The Universal Law of Gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes." — The Kybalion.

Everything in our universe, all creation and manifestation has sacred feminine or masculine principles. This includes people, things (right down to atoms) and also situations. The Yin and yang symbol reminds us of this truth. This is the truth for all creation. We all have inner feminine and masculine energies within us and also express them outwardly. In order to master yourself and your life, it is advised to seek a natural balance between these two energies.

Creation (whether human or other matter) necessitates a bonding of female and male energies. The core of the creation of all matter, right down to the atoms, electrons, protons and ions, constitute the principle of gender. Gender assists in generating manifestation. Hence the actual term ‘gender’ derives from the Latin root ‘generare’ which means to produce, create or generate.
“The attraction of feminine electrons and masculine protons creates atoms.
When the feminine electron unites with a masculine proton, the creative process begins. Feminine particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of masculine energy, and circle rapidly around the latter. The result is the birth of a new atom composed of a union of the masculine protons and feminine electrons. However when the union is formed, the atom is a separate thing having certain properties.
“The attraction of feminine electrons and masculine protons creates atoms.
When the feminine electron unites with a masculine proton, the creative process begins. Feminine particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of masculine energy, and circle rapidly around the latter. The result is the birth of a new atom composed of a union of the masculine protons and feminine electrons. However when the union is formed, the atom is a separate thing having certain properties.

Electrons and protons are the most active workers in nature’s field. Their unions create light, heat, electricity, magnetism, attraction, repulsion, chemical affinity, and similar phenomena. All this arises from the Principle of Gender on the plane of energy.
The masculine principle seems to direct energy toward the feminine principle, which starts the creative process. The feminine principle always does the creative work on all planes.
Everything in the organic world manifests both genders. The masculine is always present in the feminine form, and the feminine present in the masculine form. Gender is in constant operation and manifestation in the field of inorganic matter and energy.” (The Three Initiates explanation of the Kybalion, in Doreen Virtue’s “Divine Magic”, p.88)
The masculine principle seems to direct energy toward the feminine principle, which starts the creative process. The feminine principle always does the creative work on all planes.
Everything in the organic world manifests both genders. The masculine is always present in the feminine form, and the feminine present in the masculine form. Gender is in constant operation and manifestation in the field of inorganic matter and energy.” (The Three Initiates explanation of the Kybalion, in Doreen Virtue’s “Divine Magic”, p.88)
Another example of the principle of gender in operation is gravity, which attracting of masculine and feminine energies.
Feminine Energy

Divine Feminine energy is very giving, receptive, passive and inwards flowing. It is also creative, empathic, compassionate, collaborative and intuitive right-brained thinking. In terms of electromagnetism, feminine energy is the electrical side. It would represent the minus sign on a battery, or the negative on the poll of electricity (otherwise called the ‘cathode’ by science).
Feminine energy is the personality, emotions and the unconscious mind. It is the ‘me,’ the ‘Self’ in ‘I Am’.
Feminine energy is the personality, emotions and the unconscious mind. It is the ‘me,’ the ‘Self’ in ‘I Am’.
Masculine Energy

Divine Masculine energy is very taking, action oriented and outwards flowing,
In terms of electromagnetism, it would represent the magnetic side, and the plus sign on a battery or the positive on the poll of electricity.
Masculine energy is the power of will, determination and the conscious mind. It is intelligent, logical, rational and linear left-brained thinking, the ‘I’ in ‘I Am’.
In terms of electromagnetism, it would represent the magnetic side, and the plus sign on a battery or the positive on the poll of electricity.
Masculine energy is the power of will, determination and the conscious mind. It is intelligent, logical, rational and linear left-brained thinking, the ‘I’ in ‘I Am’.
“Protons give an atom its identity, electrons its personality.” ~ Bill Bryson
Balance Between the Two

We see both of these two energies operating within ourselves and in our everyday lives. For example, the feminine principle can be seen when our spiritual awareness helps us conceive of an idea, or when we unleash our creativity, and the masculine principle is seen when we analyse data, think with a mind of rational math and science and put ideas into action.
Feminine energy can be seen when you are being rocked by emotion, and pulled up and down with the tides, whereas masculine energy is in action when you use your will to override it.
We can get out of balance and become too masculine or feminine, and this can also cause blocks or psychological grievances in our lives. The ideal key to personal and spiritual growth is to work on finding balance and harmony between the two. This can be done by examining the qualities of both and how they function in your life, seeing which one you might have more pre-dominant tendencies of, and then work on healing the one out of balance and ultimately finding a healthy equilibrium between the two.
So Take a Self Inventory: Are you more for the most part in your feminine or masculine energy? What needs to be healed or resolved? What qualities of the other gender are you needing more of in your life, and why?
Feminine energy can be seen when you are being rocked by emotion, and pulled up and down with the tides, whereas masculine energy is in action when you use your will to override it.
We can get out of balance and become too masculine or feminine, and this can also cause blocks or psychological grievances in our lives. The ideal key to personal and spiritual growth is to work on finding balance and harmony between the two. This can be done by examining the qualities of both and how they function in your life, seeing which one you might have more pre-dominant tendencies of, and then work on healing the one out of balance and ultimately finding a healthy equilibrium between the two.
So Take a Self Inventory: Are you more for the most part in your feminine or masculine energy? What needs to be healed or resolved? What qualities of the other gender are you needing more of in your life, and why?
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