Mary MagdaleneWho Was Mary Magdalene?Mary Magdalene is a woman who was misunderstood in her time, and misrepresented as a woman in the bible.
There is much contention about Mary Magdalene - who she really was and how she was portrayed in the bible. Was she a prostitute sinner or rather a wise, spiritual woman? She was mentioned 12 times in the bible. She travelled with Jesus and is said to be his most loyal, devoted follower. She was the first to witness his crucifixion and all that went down afterwards. |

There is much thought out there that Mary Magdalene was actually Jesus Christ's romantic life partner and spiritual twin flame. Both figures are considered representations of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
It does seem that there is much more to her and their connection than has been revealed.
What does Mary Magdalene Represent as an Ascended Master?

Mary Magdalene is a powerful Ascended Master who told me in a channeling that
she acts as an:
'ambassador for the divine feminine energies.’
In my spiritual work as a psychic and energy healer, Mary Magdalene sometimes pops through, mostly for women.
I personally feel that she is an etheric spokeswoman and representative of the abused, emotionally wounded or silently anguished woman. The suffragette. Not just woman in the modern context, but also going down ancestral pathways – generations and generations, lines and lines of grieving women.
she acts as an:
'ambassador for the divine feminine energies.’
In my spiritual work as a psychic and energy healer, Mary Magdalene sometimes pops through, mostly for women.
I personally feel that she is an etheric spokeswoman and representative of the abused, emotionally wounded or silently anguished woman. The suffragette. Not just woman in the modern context, but also going down ancestral pathways – generations and generations, lines and lines of grieving women.
Mary Magdalene's Role

Mary Magdalene as an Ascended Master can help us on a spiritual level.
There is a cleansing now of women down the familial and karmic line, right down to your primal ancestors who haunt the land or guide us from above with their experiential wisdom. They are like the expatriates, exiled to heaven through the earthly labours they endured in lifetimes over centuries. Their suffering is lodged in your consciousness. Your suffering is amplified, intensified and tainted if you will by the collective remains and fragmented shadows of their tormented souls. Their pain is literally embedded in your very own DNA.
Although you do have your own spiritual signature, like a soul imprint, you are indeed tainted by the prints of yesteryear, and that is also why you seek such freedom. The angels are saying to me right now as I write this that this line of pain haunts you, and might only be palpable on a sub conscious level. But if you really think and feel into it, you can feel it right through your core and in your bones.
There is a cleansing now of women down the familial and karmic line, right down to your primal ancestors who haunt the land or guide us from above with their experiential wisdom. They are like the expatriates, exiled to heaven through the earthly labours they endured in lifetimes over centuries. Their suffering is lodged in your consciousness. Your suffering is amplified, intensified and tainted if you will by the collective remains and fragmented shadows of their tormented souls. Their pain is literally embedded in your very own DNA.
Although you do have your own spiritual signature, like a soul imprint, you are indeed tainted by the prints of yesteryear, and that is also why you seek such freedom. The angels are saying to me right now as I write this that this line of pain haunts you, and might only be palpable on a sub conscious level. But if you really think and feel into it, you can feel it right through your core and in your bones.
Call Upon Mary Magdalene to Help You

You can ask Mary Magdalene to help you with your inner child and heart wounding. She will help comfort you, ease the internal pain, and assist you in spiritual cleansing and recovery.
Have a sacred look at your inner wounded feminine and the deserted and abandoned parts of your heart - call upon Mary Magdalene to help guide your inner awareness.
What does your spirit tell you? Mary will hold a mirror to you so you can see truth reflected back. She will help you enter wholeness.
Have a sacred look at your inner wounded feminine and the deserted and abandoned parts of your heart - call upon Mary Magdalene to help guide your inner awareness.
What does your spirit tell you? Mary will hold a mirror to you so you can see truth reflected back. She will help you enter wholeness.

Look at your parents and the generations before them on each side - your mother's line and your father's line. Consider all the suffering of each individual according to their contextual background, the period and conditions they lived in, and then consider the collective suffering as a whole. We are talking about eons and eons of lifetimes on earth. And it accumulates as a collective consciousness.
You have the power to make amends and complete this cycle, as earth is now seeking to be more in balance. No more shall this over-emasculated society be led and swamped in by stubborn patriarchy. The matriarch is calling. Mother nature is ready to enter a new cycle and fulfil a new , more progressive and balanced age.
You have the power to make amends and complete this cycle, as earth is now seeking to be more in balance. No more shall this over-emasculated society be led and swamped in by stubborn patriarchy. The matriarch is calling. Mother nature is ready to enter a new cycle and fulfil a new , more progressive and balanced age.