End of Year Wrap Up EnergyOctober to DecemberLife is all about cycles. From about October to December, but even sometimes as early as August and September, your intuitive self knows that we are heading towards the end marker of the year.
There is an innate, primal sense of knowing from deep within you, that same pre-historic part of you that knows whether to collect nuts or store them, that the year is wrapping up, and thus a cycle is ending. |
The Build UpYou feel a kind of ‘building up’ of what in some cases is gentle and gradual, and in other cases abrupt and catapulting energy.
You might experience it rather as a kind of rocky, unstable, roller coaster of a ride - rising, falling, plateauing, rising up, then plunging down again in the lead up towards a great crescendo. |

In the snowballing passageway to year end, you feel a kind of ‘tug’ and sense of forthcoming grand finale, slash new beginning.
You start to feel that sense of upcoming conclusion drawing near, but also you catch a little sniff and whiff in the celestial breeze that a new energy is also preparing to emerge.
You start to feel that sense of upcoming conclusion drawing near, but also you catch a little sniff and whiff in the celestial breeze that a new energy is also preparing to emerge.
Natural Urges & Impulses While in Transition Mode
Leading up to the beginning of a new year, your weary though intelligent body goes in natural auto mode to prepare on some level, and you know that it is a time of at the very least transition and at the very most transformation.

You mow, sew and buckle.
You might have a natural urge, for example, to:
You might have a natural urge, for example, to:
- clear your home
- declutter, get rid of things
- clear or overhaul your life
- get organized, planning and structured
- finish things off, complete goals, finally tackle or add more to ‘to do’ lists (frantically)
- review the last year / your whole life, what you are ‘done’ with and never want to repeat
- start reflecting on what you have / haven’t done and what you want to change, though you know that is more of a new year energy.
An end of year wrap up is a review of the past year, where you reflect on the events and experiences of the past year and consider what you have learned and how you have grown. It can be a helpful way to process and let go of any challenges or difficulties that may have arisen over the course of the year, and to celebrate your achievements and successes.
This process can help clear your energy and provide a sense of closure and readiness to move into the new year. You can do an end of year wrap up on your own or with others, and it can take many different forms, such as journaling, meditation, or simply taking some time to reflect and review the past year.
This process can help clear your energy and provide a sense of closure and readiness to move into the new year. You can do an end of year wrap up on your own or with others, and it can take many different forms, such as journaling, meditation, or simply taking some time to reflect and review the past year.
Getting Prepared

It is also important to prepare yourself for the upcoming change of cycle and energies, and get clear on what it is that you want to do, anchor and build from a good, solid grounded place, rather than a weak, confused or unreliable foundation.
This will set you off on the right track, right from the outset. In fact, even before the ‘turn of events,’ so it does not catch you by surprise or cause you to stumble, collapse or waste valuable time, so to speak, especially if you have ideas, goals, or visions to put into place. Plus, you are probably stressed, anxious, restless or fed up.
This will set you off on the right track, right from the outset. In fact, even before the ‘turn of events,’ so it does not catch you by surprise or cause you to stumble, collapse or waste valuable time, so to speak, especially if you have ideas, goals, or visions to put into place. Plus, you are probably stressed, anxious, restless or fed up.
Clearing Out the Old to 'Reset Your Life'

This is why sorting your life out is so important during periods like this. Tying up loose ends is an intuitive calling sparked by such cycles of change. Clearing out the old .It really clears up the space to allow in to allow in the new.
It also allows for shifts in your perspective and turns in your life, and if you prepare, do the work and are ready for it, healthy changes begin to take place, or at least, you catch a glimmer.
Whether radical or minimal, this changing energy sets the way.
It also allows for shifts in your perspective and turns in your life, and if you prepare, do the work and are ready for it, healthy changes begin to take place, or at least, you catch a glimmer.
Whether radical or minimal, this changing energy sets the way.
Potential for Expansion of Consciousness

It is vital to be mindful and conscious at this time, just like the native indigenous people, our ancient, wise forebears were. They were so naturally tuned into the change of seasons.
Mindfully approaching the crossroads of year end allows you to be conscious of the processes you are in and the highly transitional and changeable nature of such moving cycles in your life. This also allows you to more consciously get into alignment for the new year ahead.
By grounding and anchoring yourself down, in a conscious state of awareness, it helps you to pivot appropriately in the right direction, be aware of what's happening and cope better with it all.
Mindfully approaching the crossroads of year end allows you to be conscious of the processes you are in and the highly transitional and changeable nature of such moving cycles in your life. This also allows you to more consciously get into alignment for the new year ahead.
By grounding and anchoring yourself down, in a conscious state of awareness, it helps you to pivot appropriately in the right direction, be aware of what's happening and cope better with it all.
Other Natural Cycles of Life

NOTE: There are other times , periods and natural cycles of the months and years that advocate this kind of deep retrospection and want for change:
- Monthly moon cycles
- Female menstrual cycles
- Eclipses
- Planetary Retrogrades
- Equinox & solstice periods
- Monthly, Yearly & 9 Year Cycles in Numerology
- Chinese Astrology, Chinese New Year + Chinese 12 Animal Zodiac (wheel cycle)
- Other powerful, life shifting cosmic energy astrological alignments and gateway portals like Lionsgate
What You Can Reflect On
So think about and consider:
To explore this in much further detail and gain deeper intuitive insight about yourself at this time, get these two amazing freebies:
Ideas to Clear, Reset, Organize & Prepare for the New Year Ahead
Master Your Personal Year in Numerology!Your year has a frequency, with energy themes that influence and shape you on your soul's path. Receive guidance to understand your year AND align / work with the energy + AMAZING BONUSES!
✦ Gain incredible, deep insight and master your year! ✦ Based on your date of birth. |
'Reset Your Life' Online Course
A powerful program to get deeper and get in touch with what needs to go and change. RESET YOUR LIFE! challenges you to see and release the old you and your old story to bring in the new, so you can become empowered, aligned and on course.
You will be thoroughly guided through a journey, step by step, to: realize, release, clarify and activate a new, up-leveled version of you that knows what you want to change, be and do. |
Organize Your Life!Get Calm & Organized by Downloading this FREE pdf