"Forgiveness Heals the Heart of old Wounds." - Natalia Kuna
This article was published in the Personal Development magazine Alive, So Make it Count:"The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that's why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they've really done is they've shifted their relationship with time." ~ Caroline Myss |

Forgiveness is such and important key in our personal and spiritual development.
We must learn to forgive and let go as hanging on to old pain only lowers our energy as well as our mental, emotional and spiritual state. It drags us down and hinders our growth and development. It is truly toxic in every way. It exasperates negative thinking, adding fuel to the fire. It can cause issues in relationships. It provides perceived 'limitations' rather than offer love, acceptance and 'freedom.'
By forgiving, we allow healing, growth, and a new way of seeing. It provides a powerful 'shift' in how you view yourself, others and the world. Many people think that by forgiving someone who hurt them terribly, they are in essence saying:
"What you did is okay." This is not the case, when you forgive, you are really saying: "What you did is not okay, but I forgive and release you so that I no longer carry all the effects of your actions."
You are in effect releasing the person and the situation from your life and severing any ties that bind you in any way. It is like cutting the cord between you - letting go, releasing, saying good bye. The sooner we forgive and let go of all burden, the sooner we are free to fly.
We must learn to forgive and let go as hanging on to old pain only lowers our energy as well as our mental, emotional and spiritual state. It drags us down and hinders our growth and development. It is truly toxic in every way. It exasperates negative thinking, adding fuel to the fire. It can cause issues in relationships. It provides perceived 'limitations' rather than offer love, acceptance and 'freedom.'
By forgiving, we allow healing, growth, and a new way of seeing. It provides a powerful 'shift' in how you view yourself, others and the world. Many people think that by forgiving someone who hurt them terribly, they are in essence saying:
"What you did is okay." This is not the case, when you forgive, you are really saying: "What you did is not okay, but I forgive and release you so that I no longer carry all the effects of your actions."
You are in effect releasing the person and the situation from your life and severing any ties that bind you in any way. It is like cutting the cord between you - letting go, releasing, saying good bye. The sooner we forgive and let go of all burden, the sooner we are free to fly.
“Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.” ~ Hannah Arendt
It is incredible how many people have hidden feelings of self- blame, guilt, shame or regret. If you search deep down inside your private inner world, you will recognize some of these qualities in yourself. Think about how much they affect your self-thoughts and self-perception. Do they stop you from connecting with people or doing things? It is definitely time to let them go! |
THINK ABOUT WHO YOU NEED TO FORGIVE Are you carrying old pain and unforgiveness in your heart about certain people or particular experiences that you've endured? Are you harboring old perceptions and die hard habits of 'victimhood' and blame? Think about all people from your present life as well as your past who have hurt, squelched or disempowered you in any way. You know who has pressed your buttons, and I bet you already have at least one person in mind! |
"When you forgive, you don't change the past, but you do change your future!"
"The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good."
~ Catherine Ponder
"The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good."
~ Catherine Ponder
Steps to Forgiveness
“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person
or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.
Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” ~ Catherine Ponder
or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.
Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” ~ Catherine Ponder