own 'reality.'
In this time period of awakening and raising of consciousness, we are learning to come into our own sense of power. We can enter and attune to a higher timeline that improves our reality and shifts us up a higher level.
A Shift in Conscious Awareness
Theories out there suggest that you can essentially move between parallel worlds of alternate realities, and often the most dominant one merges and becomes the one you are in now.
This requires aligning and shifting your consciousness in a focused manner and creating a higher or alternative reality. Your 'awareness' of you as yourself will magically coalesce with the new, or stronger alternate reality.
This requires aligning and shifting your consciousness in a focused manner and creating a higher or alternative reality. Your 'awareness' of you as yourself will magically coalesce with the new, or stronger alternate reality.
Splitting Off into Different Timelines
Are you Shifting Realities? Noticing Glitches in the Matrix
Often parallel worlds can seem the same or similar and the shifts are subtle, but you may notice small differences or idiosyncrasies such as items being in a different place or slight changes such as houses down your street suddenly appearing different. It is also a great way to explain the phenomenon of the Mandela Effect, where masses of people remember reality being one way, but suddenly that has changed and other groups of people remember it differently, or when you look at it now, all media or objects shows it as otherwise.
Intuitive and energetically sensitive people can especially notice these subtle shifts. You might brush them off as being forgetful, making excuses or going a bit crazy, but if you trust your senses, ground yourself, keep your awareness open and give a bit of time for recalibration, then you will see this manifest into form.
Intuitive and energetically sensitive people can especially notice these subtle shifts. You might brush them off as being forgetful, making excuses or going a bit crazy, but if you trust your senses, ground yourself, keep your awareness open and give a bit of time for recalibration, then you will see this manifest into form.
How Can You Change Your Reality?
What if you could consciously will yourself and gain access to a higher dimension or reality of yourself? I believe it is possible to do so by using your mind, energy and conscious awareness. I have consciously done this myself.
If you meditate or just be super energy aware, visualize and shift your vibration, you can also shift your reality.
I do believe in the infinite possibilities here, as well as the power of the mind, as I have seen evidence of it in my own life. I have seen changes in my own reality when I have willed myself into it, especially if I have cleared my energy first, done the shadow work on myself, come more into in alignment with my 'Higher Self,' stepped into a heightened sense of intuition and be-ing, attained a state of 'oneness', and consciously raised my vibration to a higher level. You really do need to work on yourself first.
If you meditate or just be super energy aware, visualize and shift your vibration, you can also shift your reality.
I do believe in the infinite possibilities here, as well as the power of the mind, as I have seen evidence of it in my own life. I have seen changes in my own reality when I have willed myself into it, especially if I have cleared my energy first, done the shadow work on myself, come more into in alignment with my 'Higher Self,' stepped into a heightened sense of intuition and be-ing, attained a state of 'oneness', and consciously raised my vibration to a higher level. You really do need to work on yourself first.
A Visualization Technique to Quantum Jump & Manifest a New Reality
Now some people meditate and visualize with the specific intention to quantum jump. You can give it a try yourself.
Sit, relax and clear your head.
Now do whatever techniques you know that help you enter 'alpha state', that bring you into a higher state of awareness.
Imagine you are entering a portal, wormhole or doorway into another world. Some might visualize this as a bridge between realities.
Imagine jumping or entering into an alternative reality, achieving whatever goals or state of being or life changes you wish for in your life, and / or accessing the higher wisdom, skills and attributes of this alternative 'you.'
Come back to your physical body and awareness and ground yourself.
Then watch as your current reality transforms into the one you have 'imagined' - or brought into your reality. This can more effectively be achieved if you remain in a heightened state - it's like your world turns insight out and you magically enter the new reality of your creation. Don't underestimate the power of our minds and focused intention!
The idea of quantum jumping is that you are not just picturing this alternative reality but actually becoming it and entering it so that it becomes your own - and all of a sudden you are there!
Written by Natalia Kuna, copyright 2016
Natalia Kuna is a psychic medium, spiritual consultant, angel communicator, energy healer, writer, author, course facilitator.
Sit, relax and clear your head.
Now do whatever techniques you know that help you enter 'alpha state', that bring you into a higher state of awareness.
Imagine you are entering a portal, wormhole or doorway into another world. Some might visualize this as a bridge between realities.
Imagine jumping or entering into an alternative reality, achieving whatever goals or state of being or life changes you wish for in your life, and / or accessing the higher wisdom, skills and attributes of this alternative 'you.'
Come back to your physical body and awareness and ground yourself.
Then watch as your current reality transforms into the one you have 'imagined' - or brought into your reality. This can more effectively be achieved if you remain in a heightened state - it's like your world turns insight out and you magically enter the new reality of your creation. Don't underestimate the power of our minds and focused intention!
The idea of quantum jumping is that you are not just picturing this alternative reality but actually becoming it and entering it so that it becomes your own - and all of a sudden you are there!
Written by Natalia Kuna, copyright 2016
Natalia Kuna is a psychic medium, spiritual consultant, angel communicator, energy healer, writer, author, course facilitator.