Energy, Frequency, Vibration“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla Everything is EnergySo we've heard that everything is energy. Everything, from an apple or an airplane, to a man or a tiger, and all the space in between is energy. Scientists have discovered this by breaking matter right down to the sub atomic level.
Energy is all about vibration and frequency. Let's have a deeper look at this below. |
What is Vibration?
"As is understood, Life - God - in its essence is Vibration." - Reading 281-4, Edgar Cayce
And since we are made in the image and likeness of God, we too in our essence are vibration.
The principles of vibration when it comes to energy, is that everything moves and vibrates at a different rate, including the three planes of existence, which include the mental, physical and spiritual planes.
Sounds and colours also vibrate and everything has a sound (even though it might not be audible to the human ear). Interestingly, warmer colours are denser and vibrate at a slower rate, and more higher vibrating colours are that of purple and violet - which have been known for eons of time to be highly spiritual colours. |
We are all energy and vibrate. Everything has a vibration, and everyone vibrates at a different level of frequency.
That's where we get the word 'vibe' from. How many times have you heard people say things like:
'I get bad vibes from him,'
'That guy gives me the 'creeps,'
'This house has a great vibe!' or:
'That hallway gives me the heeby jeebies!'
Many times, we haven't quite realized just how literal we are being! Everything has a vibe! From your sofa to your soda, your man or his van, from a spanner to a cocker spaniel, and from Planet Jupiter to the Jupiter Casino! EVERYTHING has a vibrational frequency, and we can learn to tap in and get information, or, it's energy can affect us! It changes all the time, but it is important to know that we can have some control over it.
What is Frequency
It is important to note that different things vibrate at different frequencies.
You can think of frequencies as levels of energy, from high to low. I like to analogize it with light bulbs which can be low amp voltage (low frequency) to high amp (high frequency). The more higher in amplitude, the higher the frequency. High frequency energy feels electric, powerful and exhilerating, like the thrill and adrenaline of a roller coaster, or quite literally being on a high. |
Positive & Negative Energy in Terms of Vibration & Frequency
When we talk about energy spiritually, you can say that there is a spectrum. There is 'negative' energy', which is dense and vibrates slowly, then there is 'positive energy', which is lighter and vibrates, or spins faster.
All 'matter' is energy that is condensed into a slow vibration. Lower energy (such as a dark, heavy, toxic place; a negative, angry person; or a negative being) is dense and vibrates at a slower speed, and higher energy (such as a person who has high energy, meditates and is in tune; or an angel or higher being of light), vibrates at a faster speed. This explains why you might feel an aura of thickness, or a sickness in your stomach around a creepy or angry person; and why you might feel light and joyful around a positive, or spiritually authentic person. Quite simply there is lower frequency with a slower vibration (negative energy) versus higher frequency with a faster vibration (positive energy), and there is a spectrum assortment from one end to another, and much in between. |
You will have heard people say that they feel a 'bad vibe' or a 'positive vibe' about a person, place or situation. This is their intuitive impulse and natural sensitivity to otherwise invisible and intangible vibrations of energy which they are picking up upon.
An example of this is walking into a room where everyone seems suddenly quiet, and you feel like a knife just cut through the air. You just know, that there was some kind of argument or negativity before you entered. Even if these people try to disguise it, or change the subject, the atoms of anger seem literally palpable - that is because they are! People can sense things through their complex energetic body system. |
These types of nuances of vibration and frequency can be felt by everyone, but especially felt and even interpreted by empaths, energy sensitives / highly sensitive people, psychics and healers.
Although we each have our own energy signature, our vibration shifts according to our thoughts, feelings, actions, and the multifarious energy effects of people around us and other external energy sources (such as earth changes, world events, universal energy shifts, weather imbalances, cosmic happenings and so on).
Although we each have our own energy signature, our vibration shifts according to our thoughts, feelings, actions, and the multifarious energy effects of people around us and other external energy sources (such as earth changes, world events, universal energy shifts, weather imbalances, cosmic happenings and so on).