Moon Cycle Phases & their Powerful Spiritual Meanings
This article, published in the magazine "Alive, So Make it Count", is about the mysterious moon, its cycles, energy, spiritual power, usage and the meaning. Find out about the incredibly powerful moon, each individual phase of the moon cycle, what each phase means energetically, spiritually and practically in our lives. Learn how to consciously work with moon energy and flow with its rhythm (rather than unconsciously fight against it) for your own highest good.
The Mysterious, Enigmatic Moon

We have all looked up at the moon at some point of our lives and been in a state of awe at its magical presence and sheer magnitude. It illuminates the sky and appears as a grand beacon of light and mystery.
Its luminosity harks us back to our celestial origins and speaks of our purity, holiness and eternal essence. Its enigmatic transparency radiates an incandescent candor suggesting that in truth all is illuminated or shall be revealed, and it offers hope and the promise of a new day.
Its luminosity harks us back to our celestial origins and speaks of our purity, holiness and eternal essence. Its enigmatic transparency radiates an incandescent candor suggesting that in truth all is illuminated or shall be revealed, and it offers hope and the promise of a new day.

It is a stark icon of God's mysterious, cosmic creation, hinting also at the supernatural co-existence of the 'hidden' worlds.
In fact the moon has a number of Gods, Goddesses and Beings attributed to its lunar powers, and is compellingly associated with mystery, intuition and wisdom.
The moon grandly reminds us of birth, death and all the cycles in between. Through its rebirthing, it hints at the soul's cycles of continual reincarnation. It is always there.
Both its stoic presence and constant pattern of repeating cycles glowingly reminds us of the interplay between the essence of our own eternal spirit, and the undulating rhythms and patterns of all living things including nature - infinitely cyclical and reoccurring.
In fact the moon has a number of Gods, Goddesses and Beings attributed to its lunar powers, and is compellingly associated with mystery, intuition and wisdom.
The moon grandly reminds us of birth, death and all the cycles in between. Through its rebirthing, it hints at the soul's cycles of continual reincarnation. It is always there.
Both its stoic presence and constant pattern of repeating cycles glowingly reminds us of the interplay between the essence of our own eternal spirit, and the undulating rhythms and patterns of all living things including nature - infinitely cyclical and reoccurring.
How the Moon Affects us

Curiously, scientific research has found that as all matter holds a frequency, including the moon, these frequencies have the ability to affect humans and animals even if it is on a seemingly subtle level.
The frequencies of the moon can profoundly affect and influence the thoughts and impressions in our sub-conscious mind, causing things to surface to the conscious mind and bring them to our awareness.
When there is a full moon, the frequencies are much more active, and so there is a heightened activity and intensity. Intense thoughts, feelings and behavioral patterns emerge, and in extreme cases manifest as various forms of psychosis. Even the most common person can feel crazy.
It has just come to me that the word 'looney' must come from 'lunar', since not only general hospitals, but also psychiatric wards are reportedly busier on a full moon, and words have far greater meaning than we could ever know.
The frequencies of the moon can profoundly affect and influence the thoughts and impressions in our sub-conscious mind, causing things to surface to the conscious mind and bring them to our awareness.
When there is a full moon, the frequencies are much more active, and so there is a heightened activity and intensity. Intense thoughts, feelings and behavioral patterns emerge, and in extreme cases manifest as various forms of psychosis. Even the most common person can feel crazy.
It has just come to me that the word 'looney' must come from 'lunar', since not only general hospitals, but also psychiatric wards are reportedly busier on a full moon, and words have far greater meaning than we could ever know.
The Moon's Connection to WaterThe moon's profound connection to water represents our emotions symbolically and energetically.
Jungian theory quite accurately postulates that water is connected to the innate depths of our subconscious mind. It powerfully affects the tides on earth as well as female menstruation. In fact, the full moon often naturally induces pregnant women (with their watery womb) to go into labour and give birth. |
The Moon & the Shadows

In the shadows of the moon we see our own shadows - the dark and lurking thoughts and persuasions of our consumed and watery minds.
It conveys a sultry moodiness that echoes its potent ability to affect our own moods.
Much information can be gleaned from the phases of the shadow of the moon. For example during eclipses, there is a big play between dark and light. The literal cosmological shadows bring up our own psychological shadows - all those thoughts, patterns and traumas that we ignored or buried deep down inside. They come up to be seen, processed and purged.
It conveys a sultry moodiness that echoes its potent ability to affect our own moods.
Much information can be gleaned from the phases of the shadow of the moon. For example during eclipses, there is a big play between dark and light. The literal cosmological shadows bring up our own psychological shadows - all those thoughts, patterns and traumas that we ignored or buried deep down inside. They come up to be seen, processed and purged.
The Journey of the Moon through its CycleEvery marked phase of the moon has its own special energy and magic.
There is spiritual metaphor in meaning in each chapter of the cycle. In fact, the recurrent motion of the moon can be analogized with the cyclical process of a seed sprouting into a full flower in bloom and then retreating back again, or dying. |
This course of life and death signifies an ending and a new beginning, and the journey between. It all prepares us for the next physical seed to grow or metaphorical dream or new way to be born.
The Cycles of the Moon & their Meaning
Below I go through all the main cycles of the moon, one at a time so you can have a deeper understanding.
Take the time to observe the moon and pay attention to these changing cycles, what they mean and how they might affect you. If you are female, also consider how this interplays with your constantly running menstrual cycle. |

Think about taking an inventory of how the moon may be affecting your life.
Are you in sync with its natural rhythms and symbolical cues, or are you fighting them?
Learning to honour, work with and even capitalize on the moon's energies is a great tool for your spiritual growth.
By understanding the energy of each phase of the moon’s cycle, you can begin to connect and work with the cycles in a deep way and have a better understanding of how they might influence you personally.
Are you in sync with its natural rhythms and symbolical cues, or are you fighting them?
Learning to honour, work with and even capitalize on the moon's energies is a great tool for your spiritual growth.
By understanding the energy of each phase of the moon’s cycle, you can begin to connect and work with the cycles in a deep way and have a better understanding of how they might influence you personally.
The New Moon
The new moon has no illumination. It appears dark and not visible (except during a solar eclipse). As it is dark, it denotes the beginning, with a primal instinct for birthing.
The seed, as a symbol, is beneath the ground. So this represents the germination stage, where you can initiate the emergence of something new by setting your intentions for what you wish to grow. |
The energy from the New Moon up to the Full Moon gradually builds in strength and intensity, so the New Moon is the ideal time to set clear intentions and goals, start new projects and give rise to new ideas and ventures. This can be done in a magical way, by simply writing down or letting the universe know your goals and desires. The energy for bringing about your desires is even more greatly expanded when you create a little ritual, ceremony or personal meditation, and state your desires with heart-felt positivity and surety.
Waxing Crescent

After the new moon, the moon 'waxes', meaning it gets bigger and builds up in strength and intensity. Waxing Crescent moon is partly illuminated by less than one-half, and increasing.
This phase and process signifies the sprouting growth of the seed. Things are moving forward at this stage and there is the hope of more to come. It provides a burst of energy and forward moving strength and power that you can tap into.
Our plans, dreams and ideas are growing and this is a great period to focus on anything which you would like to deepen, grow and commit to.
This phase and process signifies the sprouting growth of the seed. Things are moving forward at this stage and there is the hope of more to come. It provides a burst of energy and forward moving strength and power that you can tap into.
Our plans, dreams and ideas are growing and this is a great period to focus on anything which you would like to deepen, grow and commit to.

The time between the new moon and full moon in general is ideal to enact on the new intentions that you set on the new moon.
This is the perfect time to be positive, motivated and take action steps with faith. It is also an auspicious time to start something new, sign contracts or make big purchases.
This energy of expansion supports new ideas and even the meeting of new people in your life.
This is the perfect time to be positive, motivated and take action steps with faith. It is also an auspicious time to start something new, sign contracts or make big purchases.
This energy of expansion supports new ideas and even the meeting of new people in your life.
First Quarter

The moon at this stage is one-half (a quarter is a half to us because we only see half of the moon from our perspective). It is increasing in illumination.
The seed is now presenting a root and plant structure on its way to growing and moving forward. This symbolizes a period of strength, determination, concentration, decision-making or re-evaluation, and commitment to action.
During this time, remember to keep soldiering forward, despite any fears, emotions or doubts that might get in your way. Turn around any emotional energy into creative passion so that you can get things done and finish goals.
The seed is now presenting a root and plant structure on its way to growing and moving forward. This symbolizes a period of strength, determination, concentration, decision-making or re-evaluation, and commitment to action.
During this time, remember to keep soldiering forward, despite any fears, emotions or doubts that might get in your way. Turn around any emotional energy into creative passion so that you can get things done and finish goals.
Waxing Gibbous
The moon is one-half at the waxing gibbous stage. It is not fully illuminated, although increasing in illumination, therefore it represents gaining and attaining. So this can be applied to what you wish to gain and develop, such as friends, wealth, skills etc.
Now the buds are preparing to bloom. This is the developmental stage where ideas and plans can be cultivated and fine-tuned before the next stage of manifestation. |
Full Moon

A full moon is full and round. It appears to be completely illuminated by direct sunlight as the sun and moon are directly opposite each other.
Being fully-luminated, it represents fertility, transformation, completion and abundance. The seed is in full bloom.
This period is called 'waning' because the once expanding energies will now be starting to diminish, or get smaller. This is why this is the perfect period to let go of anything that no longer serves your higher purpose, that you want to let go of, release or end.
This can be anything from certain relationships, jobs, thoughts, situations and emotions, to de-cluttering and weight-loss. The moon will act in your favour and you will achieve good results.
Being fully-luminated, it represents fertility, transformation, completion and abundance. The seed is in full bloom.
This period is called 'waning' because the once expanding energies will now be starting to diminish, or get smaller. This is why this is the perfect period to let go of anything that no longer serves your higher purpose, that you want to let go of, release or end.
This can be anything from certain relationships, jobs, thoughts, situations and emotions, to de-cluttering and weight-loss. The moon will act in your favour and you will achieve good results.

The full moon is a potent and powerful time for guidance, healing and magic, as well as positive intentions, including improving your psychic abilities.
The evening before the full moon is perfect for recharging your energy. You can sit outside and bathe in the light of the moon. Also, place your crystals, oracle cards, meaningful jewelry and so on out in the moon or on a windowsill at this time to cleanse and charge up with the moon’s powerful cleansing energy.
Watch out for the downside of full moon energy, which includes tension, polarity and intense thoughts and emotional behavior. Turn that extreme energy into purging by directing your thoughts onto paper and performing a releasing ceremony.
The evening before the full moon is perfect for recharging your energy. You can sit outside and bathe in the light of the moon. Also, place your crystals, oracle cards, meaningful jewelry and so on out in the moon or on a windowsill at this time to cleanse and charge up with the moon’s powerful cleansing energy.
Watch out for the downside of full moon energy, which includes tension, polarity and intense thoughts and emotional behavior. Turn that extreme energy into purging by directing your thoughts onto paper and performing a releasing ceremony.
Waning Gibbous
During the waning gibbous period the moon is more than one-half but not fully illuminated, and decreasing. As the moon appears to be getting smaller, it is a good time to focus on getting rid of things such as bad habits, stresses or negative thinking. This is also known as the dissemination moon, bringing about energies for heightened communication, revelation and completion. |
Last Quarter

The moon is one-half and decreasing in illumination. This is like a half-way point - a kind of calm, contemplative time of introspection, reflection and re-evaluation for the future. The seed has now planted fully and all harvests have been reaped.
There is a sense of thinking about what has been accomplished, and shedding the old (including negative thoughts) before the new can come into place.
This entails ridding of any kind of negative thoughts or energy for good so that you can focus positively on a higher universal perspective, take full responsibility, and allow for the creativity and growth that will manifest in the next stage of goals and new intentions.
There is a sense of thinking about what has been accomplished, and shedding the old (including negative thoughts) before the new can come into place.
This entails ridding of any kind of negative thoughts or energy for good so that you can focus positively on a higher universal perspective, take full responsibility, and allow for the creativity and growth that will manifest in the next stage of goals and new intentions.
Read these Moon Articles:
Photos used under Creative Commons from AlicePopkorn, anieto2k