"The 11:11 Code: The Great Awakening by the Numbers"
A ground-breaking, high voltage book written by: Charles J. Wolfe
As I write this, I am the one lucky person in the whole universe to have been entrusted with the only
e-proof (pre-publication) version of this brilliant, ground-breaking and fascinating new book that just released, on March 22, 2020: "The 11:11 Code: The Great Awakening by the Numbers," written by my new friend, Charles J. Wolfe. Before I even got to flip the pages of this beyond alluring book, I already had a hunch. This book was going to far extend modern interpretation of the mystifying 11:11 phenomenon that has been sweeping the world this last decade. This book would capture our attention, enlighten our thinking and move us deeply forward in our understanding this universe, and just how far and wide numbers play their part. |

Had we finally found a more tangible way to blend science with spirituality, through the eyes of mathematics and numerology, and the two worlds that if looked at upon abit more closely, were more intertwined than anyone could ever possibly imagine?
I was right about my hunch. Enlightened Physicist and Engineer, Charles Wolfe fascinatingly unearths the inner workings of the mysterious 11:11 phenomenon in a way that completely captivates readers, sending them on a mind-bending journey throughout place, space and time.
This is what makes the book insanely enticing - it is the riveting combination of thought, fact, journey and discovery that bends your mind and opens up your consciousness in new, exciting and for some, long-awaited ways.
I was right about my hunch. Enlightened Physicist and Engineer, Charles Wolfe fascinatingly unearths the inner workings of the mysterious 11:11 phenomenon in a way that completely captivates readers, sending them on a mind-bending journey throughout place, space and time.
This is what makes the book insanely enticing - it is the riveting combination of thought, fact, journey and discovery that bends your mind and opens up your consciousness in new, exciting and for some, long-awaited ways.

Charles J. Wolfe and I both have something in common, and that is a deep understanding that there is much more to 11:11 than first appears, or that many interpret the numbers to be, even if we are coming from different angles or layers of understanding and interpretation. And we aren't just talking about the number pattern light code of 11:11. We also mean other individual numbers and combinations of numbers, the whole God-woven phenomenon of seeing numbers, the mathemtaical magic of numbers, and how it all ties in with synchronicity, and understanding how numbers are evident in everything: nature, our DNA, and things that we build, or, moreover what God, as the Divine cosmic architect has created.
I come from a deeply intuitive and spiritual perspective, with a psychically sensitive understanding of people, life, spirit, numbers, energy and frequency, and Wolfe has beautifully and unexpectedly bridged two otherwise very different worlds.
I come from a deeply intuitive and spiritual perspective, with a psychically sensitive understanding of people, life, spirit, numbers, energy and frequency, and Wolfe has beautifully and unexpectedly bridged two otherwise very different worlds.

What is fascinatiing about Wolfe also, is that he comes from a very rational-thinking, scientific background as a mathmatician, engineer & world nuclear expert.
Let's take a look at his staunch scholastic background and solid work history. He is currently enrolled in his second Masters Degree in Applied Physics (his first Masters being in Engineering Management), and he has a host of other impressive credentials, as well as extensive industry knowledge as a power systems, generator, electromagnetics and nuclear specialist).
Let's take a look at his staunch scholastic background and solid work history. He is currently enrolled in his second Masters Degree in Applied Physics (his first Masters being in Engineering Management), and he has a host of other impressive credentials, as well as extensive industry knowledge as a power systems, generator, electromagnetics and nuclear specialist).

He has managed to meld his exceptional academic knowledge from the most hardened and manifold branches of science, mathematics and engineering, with an explorative, spiritually evolving mind.
From that substantial foundation, mixed with a naturally inquistive mind, Wolfe has walked a path of following a Divine call to higher knowledge. He has applied pure instinct and intellectual quasi genious, with a complete trust and faith in God with an open, receptive mind, in order to gain higher esoteric understandings of sacred geometry and numerology as it pertains to the world we live in and the furtherest outreaches of time, space and Spirit. He seems to have haphazardly tapped into the world of universal knowedlege, through synchronisticity and the magical workings of the world and numbers paired, making it is evident that Wolfe has been on a path of true enlightenment.
He has evolved his understanding that there is an incredible link between human consciousness and cosmic intelligence, and we are only now starting to really understand just how the universal intelligent mind of creation has mapped out our world in such an arcane, underlying system of sacred geometry and numerology.
From that substantial foundation, mixed with a naturally inquistive mind, Wolfe has walked a path of following a Divine call to higher knowledge. He has applied pure instinct and intellectual quasi genious, with a complete trust and faith in God with an open, receptive mind, in order to gain higher esoteric understandings of sacred geometry and numerology as it pertains to the world we live in and the furtherest outreaches of time, space and Spirit. He seems to have haphazardly tapped into the world of universal knowedlege, through synchronisticity and the magical workings of the world and numbers paired, making it is evident that Wolfe has been on a path of true enlightenment.
He has evolved his understanding that there is an incredible link between human consciousness and cosmic intelligence, and we are only now starting to really understand just how the universal intelligent mind of creation has mapped out our world in such an arcane, underlying system of sacred geometry and numerology.

I have no doubt that God was working through Wolfe, as he does through us all. However, God especially works wonders through those who follow their heart, open their eyes, embrace the light and see the magic of God's fingerprints everywhere. God, through His / Its mega creative intelligence, leaves clues, footprints, stamps on life, and Wolfe, like a faithful hunting dog, has enthusiastically sniffed the trail. God is weaving through him and he is open and curious enough to follow the heed, the clarion call, and find markers pointing us in the direction of a truth that has always been there.
Wolfe gives us a macroscopic view, through a microscopic lens, and then widens our eyes up again. He understands how the macro and micro work together to form the tapestry of life that we are living in, and have been for eons in time. The answers were here all along.
Wolfe gives us a macroscopic view, through a microscopic lens, and then widens our eyes up again. He understands how the macro and micro work together to form the tapestry of life that we are living in, and have been for eons in time. The answers were here all along.

Wolfe, through his growing consciousness, was able to put all those pieces together through the explorations of his investigating mind and an outpouring of an elaborate portmanteau of facts, stories of his travels and moments in time where buildings, places, historical greats, or people he would meet along the way, impressed upon him. And he knew that these interactions, meanderings and exporations came about through something way more powerful than mere happenstance.
"Numbers conceal a veiled language that transcends time and culture." (p.2, Chapter 1)
"Numbers conceal a veiled language that transcends time and culture." (p.2, Chapter 1)

Numbers are the Divine blueprint of God, stamped into our world that is beyond three-dimensional understanding, and Wolfe, like other great minds, comprehends that God is the Divine architect
of the entire cosmos, the Grand Architect who masterminded the all that is.
Mathematics gives us clues to the mysteries of creation. It is all interlinked. There is a secret language of numbers underlying everything.
of the entire cosmos, the Grand Architect who masterminded the all that is.
Mathematics gives us clues to the mysteries of creation. It is all interlinked. There is a secret language of numbers underlying everything.
"Mathematics becomes a subconscious part of our machinery of thought. It operates quietly in the background at the deepest levels of our human operating system - at the level of intuition." and it allows seasoned scholars to "comprehend how virtually everything workks." (p. 3)

Wolfe recognises that mathematics is:
"... one of the greatest gifts from God, for it provides the keys to understanding the universe and all its inner workings."
He uses math as an: "overarching principle, the one and only truely timeless and universal language." (p. XIII, prologue)
Through his kaleidoscopic mind and unique life experiences, Wolfe has opened himself up to receive energies and understandings that are beyond three-dimensional ways of thinking. He is able to look at the complexities and patterns of math and science as it pertains to our world and the greater cosmos, and form a meaningful connection that opens up a greater perception of God's plan and workings behind the scenes.
"... one of the greatest gifts from God, for it provides the keys to understanding the universe and all its inner workings."
He uses math as an: "overarching principle, the one and only truely timeless and universal language." (p. XIII, prologue)
Through his kaleidoscopic mind and unique life experiences, Wolfe has opened himself up to receive energies and understandings that are beyond three-dimensional ways of thinking. He is able to look at the complexities and patterns of math and science as it pertains to our world and the greater cosmos, and form a meaningful connection that opens up a greater perception of God's plan and workings behind the scenes.

In his book, he states:
"The main purpose of this book is to take these two separate circles of thought and overlap them in an attempt to make the case for the existance of God by seeing what can be found in the union of the two seemingly disparate subjects. The physics aspect will be demonstrated mathematically, while the spiritual side will be proved empirically through presenting an exhaustive amount of data I accumulated while traveling the world and studying." (p. XII, prologue).
"The main purpose of this book is to take these two separate circles of thought and overlap them in an attempt to make the case for the existance of God by seeing what can be found in the union of the two seemingly disparate subjects. The physics aspect will be demonstrated mathematically, while the spiritual side will be proved empirically through presenting an exhaustive amount of data I accumulated while traveling the world and studying." (p. XII, prologue).

The 11:11 code is thought-provoking. It is at once interesting as well as challenging to the intellectual mind. I was already taken, just by reading the prologue.
I recall thinking:
"This book is 393 pages long, and I haven't even gotten up to chapter one yet!" I was hooked.
Wolfe's approach is acutely intellectual, introspective, instinctual and electrifying. His enthusasiasm shows in his writing. As an avid seeker and impassioned thinker, It is clear he has been on an insatiable quest to delve deeper into mysteries that have at once intrigued him and plagued his mind. He has gotten deep into the alchemistic God roots of the 11:11 phenomenon, and discovered other interesting and miraculous things along the way.
I recall thinking:
"This book is 393 pages long, and I haven't even gotten up to chapter one yet!" I was hooked.
Wolfe's approach is acutely intellectual, introspective, instinctual and electrifying. His enthusasiasm shows in his writing. As an avid seeker and impassioned thinker, It is clear he has been on an insatiable quest to delve deeper into mysteries that have at once intrigued him and plagued his mind. He has gotten deep into the alchemistic God roots of the 11:11 phenomenon, and discovered other interesting and miraculous things along the way.

One of the things that I like about Wolfe's style of writing, is that he invites the reader to join in. He welcomes you and allows you to receive, perceive and process the information in a way that stimulates and rotates the inner workings of your own subconscious mind. Like a guiding light, he shows the way.
Wolfe takes us on an odyssey, across six continents of his travels, unravelling pieces of the 11:11 mystery one by one. And he also moves the reader through a plethora of diverse subjects, as he states, "from Astronomy to Zymurgy".
Wolfe takes us on an odyssey, across six continents of his travels, unravelling pieces of the 11:11 mystery one by one. And he also moves the reader through a plethora of diverse subjects, as he states, "from Astronomy to Zymurgy".
Wolfe states that his intention to write the book is to:
"... enlighten the reader about the greater framework of sacred numbers hidden in plain sight that have left their unmistakable stamp on many of mankind's greatest and most influential events throughout time and across all cultures, irrespective of geographic and cultural boundaries." (p. XII)
"... enlighten the reader about the greater framework of sacred numbers hidden in plain sight that have left their unmistakable stamp on many of mankind's greatest and most influential events throughout time and across all cultures, irrespective of geographic and cultural boundaries." (p. XII)

Don't mistake this book as science fiction. Amongst the adventure and intrigue, Wolfe draws upon his highly skilled knowledge and expertise and unravels a series of scientific fact and larger than that, his growing experiential knowledge that is coming from a higher place.
Readers can be comforted to know that Wolfe has done a thorough, mind-blowing job here. His facts are backed up by 737 documented sources. I can honestly say, from my personal interactions with Wolfe, that he is a highly credible source and an honorable guy. In fact I'll be sharing and revealing much more about him and his book soon, so stay tuned.
Readers can be comforted to know that Wolfe has done a thorough, mind-blowing job here. His facts are backed up by 737 documented sources. I can honestly say, from my personal interactions with Wolfe, that he is a highly credible source and an honorable guy. In fact I'll be sharing and revealing much more about him and his book soon, so stay tuned.

As you read this book, you will travel alongside Wolfe, across time, space and history, and then meet up again in the spirit world.
He uses numerology as a high voltage vehicle of accelerated speed, taking the reader on a mind-blowing, multifarious ride that indulges the imagination, engages the mind and links the mortal human to the eternal soul.
"By the time your'e finished reading, you will hopefully have a much deeper fundamental appreciation of the role that these and other powerful numbers play in the lived of those
whose mind permits that possibility." (p. 3)
He uses numerology as a high voltage vehicle of accelerated speed, taking the reader on a mind-blowing, multifarious ride that indulges the imagination, engages the mind and links the mortal human to the eternal soul.
"By the time your'e finished reading, you will hopefully have a much deeper fundamental appreciation of the role that these and other powerful numbers play in the lived of those
whose mind permits that possibility." (p. 3)

For me, this book exudes an overall picture of oneness, the fact that we are all under the same divine plan and higher creative force, that Divine intelligence behind everything and that connects us all. It is evident from the very beginning of the book, where Wolfe revels in staying in far away, exotic places for work, where he is embedded completely amongst the people, that he has an eye and appreciated for people, life and the world.
As we move further into the book, it is clear that Wolfe has fully embraced the higher message through his mathematical decoding that there is, indeed a Divine plan.
As we move further into the book, it is clear that Wolfe has fully embraced the higher message through his mathematical decoding that there is, indeed a Divine plan.
![]() Charles Wolfe is a sincere philosopher of our modern times, at a time of Great Awakening. And he's doing his part in awakening souls all over the globe. I have been impressed by Wolfe's dedication, enthusiasm and overall intention for bringing this book into the world. For in it he brings a Divine message, that of unity, interconnectedness, and as he states himself, a: "...vision of hope, peace, and freedom for all of humanity." (source) And "The 11:11 Code: The Great Awkening by the Numbers," is a powerful, profoud book of our times. Please visit Amazon at the link below and order your copy here today! |
Charles Wolfe Links:
Website: https://www.1111code.com Amazon Book Page: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1734621826/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 |
All Charles Wolfe images have been used with the permission of the author. Please do not copy without his permission. Visit his website.
Watch 11:11 Masterclass!Gain Deeper insight into the Meaning!✅ Learn what 11:11 means and why you keep seeing it.
✅ Discover higher meaning and reason for it's existence, and how it is a higher frequency. ✅ Listen to my intuitive insight on the power of this number and what messages came through! |