The Black-Eyed Children Phenomenon

This article is not about children with typical black or
dark-colored eyes. It is about an alleged paranormal phenomenon of some kind of beings appearing as 'children' with completely black eyes and having creepy, evil-vibed encounters with regular people.
I am not making any conclusions whether this alleged phenonemon is real or just a product of urban myth. However I will suggest that people's personal accounts are candid and chilling.
This article is not about children with typical black or
dark-colored eyes. It is about an alleged paranormal phenomenon of some kind of beings appearing as 'children' with completely black eyes and having creepy, evil-vibed encounters with regular people.
I am not making any conclusions whether this alleged phenonemon is real or just a product of urban myth. However I will suggest that people's personal accounts are candid and chilling.

It all started on January 16th, 1998, when a journalist named Brian Bethel posted on a forum about his allegedly spooky experience with two black-eyed children.

In Brian Bethel's case the creepy children walked up to his vehicle and tried to lure and coerce him.
It was clear they were trying to get into his car.
Bethel described the two insidious, creepy boys as having unusually:
It was clear they were trying to get into his car.
Bethel described the two insidious, creepy boys as having unusually:

"coal-black eyes [which appeared as]... Soulless orbs, like two great swathes of starless night."
Upon seeing them, he was: "... immediately gripped by an incomprehensible, soul-wracking fear... (an) all-consuming terror."
Upon seeing them, he was: "... immediately gripped by an incomprehensible, soul-wracking fear... (an) all-consuming terror."

Since then more and more people have reported their own encounters with black-eyed kids and the phenomena has spread all around the world. This could also be because of the internet, the quickening of energies earth is under-going, with more and more people being open and also interested in the paranormal and other-worldly reality.
Since then more and more people have reported their own encounters with black-eyed kids and the phenomena has spread all around the world. This could also be because of the internet, the quickening of energies earth is under-going, with more and more people being open and also interested in the paranormal and other-worldly reality.

However apparently there are other reported incidences in the 40s that pre-date Bethel's encounter.
Countless other people since then have reported black-eyed children trying to approach them, usually at night time, and mostly in their vehicles or homes; but also in parking
lots, or hotel and motel rooms.
Countless other people since then have reported black-eyed children trying to approach them, usually at night time, and mostly in their vehicles or homes; but also in parking
lots, or hotel and motel rooms.

They are said to show up out of the blue and disappear just as quickly out of sight, unable to be traced or tracked, as if they were never even there to begin with.
The resounding factor of these mysterious, out-of-the-blue encounters is that they make a pushy plea or request to enter. They can be quite direct, demanding and highly persuasive, with the extra energetic feeling that they are also trying to hypnotize and sway you into submission.
The resounding factor of these mysterious, out-of-the-blue encounters is that they make a pushy plea or request to enter. They can be quite direct, demanding and highly persuasive, with the extra energetic feeling that they are also trying to hypnotize and sway you into submission.

They mostly appear as children, aged about 8-15, though there has been the odd case of adults versions.
Their skin is kind of pale, chalky and non-blemished, cold and plastic looking - like their is
something unnatural or artificial about them.
They mostly appear as children, aged about 8-15, though there has been the odd case of adults versions.
Their skin is kind of pale, chalky and non-blemished, cold and plastic looking - like their is
something unnatural or artificial about them.

Their gaze is unsettling. There is something about the eyes that appears non-human. The eyes are said to be completely solid, pitch black, with absolutely no iris or usual white part of the eyeball. It is like they have no soul or empathy behind them, so there is this sense of an eerie void.
We all know the wise saying that the "eyes are the window of the soul."
As a psychic medium I know this is very true, for I always look into the eyes of my clients to connect with their soul.
We all know the wise saying that the "eyes are the window of the soul."
As a psychic medium I know this is very true, for I always look into the eyes of my clients to connect with their soul.

All the descriptions of black-eyed children make it appear that they are indeed soulless and thus non- human.
It is not just their eyeballs that reveal this, but also the evil vibe and paralyzing essence they give off. In other words they have a feeling and look of being at least partially, if not fully, supernatural or other-worldly.
It is not just their eyeballs that reveal this, but also the evil vibe and paralyzing essence they give off. In other words they have a feeling and look of being at least partially, if not fully, supernatural or other-worldly.

They are said to have an awkward way of talking, and a kind of monotone tone of voice. They use language in an almost robotic, non expressive way, often with a weird, contorted accent that sounds inauthentic, strange or put on.
It is almost as if they are reciting what to say, like it is a robotic form of communication.
Their highly artificial and robotic semblance has been linked to the Men in Black.
They are said to have an awkward way of talking, and a kind of monotone tone of voice. They use language in an almost robotic, non expressive way, often with a weird, contorted accent that sounds inauthentic, strange or put on.
It is almost as if they are reciting what to say, like it is a robotic form of communication.
Their highly artificial and robotic semblance has been linked to the Men in Black.

They wear slightly odd clothes, that don't seem to fit with the time period, or like something is a bit off or unusual.
They never carry any modern paraphanalia that teens usually have, such as mobile phones or ipods.
Sometimes they appear looking like skateboard kids, like they are semi hiding themselves in hooded sweaters
They wear slightly odd clothes, that don't seem to fit with the time period, or like something is a bit off or unusual.
They never carry any modern paraphanalia that teens usually have, such as mobile phones or ipods.
Sometimes they appear looking like skateboard kids, like they are semi hiding themselves in hooded sweaters

The deal with these paranormal beings is that the kids cannot enter your field/environment unless you allow them to, so they need your permission.
This is why they also ask or insist upon an invitation. This is also exasperated by a kind of hypnotizing force that makes you feel compelled to let them in - a force you need to battle
and have your wits about you in order to supersede it.
The deal with these paranormal beings is that the kids cannot enter your field/environment unless you allow them to, so they need your permission.
This is why they also ask or insist upon an invitation. This is also exasperated by a kind of hypnotizing force that makes you feel compelled to let them in - a force you need to battle
and have your wits about you in order to supersede it.

As all of us human beings have souls and are experiencing a lifetime on here earth, we have been given 'free will' with which to make our own choices in life. Because of this God-given law, the dark need permission, solicitation or invitation from us to allow them to enter. And they will try anything to get it, including illusions and deceit.
They will pushily demand and insist to come in or beg for you to help them. They will make up any kind of excuse, like needing to use the phone or that they are hungry and need to 'eat'.
They will pushily demand and insist to come in or beg for you to help them. They will make up any kind of excuse, like needing to use the phone or that they are hungry and need to 'eat'.

Common factors in these encounters are:
Now we all know that it is not generally normal to feel terror within the presence of a child, but in the case of these black-eyed children, there is a marked and instant evil feeling, coupled with a sense of telepathic persuasion.
Common factors in these encounters are:
Now we all know that it is not generally normal to feel terror within the presence of a child, but in the case of these black-eyed children, there is a marked and instant evil feeling, coupled with a sense of telepathic persuasion.

Upon meeting with them, there is a common feeling of being hypnotized and paralyzed
in a state of pure panic and terror by these creatures. They are extremely persistent and
relentless in their pursuit.
It is like they are trying to lure and draw you to them and do what they want you to do,
and this immediately triggers your innate, natural 'fight or flight' response.
in a state of pure panic and terror by these creatures. They are extremely persistent and
relentless in their pursuit.
It is like they are trying to lure and draw you to them and do what they want you to do,
and this immediately triggers your innate, natural 'fight or flight' response.

Some say this is like being in a hypnotized trance, that it is a kind of mind control or hypnosis, some report they feel the beings are telepathic and know what you are thinking. What caught my attention is the sense of horror that they instill. It would be a normal human instinct and reaction to help a child who is lost or needing help yet these black-eyed children instill a feeling of fear, even before you notice that there eyes are completely solid black.

Often encounters with black-eyed children result in night terrors. The victims who actually allowed these children into their homes report post effects such as nose bleeds, sever mysterious sickness or ailments ( in severe cases leading to death), and a further connection to the men in black.
There are often other supernatural repercussions such as strange occurrences, paranormal and poltergeist activity.
It seems that hardy prayer can have the power, over time, to alleviate these symptoms and occurrences, however not in all cases.
There are often other supernatural repercussions such as strange occurrences, paranormal and poltergeist activity.
It seems that hardy prayer can have the power, over time, to alleviate these symptoms and occurrences, however not in all cases.

There are several theories as to what these black-eyed children really are. One thing is for certain - they are not entirely human.
Some say they are a breed of aliens or more likely some kind of hybrid species or even experiment. The hybrid theory is quite common and widespread.
Hybrids were also said to be mentioned in the bible, with a reference to the Nephelim as fallen angels (depending upon scholarly interpretation), which some would argue are a product of alien species intervening and pro-creating with humans.
There are several theories as to what these black-eyed children really are. One thing is for certain - they are not entirely human.
Some say they are a breed of aliens or more likely some kind of hybrid species or even experiment. The hybrid theory is quite common and widespread.
Hybrids were also said to be mentioned in the bible, with a reference to the Nephelim as fallen angels (depending upon scholarly interpretation), which some would argue are a product of alien species intervening and pro-creating with humans.

Bible reference:
"The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones."
(GE 6:1-4)

It is believed that they are most probably shape-shifters of some kind.
Others purport that they are an offset, the children of or a group related to the 'Men in Black.'
A weaker theory is that they are wandering ghosts trapped in the between world - lost souls of murdered children who walk around wanting to feed, haunt and invoke fear.
Others purport that they are an offset, the children of or a group related to the 'Men in Black.'
A weaker theory is that they are wandering ghosts trapped in the between world - lost souls of murdered children who walk around wanting to feed, haunt and invoke fear.

Others, including a well-known priest that openly peaks up in the paranormal community, insist that they are actually dark beings such as demons or jinn.
A well known priest has said that a common trait of demonic entities is that they can never entirely manifest into human form, thus there are always a couple of features that are a bit off.
If this were the case, that would account for the unusually pitch black eyes, the long pointy fingers, and the reportedly odd -haped feet ,etc).
A well known priest has said that a common trait of demonic entities is that they can never entirely manifest into human form, thus there are always a couple of features that are a bit off.
If this were the case, that would account for the unusually pitch black eyes, the long pointy fingers, and the reportedly odd -haped feet ,etc).

One way or another, you can theorize that these dark-eyed kids are negative multi-dimensional entities of some kind that are not from our world. They seem to be visiting our reality and wanting something from us. Perhaps an energetic bite to eat. They are obviously not of the light, and their intentions are clearly sinister.

Could this all be a real phenomenon, or an urban myth gone too far?
You decide.
Written by Natalia Kuna
Psychic Medium, Energy Healer
Founder of Spiritual Course Academy, online school for spiritual courses