Natalia Kuna's Media Kit: Books, Articles, Summits & Podcast Talks
Natalia Kuna is a psychic, energy healer, spiritual coach and avid writer. She is the founder of Spiritual Course Academy, specializing in spiritual development courses for empaths, energy sensitives and spiritual souls. She writes articles, has contributed to magazines and books and has been a speaker on podcasts and tele summits. See below. (Bio at bottom of page)
Book Contributions
Natalia has had three true angel stories published in two best-selling books by author Doreen Virtue (published by Hay House):
"Saved by An Angel," and "Archangels 101."
"Saved by An Angel," and "Archangels 101."
"The Night the Angels Warned Me of Impending Danger""Saved by an Angel," by Doreen Virtue
(Hay House), 2011 Click here to read book excerpt of how the angels saved Natalia's life. |
"A Glorious, Heavenly Angel Manifested into Form""Saved by an Angel," by Doreen Virtue (Hay House), 2011 Click here to read book excerpt of Natalia's childhood angel experience.
"Archangels 101"
Magazine Contributions
Natalia has written monthly for popular personal development, life coaching and wellness magazines "Truly Alive" and "Alive, So Make it Count." She has contributed articles for and been featured in "The Feel Good Magazine," and interviewed in "Psichologijos Magija." She also is an expert author with Ezine Articles and has published over 200 articles on her own site right here:
SummitsGuest Speaker: "Own Your Divine Light" Summit season 3, July 2020, hosted by Janet Miller. Topic: "The Higher Meaning & Energy of 11:11"
Guest Speaker: "The Inner Revolution Series" Summit, season 2, March 2023, hosted by Tina Mundelsee. Topic: "Stepping into Your Higher Version Self" Guest Speaker: "Freedom from Workaholism" Summit, Aug 2024, hosted by Jan Murray. Topic: "Deeper Spiritual Reasons You Work or Do Too Much" - watch video/read transcript here Guest Speaker: "New Year, Same Me" Summit, Jan 2025, hosted by Lauren Parker Topic: "Shift Your Energy with Mindset Affirmations for the New Year" |
Interviews on ShowsNatalia was a guest speaker on the Healing Wednesday show hosted by Lee Carroll (Kryon channeler), broadcasted to a 70K audience. Other guest speakers include notable figures such as Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. John Demartini, Lee Harris, Matt Kahn & more... Aug 23, 2023
Podcast Interviews
"A Drop Of Om" PodcastInterviewed by Damla Aktekin on:
Angels, Empathy and Being an Intuitive Healer: Natalia Kuna's Interview on A Drop of Om |
"Whispers of the Paranormal" PodcastInterviewed by host James Jerome on the topic of empowering viewers on how to deal with shadow people & negative energy.
"This Cubicle Life" PodcastInterviewed by host Ezra Bass on the topic of shadow people, hat man and spiritual protection.
"Weird Darkness" PodcastMy experiences with 'shadow people' is featured in a segment of the Weird Darkness Podcast.
23 June, 2023. Episode link click here, time stamp: 59:28 - 1:02:56 and 1:08:02 - 1:08:28 / 1:09:02 |
Collaborations and Contributions
- Brilliant Beginnings Business Bundle, hosted by Christiane Schroeter, Jan 2025
- Love Your Goals Bundle, hosted by Lauren Parker, Feb 2025
- Holiday Abundance Bundle, hosted by Faith Mariah, Dec 2024
- Mamas with a Business Bundle, hosted by Vanda Aubrey, Oct 2024
- Grief is... Retreat, hosted by Joi Renique, Sep 2024
Book Mentions
"The 11:11 Code: The Great Awakening by the Numbers" by author Charles J. Wolfe, references Natalia's website as having: "Some of the best material on the internet." (p.326)
Natalia's article information on the spiritual meaning of the solstice has been included in the book: "Cosmic Coincidences: a Memoir of Cosmic Proportions" by Joe Laurendeau. (p.120) |
"Elevate Your Consciousness & Connect Back to Soul."
Natalia's "Spiritual Soul" podcast is about spiritual development, awakening and transformation for empaths, energy sensitives and spiritual souls. She dives deeply into energy, intuition, consciousness and all things spiritual in a way that is calm, grounded and aligned, so that people feel connected and uplifted on their journey back to soul.
A podcast for your soul! Avail on Apple, Spotify & other main platforms. |
Resources'One Sheet' for Guest Speaking:More Info: |
Media Kit Photographs
The photographs below can be used for professional publication.