Animals and the Afterlife
Animals are Spirits in Bodies, Just like Humans

It is so amazing and comforting to know that our animal friends - pets & other animals of our world that have shaped our every day lives, continue on in Spirit, just like their human counterparts.
For animals have souls & a spiritual purpose for being, just as humans do, and they can be a part of your soulmate family.

Animal Communication
Some people have the gift of animal communication, being able to tune into animals and have a sense of what they are thinking and feeling, or where an illness lies.
Animal communication is not limited to common household pets such as cats and dogs. Those who can connect in this way have even been able to pass messages from animals such as bugs, birds, and guinea pigs!
Some people have the gift of animal communication, being able to tune into animals and have a sense of what they are thinking and feeling, or where an illness lies.
Animal communication is not limited to common household pets such as cats and dogs. Those who can connect in this way have even been able to pass messages from animals such as bugs, birds, and guinea pigs!
Because you have forged a special, close relationship with your animal companion, you might be able to naturally intuit that your pet is a bit sad or has an upset tummy. If you are psychically attuned or have empathy and innate healing ability, you can extend this gift even further.

I am creating online spiritual courses on animal communication & animal healing. Join wait list for courses site to launch here.
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Animal Spirits from a Psychic Medium's Perspective
Spirit Communication with Departed Pets

Animals communicators and some mediums can telepathically receive messages from animals whether alive or deceased. You might be able to do this yourself if you are closely bonded with your pet.
It is possible to connect with or see animals that have passed, just as is the case with human souls.
When giving a mediumship reading, loved pets such as former cats or dogs often come through to express their unconditional love for their owner or bring through a message. I've even connected with a bird and a horse in readings!
It is possible to connect with or see animals that have passed, just as is the case with human souls.
When giving a mediumship reading, loved pets such as former cats or dogs often come through to express their unconditional love for their owner or bring through a message. I've even connected with a bird and a horse in readings!

An animal might come through as a symbol or association with a person, such as a bird to represent a deceased grandfather that used to love birds and have an aviary.
Or a dove to represent a dove sign on a funeral brochure or doves let go as part of the personal ceremony.

They don't need to be a pet you've recently lost. Sometimes it's an animal you knew as a child, such as your pet hen you were 5, or a neighbour's cat that you played with, that you might have otherwise forgotten about! But they come to acknowledge you, ignite your memory, send you their love and play a part in your healing.
Some mediums can see deceased pets around their human owner, or have an impression of them entering their auric field for a visit. Or, they show themselves as loyally standing next to a relative that has crossed over and is associated with them, such as the client's father or grandmother.
Some mediums can see deceased pets around their human owner, or have an impression of them entering their auric field for a visit. Or, they show themselves as loyally standing next to a relative that has crossed over and is associated with them, such as the client's father or grandmother.

Pets love to 'pop in' to my readings from time to time.
Sometimes I have a sense of a pet energetically running around the space in a chaotic frenzy, or they show a picture of being all snuggled and receiving smooth strokes, showing a close bond with their owner.
Often they will show themselves just in the way that the owner will know it is them - so they will reveal a snippet that reveals their cute, unique personality, odd habits and personal preferences.
Sometimes I have a sense of a pet energetically running around the space in a chaotic frenzy, or they show a picture of being all snuggled and receiving smooth strokes, showing a close bond with their owner.
Often they will show themselves just in the way that the owner will know it is them - so they will reveal a snippet that reveals their cute, unique personality, odd habits and personal preferences.

In my psychic readings, can feel the difference usually between a calm, placid pet and a psycho one.
Sometimes they will show how they died or leave a message to acknowledge if they were euthanized, so the owner can let go of their emotional guilt.
One of my favorite experiences of sensing a person's beloved pet in spirit around them was when I was at a wedding.

I was speaking to a lady and I immediately 'sensed' a black cat randomly running around her legs. The connection was quite random, but I could tell it was very important for this beloved pet to come through to its former owner.
When I told her she cried out in delight. She knew it was her much-loved old cat, and the characteristics of the movements I was describing perfectly matched the way her treasured pet used to sporadically behave.
Another time, I sensed a former cat that a lady used to have as a little girl, which helped bring through beautiful memories from her childhood.
Always remember that your animals stay with you in one way or another and are always in your heart, even after passing. And you never know, your pet could become your animal spirit guide, or work with other guides to get messages through to you.
How to Connect with Your Animal Pet in Spirit

You can connect yourself by getting yourself in a calm state of mind - light a candle and sit in a your sacred space.
Close yourself and enter a meditative space.
You might like to have a picture of your animal friend in front of you.
Once you feel relaxed, ask your animal to step in front of you. Take a while to forget this connection and feel the animal's presence, but don't push it, just take it easy. Take notice of what you might see, hear, feel or know.
After a while, ask your animal to give you a message or symbol during your meditation, to come into your dreams or send you a sign in the following days or weeks.
Give it time, stay open, allow and enjoy!
Close yourself and enter a meditative space.
You might like to have a picture of your animal friend in front of you.
Once you feel relaxed, ask your animal to step in front of you. Take a while to forget this connection and feel the animal's presence, but don't push it, just take it easy. Take notice of what you might see, hear, feel or know.
After a while, ask your animal to give you a message or symbol during your meditation, to come into your dreams or send you a sign in the following days or weeks.
Give it time, stay open, allow and enjoy!