
There are a lot of misconceptions about the term 'soulmate'.
Many people think that you can have only one soulmate in life, and that it signifies a romantic relationship. However a soulmate can be anybody who comes into your life that you feel a bond or connection with, and most of us have had more than one. It is not limited to intimate partners. It can also be a friend, work colleague, child, parent, sibling or relative.
Many people think that you can have only one soulmate in life, and that it signifies a romantic relationship. However a soulmate can be anybody who comes into your life that you feel a bond or connection with, and most of us have had more than one. It is not limited to intimate partners. It can also be a friend, work colleague, child, parent, sibling or relative.

The idea about soulmates is that you may have a sense that you have known them before, as if in another lifetime, which you probably did. That is because they are from your
'soul family'. There is an instant attraction, bond and magnetism. You may quickly feel like you have known them forever.
We can have many soulmates in one life time. They can quickly come into your life, and then disappear again, or stay for quite some time.
'soul family'. There is an instant attraction, bond and magnetism. You may quickly feel like you have known them forever.
We can have many soulmates in one life time. They can quickly come into your life, and then disappear again, or stay for quite some time.
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Usually we have unsettled karma to resolve with soulmates before we can move on from these relationships. They are here to help us learn the lessons we need to in this lifetime. That is why we have karmic ties with them and incarnating together in this lifetime is your chance to work through and resolve your karma.
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants.
But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you
everything that is holding you back,
the person who brings you to your own attention
so you can change your life."
~Elizabeth Gilbert
But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you
everything that is holding you back,
the person who brings you to your own attention
so you can change your life."
~Elizabeth Gilbert

Often soulmates can push your buttons so to speak and our experiences with them are not always positive. You may feel tested in your relationship with a soulmate, as they reflect back to us what we need to learn and overcome. That is why they can really test us.
They can be difficult to live with and deal with, however there is always a larger purpose, and the end effects can be rewarding.
Natalia Kuna is a psychic medium, energy healer, writer & founder of Spiritual Training Academy, school for online spiritual courses. Connect with her on facebook: and join her list.