Solstice Energy & Spiritual Meaning
In this thorough article, find out the energy, meaning, history and spiritual significance of both the summer and winter Solstice, what to expect, themes, guidance, advice and tips on how to spiritually connect, celebrate and soak in the energy. Includes a meditation.
What and When is the Solstice?
The word Solstice comes from the latin word 'solstitum,' a combination of the two words: sol, meaning ‘sun’, and stitium, meaning ‘stop’. Put these two words together and you get the meaning: this is the period of the year where the sun appears to have stopped, paused or halted.
The Solstice happens every year in both June and December, on one day around the 20th-22nd. The season of each solstice depends on which hemisphere you live in. So June would be the Summer Solstice for people living in the northern hemisphere, and the Winter Solstice for those in the southern hemisphere, and vice versa in December. Both Solstices are a cyclically re-occurring natural event which have been celebrated and held in sacred reverie, for centuries. You too can revel in and honour these energies by performing your own sacred ritual or by spending some time reflecting or if you feel inclined, in nature or your own sacred space or altar. I give plenty of tips and guidance further below. |
Summer Solstice Energy

The Summer Solstice is the day of the year where the sun is at the highest point over the Equator, so the farthest north. Energetically, there is an opening up, like a portal of positive celestial potential.
Many ancient cultures such as the Mayans, Essenes, Druids and Egyptians, who understood the spiritual significance of this natural event, built temples or structures that captured the divine moment of alignment, and there they would participate in sacred ceremonies.
An example of this is the head of the Sphinx at the Great Pyramids of Egypt, is crowned by the sun of the summer solstice.
Many ancient cultures such as the Mayans, Essenes, Druids and Egyptians, who understood the spiritual significance of this natural event, built temples or structures that captured the divine moment of alignment, and there they would participate in sacred ceremonies.
An example of this is the head of the Sphinx at the Great Pyramids of Egypt, is crowned by the sun of the summer solstice.

The powerful, revered sun brings in a plethora of intense, high energy light and warmth, which is also symbolic of the light of God, or the Creator. Pure life force energy.
The summer solstice is a celebration of the return to light, and it so powerfully reminds us of the light within each of us and the full potential of our individuated as well as united light or Christ Consciousness (our cosmic sense of unity). It is about awakening, or reaching enlightenment, as an omnipotent symbol of ascension and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness.
Watch Video: The Summer Solstice Spiritual Meaning
How to Celebrate & Soak up the Energies of the Summer Solstice
The summer solstice is about acknowledging the part of the sun’s cycle and its impact on earth where rewards are reaped from the harvest. That is why it is the perfect time to spend outdoors to soak up powerful sun energy, show heartfelt gratitude and celebrate the abundance and blessings that are in our lives, giving thanks to all that you have, from wealth to good health, and all that is in between. Here are some ideas of ways you can spend this time, but it really is up to you to modify and/or your own energy, personality and intentions. At the end of the day, its all about mindful connection to earth, nature and the cosmical cycles.
Morning Glory
Wake up with a sense of joy and light, and let that spread out to the universe before you even get out of bed.
Step OutdoorsAt a quiet time that you can muster, simply light a candle and create a sacred space for yourself. Step outside in a meditative state, and dig your feet into the earth.
Soak up the rays of the sun's light. Call upon your guides, angels, ancestors and other beings of light (such as Ascended Masters ) or loved ones in spirit that have meaning to you. |
Breathe in the Sun
Stand in the sunlight with feet apart, and palms / arms up in the air in a posture that opens your body up in an energetic posture that symbolises receiving energy. Absorb all the healing rays of the sun's light and warmth all over your body, let it penetrate every cell.
Allow your heart to open fully and absorb all the rays. Breathe it in. Really let it sink and seep in, enjoying every moment and giving thanks to the Great Spirit. |
Honor the Four Directions
Try standing in all four directions (North, East, South, West), breathing in the air and feeling its energies. Move your body and stretch, to activate your life force energy. Do anything you like that makes you feel sacred, alive, or connected.
Solar Intentions & Expansion

Set a clear intention that you want to bring in a feeling of oneness, transcendence, expansion and transformation in your life. Continue to focus on whatever it is that you would like expanded in your life, whether it is a quality such as love and joy, or an item / desire such as improved work situation, new home location or spiritual development.
Feel it expanding outwards with the sun's rays, the universe bringing it to you right now in the present tense.
You are ready to accept transition and change, and are opening to all the offerings of the light!
Give thanks with your heart and feel the bliss of the blessings being poured onto you now. Envisage all the wonderful things streaming into your life, and the promise of positive change and abundance.
Fire Ceremony
You could also light a candle or light up a safe fire in a flammable pot outside. Write down everything that you have accomplished in the year so far, read it out if you wish and then burn it in celebration and gratitude. You can do this as a group.
Watch Video: Summer Solstice - How to Spiritually Connect with the Energy
Winter Solstice Energy

The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year. We have the least amount of light because the sun is at its lowest point over the Equator.
This is a time of physical and spiritual hibernation. So this means contemplation, reflection, quietude and ‘going within’.
You are beckoned to reflect and go within. It is a time of deep inner quietude and pause. At this time you can think about your life and do some planning, as this is the stage before creation and birthing.
This is a time of physical and spiritual hibernation. So this means contemplation, reflection, quietude and ‘going within’.
You are beckoned to reflect and go within. It is a time of deep inner quietude and pause. At this time you can think about your life and do some planning, as this is the stage before creation and birthing.
Watch Video: Winter Solstice energy - Spiritual Meaning, Energy & How to Connect
Watch Video: Winter Solstice Meditation with Archangel Michael

Winter Solstice Meditation with Archangel Michael (written version)
Sit in complete darkness, and call upon Archangel Michael as you light a white, blue or black candle. Immerse yourself with Michael's rays of indigo blue and purple light. Feel his strength and powerful protection envelope you. With the candle as the only outer light source (or if you are outside, the moonlight), sit in quiet meditation and go completely within yourself.
Relax your entire body and envision walking down a deep, dark tunnel. Take time with this. Do not be afraid, feel yourself as safe, protected, and at peace with Archangel Michael right there with you.
Submerge yourself entirely in this tunnel of darkness, fully embracing this deep, dark space. Slowly walk through it.
As you walk, reflect upon anything that you need to know or plan for your life this winter. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you with this. What is it you need to complete as well as materialize before the next cycle of beginnings?
Keep walking in your mind, with Archangel Michael by your side. until you see a little flicker of light far, far away. As you walk slowly towards this light, you feel relieved knowing that you will achieve all your plans.
After this, write down anything that you saw and experienced on this walk, including any thoughts, memories, feelings or ideas that might have popped up along the way.
How did the darkness feel? How did the light feel?
Continue the writing process by noting anything that you would like to complete and plan for yourself before the next cycle of new beginnings and creation.
In your mind, place your notes into a special envelope and hand it over to Archangel Michael, thanking him for his protection and assistance. He then places a sacred seal on it. As he leaves this sacred space, he fills you with a powerful boost of courage, fortitude and protection. With the envelope firmly in his strong angelic hand, he nods to you (in a notion that your plans will be delivered), and then he rises up to the celestial realms far, far away.
As you watch him depart the earthly plane, you are deeply grateful to have had this experience and you smile inwardly, knowing that winter will cradle you and protect your soul and vision.
If you have a tarot deck, separate the major arcana cards and lay them out in front of you, face down. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you in choosing a card that gives you personal meaning to reflect upon this winter solstice. Once you have chosen a card intuitively, is meaning will represent your archetypal theme to work with and reflect upon during the next few winter months.
- Natalia Kuna.