Changing Cosmic Energies & How they Affect Us
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I want to take you on a journey today for you to understand not just how different inbound cosmic energies work and how people can experience them, but also the inter-complexities and ripple effects they can create that can run through your life in so many different ways.
Through the analogies that come through you will see exactly what can happen as a result of energy shifts and changes, and how they can eventually bring you into a whole new paradigm. Okay, lets get started... |
The Changing Nature of Energy
Everybody feels energy differently – and energy is always changing. So much different energy can come in from all sorts of different directions and sources, different types of cosmic energy, like astrological and planetary alignments, moon and space weather, direct powerful light from Source, the central sun, and so on.
What is interesting about all of this is that it is constantly moving and changing. Sometimes it may actually feel like everything is standing still, you are in pause mode, biding your time, or you are even stuck or feeling backwards. And at other times everything is moving so fast in acceleration and active go mode, that you can barely catch up with yourself. And then there are all sorts of variations in between. Whatever phase you are in, know that it does is and will change, as energy, like the seasons is always in motion.
When new energy comes in, it might be big or small. It could be an overriding, overarching, longer duration kind of blanket energy, like a template over the world. This type of energy will be in the general backdrop landscape for everyone. Then you have all sorts of smaller, medium level or shorter lasting energy that can come and go and intermingle between.
You can also have big energy that comes in all of a sudden and then zooms right out again, so all sorts of combinations are possible.
Think of it as living in a kind of cosmic, quantum soup.
Your landscape is forever changing, and along with it your thoughts, moods and experiences, depending on where you are at, at the time.
Sometimes you might not really feel it much at all. And at other times it’s like you can’t escape it – this is when you are deep, in the thick of it. You feel it body, mind and soul, palpably. And it can be so incredibly overwhelming, especially as an empath or energy sensitive.
You can experience energy uniquely, according to you personally, or collectively as a whole. These energies can be in themes, archetypes or energetic qualities and give off effects such as changes in thoughts, moods, actions, behaviours and feelings.
Often there are sub groups of people all across the globe, who are going through similar themes and effects together. A lot of this might be impacted by the type of soul they are, their own specific blueprint, mission and grouping, how aligned or not they are with not just the energy but also God source directly, and what frequency level they are currently in.
What is interesting about all of this is that it is constantly moving and changing. Sometimes it may actually feel like everything is standing still, you are in pause mode, biding your time, or you are even stuck or feeling backwards. And at other times everything is moving so fast in acceleration and active go mode, that you can barely catch up with yourself. And then there are all sorts of variations in between. Whatever phase you are in, know that it does is and will change, as energy, like the seasons is always in motion.
When new energy comes in, it might be big or small. It could be an overriding, overarching, longer duration kind of blanket energy, like a template over the world. This type of energy will be in the general backdrop landscape for everyone. Then you have all sorts of smaller, medium level or shorter lasting energy that can come and go and intermingle between.
You can also have big energy that comes in all of a sudden and then zooms right out again, so all sorts of combinations are possible.
Think of it as living in a kind of cosmic, quantum soup.
Your landscape is forever changing, and along with it your thoughts, moods and experiences, depending on where you are at, at the time.
Sometimes you might not really feel it much at all. And at other times it’s like you can’t escape it – this is when you are deep, in the thick of it. You feel it body, mind and soul, palpably. And it can be so incredibly overwhelming, especially as an empath or energy sensitive.
You can experience energy uniquely, according to you personally, or collectively as a whole. These energies can be in themes, archetypes or energetic qualities and give off effects such as changes in thoughts, moods, actions, behaviours and feelings.
Often there are sub groups of people all across the globe, who are going through similar themes and effects together. A lot of this might be impacted by the type of soul they are, their own specific blueprint, mission and grouping, how aligned or not they are with not just the energy but also God source directly, and what frequency level they are currently in.
The Storm Analogy: How different People Get Affected & Deal with it
Let’s say a cosmic energy comes in, such as an astrological opposition, that’s kind of like a storm type energy where people could get really disrupted and a whole lotta drama can happen. This is when people can really get set off, they are reactive, stressed out, negative, angry, anxious or depressed. You know what this is like, as you’ve experienced it yourself, and seen it around you for sure, and it can be experienced quite intensely!
Let’s look at different scenarios of this storm type cosmic energy – how different people can get affected differently, depending on where they are at.
Firstly, lets say you are someone who has worked a lot on your stuff. You are mindful, soulful, in the mindset, already feeling quite high and in the light. You are minding your own business and walking the path. In this case, you might feel the storm energy just a little bit, or maybe even, if lucky, not at all.
Let’s now analogize this storm energy with an actual real severe weather storm, something full on like an extreme hurricane or tornado.
Maybe you live on the outskirts and it’s just a little bit windy – lets give the example of a lady who lives on a farm, she just has to secure her property just to be sure, as a precaution. She stays inside her nice cottage, all cozy and warm, sipping a cup of tea by the fireside. The next day she goes outside and everything is mostly fine. Maybe there’s the odd fallen branch or stone out of place - she picks it all up and takes care of the animals who are just a little bit unsettled…. She very easily rode the storm, mostly unaffected.
Then you have the people who are right in the thick of it. They’re in the eye of the hurricane. In the heart of the danger zone.
Energetically speaking, these are the people that experience all their stuff coming up – they have unprocessed issues, whatever that may be, such as relationship stresses, difficulties dealing with certain people, or something troubled within themselves, such as past wounds, karma or even past life issues. They might have a lot of buried, unresolved trauma that they haven’t wanted to see and deal with - and it all merges as a kind of ongoing drama. Their wounds get activated and projected onto other people’s and their energy in return, and it all becomes a kind of mirky soup or tangled up mess.
These people will likely feel the cosmic energy quite intensely. Everything will get super chaotic, dramatic, like it’s the end of the world.
These people in the real life storm scenario will be the most hit by the hurricane. They might experience severe trauma, damage and loss. They come out battered and bruised.
Outside of this, you have all sorts of middle ground or in between scenarios…
So you might have some people where it gets a bit intense, but they’re sort of OK and they kind of ride it through.
This might be people who experience some random wind damage or inconvenience like a fallen tree or electrical blackout.
Energetically speaking, these are the people who feel some energy bumps, have a few setbacks, but they are able to maintain somewhat positive spirits, even with some moments of lowered energy, but they spring back and generally do alright.
And then, we have people types such as the lightworkers on the ground. These are the people that help out in the hurricane. They have their little light helmets, and without hesitation go to help people around them.
Now keep in mind a lightworker can be anyone, including just a nice person with a kind heart and common human decency. This could be for example the lady who was sipping her tea in the cottage. She counted her blessings and as soon as it was safe, headed into town to see if anyone needed help.
You also have amongst all of this the real Lightworkers, these are the spiritual people, the earthangels who have that extra calling, they are the old souls that carry a special light and frequency. Are you one of those? They have come onto earth for a reason and to do healing work on some level. They are on special assignment and divine mission here on earth, and they carry that kind of divine essence and spark of God.
They go in and help on the field, or add prayers, healing and uplift others. They might intuitively follow their calling to enact angelic acts of kind ness. This might be 1 on 1, or with a sense of community spirit.
On top of this you have other people who are regular folk, they might also wear hard hats, and want to help and support on some level – and of course you will get a variety of people who cope and be in different ways.
There will always be the ones who are very much in victimhood, dwelling in negativity. Of course, that’s something we can all do at times, but there are always the ‘extra’ ones - the moaners, and drainers. They will sit and do nothing but complain while others around them are running around helping, or actually needing help or attention themselves. Now I know you know a bunch of these types of people in your life, and I know that you know how their energy feels!
Then, you get the few that are completely narcissistic and self-serving. For example it’s the greedy governor of the town who knew about the storm in advance, didn’t warn anyone and didn’t care. The night before he ran off to a nearby city in his limousine or Jet flying first class, paid by the state. He ate at a fancy restaurant and then spent a night in a penthouse suite. Then, after the hurricane, to make himself look good he called the media and did a bullshit speech. Maybe he down-played the event to avoid malpractice, or up-played his part in help efforts – either way, he sneakily finds a way to make himself look like a hero. Maybe five days later he goes visit the town and makes sure he gets a glory photo opportunity, shaking hands with those in the frontlines – such as emergency workers - for all to see, and he selfishly controls aid money coming in, and the narrative of the situation.
Then you have even darker forces who might control or even create a natural event like a storm. Yes, weather manipulation is real, there is a real science called geo-engineering.
Or perhaps, knowing about a strong cosmic energy in advance, they manipulate the situation. Or cunningly plan to create devastation. They do things like manipulate media or the stock markets, which they own and control. They might create a negative event like a psychological operation, war attack or send negative frequencies into the atmosphere for people to be even more mentally and behaviourally affected, completely unawares. Before you know it, more and more fights, shootings and hospital emergencies arise as people react in a kinds of sporadic outbursts of craziness.
Then you have the ones who use dark occult knowledge to take advantage or even manipulate energy, based on their secret, ancient understanding of things numerology or astrology. They also might partake in dark magickal or other practises. These are the fallen ones behind the scenes, or hidden in plain sight, and that is a whole subject on its own.
These are all effects of deliberate lower energy hitchhiking on the back of an already challenging cosmic energy, if that makes sense, so you have a compounding effect.
Interestingly, when 9/11 happened, there were powerful and tense astrological alignments that had the energy patterns of profound power clashes, struggle, sudden disruptions, conflict and significant impulsive, unexpected collective events.
So any way you look at it, the energy signature ran through.
Of course, as I said before, you have all different kinds of energies. I just gave you extreme examples to make it really clear. Everything is connected, and it’s all energy at the end of the day, and it can come and go in waves.
What I want to show in all of this, is that after every fall, there is a rise. After a tragedy, is the resurrection, after the collapse, the rebuild and rebirth and so on. There is always a re-alignment and higher meaning.
Let’s look at different scenarios of this storm type cosmic energy – how different people can get affected differently, depending on where they are at.
Firstly, lets say you are someone who has worked a lot on your stuff. You are mindful, soulful, in the mindset, already feeling quite high and in the light. You are minding your own business and walking the path. In this case, you might feel the storm energy just a little bit, or maybe even, if lucky, not at all.
Let’s now analogize this storm energy with an actual real severe weather storm, something full on like an extreme hurricane or tornado.
Maybe you live on the outskirts and it’s just a little bit windy – lets give the example of a lady who lives on a farm, she just has to secure her property just to be sure, as a precaution. She stays inside her nice cottage, all cozy and warm, sipping a cup of tea by the fireside. The next day she goes outside and everything is mostly fine. Maybe there’s the odd fallen branch or stone out of place - she picks it all up and takes care of the animals who are just a little bit unsettled…. She very easily rode the storm, mostly unaffected.
Then you have the people who are right in the thick of it. They’re in the eye of the hurricane. In the heart of the danger zone.
Energetically speaking, these are the people that experience all their stuff coming up – they have unprocessed issues, whatever that may be, such as relationship stresses, difficulties dealing with certain people, or something troubled within themselves, such as past wounds, karma or even past life issues. They might have a lot of buried, unresolved trauma that they haven’t wanted to see and deal with - and it all merges as a kind of ongoing drama. Their wounds get activated and projected onto other people’s and their energy in return, and it all becomes a kind of mirky soup or tangled up mess.
These people will likely feel the cosmic energy quite intensely. Everything will get super chaotic, dramatic, like it’s the end of the world.
These people in the real life storm scenario will be the most hit by the hurricane. They might experience severe trauma, damage and loss. They come out battered and bruised.
Outside of this, you have all sorts of middle ground or in between scenarios…
So you might have some people where it gets a bit intense, but they’re sort of OK and they kind of ride it through.
This might be people who experience some random wind damage or inconvenience like a fallen tree or electrical blackout.
Energetically speaking, these are the people who feel some energy bumps, have a few setbacks, but they are able to maintain somewhat positive spirits, even with some moments of lowered energy, but they spring back and generally do alright.
And then, we have people types such as the lightworkers on the ground. These are the people that help out in the hurricane. They have their little light helmets, and without hesitation go to help people around them.
Now keep in mind a lightworker can be anyone, including just a nice person with a kind heart and common human decency. This could be for example the lady who was sipping her tea in the cottage. She counted her blessings and as soon as it was safe, headed into town to see if anyone needed help.
You also have amongst all of this the real Lightworkers, these are the spiritual people, the earthangels who have that extra calling, they are the old souls that carry a special light and frequency. Are you one of those? They have come onto earth for a reason and to do healing work on some level. They are on special assignment and divine mission here on earth, and they carry that kind of divine essence and spark of God.
They go in and help on the field, or add prayers, healing and uplift others. They might intuitively follow their calling to enact angelic acts of kind ness. This might be 1 on 1, or with a sense of community spirit.
On top of this you have other people who are regular folk, they might also wear hard hats, and want to help and support on some level – and of course you will get a variety of people who cope and be in different ways.
There will always be the ones who are very much in victimhood, dwelling in negativity. Of course, that’s something we can all do at times, but there are always the ‘extra’ ones - the moaners, and drainers. They will sit and do nothing but complain while others around them are running around helping, or actually needing help or attention themselves. Now I know you know a bunch of these types of people in your life, and I know that you know how their energy feels!
Then, you get the few that are completely narcissistic and self-serving. For example it’s the greedy governor of the town who knew about the storm in advance, didn’t warn anyone and didn’t care. The night before he ran off to a nearby city in his limousine or Jet flying first class, paid by the state. He ate at a fancy restaurant and then spent a night in a penthouse suite. Then, after the hurricane, to make himself look good he called the media and did a bullshit speech. Maybe he down-played the event to avoid malpractice, or up-played his part in help efforts – either way, he sneakily finds a way to make himself look like a hero. Maybe five days later he goes visit the town and makes sure he gets a glory photo opportunity, shaking hands with those in the frontlines – such as emergency workers - for all to see, and he selfishly controls aid money coming in, and the narrative of the situation.
Then you have even darker forces who might control or even create a natural event like a storm. Yes, weather manipulation is real, there is a real science called geo-engineering.
Or perhaps, knowing about a strong cosmic energy in advance, they manipulate the situation. Or cunningly plan to create devastation. They do things like manipulate media or the stock markets, which they own and control. They might create a negative event like a psychological operation, war attack or send negative frequencies into the atmosphere for people to be even more mentally and behaviourally affected, completely unawares. Before you know it, more and more fights, shootings and hospital emergencies arise as people react in a kinds of sporadic outbursts of craziness.
Then you have the ones who use dark occult knowledge to take advantage or even manipulate energy, based on their secret, ancient understanding of things numerology or astrology. They also might partake in dark magickal or other practises. These are the fallen ones behind the scenes, or hidden in plain sight, and that is a whole subject on its own.
These are all effects of deliberate lower energy hitchhiking on the back of an already challenging cosmic energy, if that makes sense, so you have a compounding effect.
Interestingly, when 9/11 happened, there were powerful and tense astrological alignments that had the energy patterns of profound power clashes, struggle, sudden disruptions, conflict and significant impulsive, unexpected collective events.
So any way you look at it, the energy signature ran through.
Of course, as I said before, you have all different kinds of energies. I just gave you extreme examples to make it really clear. Everything is connected, and it’s all energy at the end of the day, and it can come and go in waves.
What I want to show in all of this, is that after every fall, there is a rise. After a tragedy, is the resurrection, after the collapse, the rebuild and rebirth and so on. There is always a re-alignment and higher meaning.
The Interweaving of Energies
I do want to also talk about how different energies can interweave and interplay amongst each other.
So for example, there might be a planetary alignment that’s kind of like a baseline energy or a kind of backdrop energy. Let’s say Jupiter is in its expensive phase for six months in the background. OK beautiful, but then for three months of that Chiron the wounded healer is in Aries in retrograde. It’s also a 7 Year Numerologically, so the overall backdrop is very spiritual, introverted and reflective.
So you find yourself thinking a lot and one way or another developing spiritually. You start practising a healing modality, and prepare to take it to a whole new level and open up a side business as a healer. Everything feels wonderful and aligned.
Then you suddenly go through a phase where all your past wounds come up. In a past life, you were a actually medicine woman and got a persecuted for knowing your naturopathic knowledge and healing ability. So now, this persecution type energy comes up to your core and you don’t even know it.
Just when you started to create a website and draw clients into your healing work, all of sudden a bunch of things happen. A stranger randomly rubbishes you online, a previously trusted friend is jealous and changes the subject when you tell them your special news, and your aunty looks at you like you are a devil worshipper with three heads when you tell them about your natural healing gifts and utter excitement of moving into your life purpose.
On top of this, at your regular job a colleague accuses you of doing something you didn’t do.
See how it works?
You are now absolutely devastated and embroiled in the deep wounds of persecution energy. These intense and depressing thoughts and feelings circle around in your mind and body and begin to suffocate you into an oblivion of self deprication, doubt and extreme feelings of unworthiness.
Suddenly you are catapulted into pits of despair, you just feel like you can’t do your work at all or communicate your truth on any level.
You’re not aware of this past life, and find yourself thinking:
“What’s wrong with me, why am I such a bloody loser?”
You’re completely down in the dumps, don’t believe in yourself, completely question your dreams and ability. You start cancelling clients in a panic of self sabotage, or as it happens, because of all the intermingling energy, they end up cancelling on you.
What the heck just happened? Not that long ago you were feeling excited, expansive and so uber soul connected …. and then whoosh, the rug was pulled from right under you.
In the midst of all this, let’s say there is a super moon and mercury is in retrograde.
Great, just what you need! Your computer completely fucks up when you’re trying to push through and build your healing website, you get all these miscommunication emails and you’re just not moving ahead. Now Pluto and Saturn butt heads in the sky, just to add to all the mahem and gunk. And there is a real doom and gloom, heavy energy.
Now you sink into your lowest pits of despair have a dark, deep night of the soul that lasts for months. You recluse, don’t see anyone, don’t post about your business, don’t even have a shower half the time, and just feel the doom and gloom of it all by yourself. And, because you are actually a caring empathic soul in truth, from everyone else around you.
You deeply question why you are even doing this. You tell yourself that you are a stupid idiot. You suffer financial troubles and you and the world feels like it is completely collapsing all around you.
Then, eventually this particular assortment of energy moves on, and a nice new alignment clicks into place such as Venus in sextile, and now you start to feel the love energy. On top of this, there are spikes on the Schumann Resonance, the measurable heartbeat of earth energy, meaning a higher frequency energy is coming onto earth.
You now radiate in a new glowing energy. You start to feel alive and inspired to post again about your healing work.
Spontaneously, while out, in a moment of divine intervention, you bump into a stranger and intuitively feel their energy – you deliver a message from spirit and recognize they need healing. You offer them a kind word and as you’re talking, something incredible happens - they recognize your light.
You are entirely uplifted from this whole experience, your vibration is high and you feel on top of the world.
Out of the goodness of your heart, you invite this person to your home for a free healing session. You lift them up, pull them out of their misery and they’re so incredibly grateful, you can feel it in your heart. Three days later they have referred several clients to you. People keep calling you, leaving messages, saying they heard about you and would love to book you in. They say you are highly recommended.
And for each of those people, three more become your clients, and these people will continue to see you when the time is right, for the rest of your life, while doing this work. And on and on it goes from there, all from the sacred gift of you shining your light and trusting in faith no matter how dark and grim it was not too long before.
An incredible shift happened and within that your gift was finally revealed in its truest form and finally put into work, in a way that aligned even higher and bigger than even before. Because you went so down, now you are so up. And you have moved along your soul’s path.
From that one experience of you helping one person, now so many more people, and might I add the RIGHT people, sense and appreciate your light, and that has a ripple effect. They see you for who you are and the gifts you share. These are the right people for you.
Now you are in a positive momentum of your true soul’s calling, and a beautiful snowball effect of magic and healing ensues. As you have worked through your wounding, you have levelled up in your wisdom and begin to remember and rebirth your ancient medicine woman lineage, with the assistance of the angels and your spiritual team in new and inspiring ways.
Now because energies keep changing, it is important to note that a few snakes might sliver on by and you might have some experiences of difficult people come through your work or in your life, and so it does keeps= shifting and changing, but you learn and grow in the process and become bigger and better and more aware of who you are, because you have showed up as yourself, in your soul’s light, and worked mindfully through it all.
The core message in all of this is to trust and believe in yourself, no matter all the hard times, be conscious of the energies within and surrounding you, do the spiritual work and be kind on yourself when it all seems to fall flat, because you will always rise up again.
So for example, there might be a planetary alignment that’s kind of like a baseline energy or a kind of backdrop energy. Let’s say Jupiter is in its expensive phase for six months in the background. OK beautiful, but then for three months of that Chiron the wounded healer is in Aries in retrograde. It’s also a 7 Year Numerologically, so the overall backdrop is very spiritual, introverted and reflective.
So you find yourself thinking a lot and one way or another developing spiritually. You start practising a healing modality, and prepare to take it to a whole new level and open up a side business as a healer. Everything feels wonderful and aligned.
Then you suddenly go through a phase where all your past wounds come up. In a past life, you were a actually medicine woman and got a persecuted for knowing your naturopathic knowledge and healing ability. So now, this persecution type energy comes up to your core and you don’t even know it.
Just when you started to create a website and draw clients into your healing work, all of sudden a bunch of things happen. A stranger randomly rubbishes you online, a previously trusted friend is jealous and changes the subject when you tell them your special news, and your aunty looks at you like you are a devil worshipper with three heads when you tell them about your natural healing gifts and utter excitement of moving into your life purpose.
On top of this, at your regular job a colleague accuses you of doing something you didn’t do.
See how it works?
You are now absolutely devastated and embroiled in the deep wounds of persecution energy. These intense and depressing thoughts and feelings circle around in your mind and body and begin to suffocate you into an oblivion of self deprication, doubt and extreme feelings of unworthiness.
Suddenly you are catapulted into pits of despair, you just feel like you can’t do your work at all or communicate your truth on any level.
You’re not aware of this past life, and find yourself thinking:
“What’s wrong with me, why am I such a bloody loser?”
You’re completely down in the dumps, don’t believe in yourself, completely question your dreams and ability. You start cancelling clients in a panic of self sabotage, or as it happens, because of all the intermingling energy, they end up cancelling on you.
What the heck just happened? Not that long ago you were feeling excited, expansive and so uber soul connected …. and then whoosh, the rug was pulled from right under you.
In the midst of all this, let’s say there is a super moon and mercury is in retrograde.
Great, just what you need! Your computer completely fucks up when you’re trying to push through and build your healing website, you get all these miscommunication emails and you’re just not moving ahead. Now Pluto and Saturn butt heads in the sky, just to add to all the mahem and gunk. And there is a real doom and gloom, heavy energy.
Now you sink into your lowest pits of despair have a dark, deep night of the soul that lasts for months. You recluse, don’t see anyone, don’t post about your business, don’t even have a shower half the time, and just feel the doom and gloom of it all by yourself. And, because you are actually a caring empathic soul in truth, from everyone else around you.
You deeply question why you are even doing this. You tell yourself that you are a stupid idiot. You suffer financial troubles and you and the world feels like it is completely collapsing all around you.
Then, eventually this particular assortment of energy moves on, and a nice new alignment clicks into place such as Venus in sextile, and now you start to feel the love energy. On top of this, there are spikes on the Schumann Resonance, the measurable heartbeat of earth energy, meaning a higher frequency energy is coming onto earth.
You now radiate in a new glowing energy. You start to feel alive and inspired to post again about your healing work.
Spontaneously, while out, in a moment of divine intervention, you bump into a stranger and intuitively feel their energy – you deliver a message from spirit and recognize they need healing. You offer them a kind word and as you’re talking, something incredible happens - they recognize your light.
You are entirely uplifted from this whole experience, your vibration is high and you feel on top of the world.
Out of the goodness of your heart, you invite this person to your home for a free healing session. You lift them up, pull them out of their misery and they’re so incredibly grateful, you can feel it in your heart. Three days later they have referred several clients to you. People keep calling you, leaving messages, saying they heard about you and would love to book you in. They say you are highly recommended.
And for each of those people, three more become your clients, and these people will continue to see you when the time is right, for the rest of your life, while doing this work. And on and on it goes from there, all from the sacred gift of you shining your light and trusting in faith no matter how dark and grim it was not too long before.
An incredible shift happened and within that your gift was finally revealed in its truest form and finally put into work, in a way that aligned even higher and bigger than even before. Because you went so down, now you are so up. And you have moved along your soul’s path.
From that one experience of you helping one person, now so many more people, and might I add the RIGHT people, sense and appreciate your light, and that has a ripple effect. They see you for who you are and the gifts you share. These are the right people for you.
Now you are in a positive momentum of your true soul’s calling, and a beautiful snowball effect of magic and healing ensues. As you have worked through your wounding, you have levelled up in your wisdom and begin to remember and rebirth your ancient medicine woman lineage, with the assistance of the angels and your spiritual team in new and inspiring ways.
Now because energies keep changing, it is important to note that a few snakes might sliver on by and you might have some experiences of difficult people come through your work or in your life, and so it does keeps= shifting and changing, but you learn and grow in the process and become bigger and better and more aware of who you are, because you have showed up as yourself, in your soul’s light, and worked mindfully through it all.
The core message in all of this is to trust and believe in yourself, no matter all the hard times, be conscious of the energies within and surrounding you, do the spiritual work and be kind on yourself when it all seems to fall flat, because you will always rise up again.
The Added Effects of the Energy of Other People
Often, because of the constant variations in energy, it can all intermingle. Keep in mind also that amongst all the cosmic energy coming at you, that you’re integrating, you’re also experiencing the energy of other people around you or in the collective, doesn’t matter how close or far they are. And what you feel is how THEY are coping. And THAT, as empaths or energy sensitives is often what stuffs us up, even if we are generally aware, well-meaning and start off on the right track. You can always plummet down again, because of the energy of people.
So to take the storm analogy again - in the periods of time when there’s that more excessive intense storm-like energy sweeping in, if you’re someone who’s trying to calm your thoughts, do your inner work and try your best - you’ve got your little hard hat on with your glowing light, and you’re trying to get through it all….
In this scenario, let’s say you know there is an upcoming energy - you know that stuff will most likely come up for you to work through and heal, you might even know what that is in advance as you are already receiving intuitive hits, and you brace yourself for it.
You try be as positive as you can and tell yourself you will get through, to be brave and acknowledge what comes up.
You try not to get dragged too much under… but …. despite all your best efforts, you actually end up getting sucked in and pulled down, not by the cosmic energy directly this time, but the energy of other people.
Maybe you make a call to a company and the person on the phone is is curt, rude and bitchy with you and you just feel their energy intensely. Then your husband comes home shitty from his day at work and an argument ensues. After that an old energy vampire friend keeps calling and bugging you and telling you all their problems and dramas and sends you long, never-ending texts all about themselves, without even asking how you are. You catch the drift.
You are doing your mindful best, but you empathically feel the energy of all those in the intensity. who are acting out in chaos and drama - and these offshoot effects from these people, with their messed up vibes, is coming at you and you just feel it. And this lower energy, if you let it, has the power to pile up and knock you down and off your core. And before you know it, you are dragged down to the lowest of depths, maybe even lower than some of these people to start with, because you are unwittingly taking it all on, including the entire energy of the world and cosmos, and it all becomes too much.
You now also deal with sudden psychic attacks and feel the energy vampire’s moods to such a core level, even if you are not speaking to them, that you then become depressed, angry, anxious and just can’t seem to pick yourself up. You now feel heavy, burdened, irritated and achy and you literally need to be in bed weeks on end.
You end up walking around the house talking to yourself, saying:
“Great, thanks, that;’ exactly what I was trying to avoid, and now I’m friggen a complete and utter basketcase mess and feel like I can’t dig myself out of the hole!!”
Does this sound familiar?
And so now, with all this doom and gloom, you can also attract more uncomfortable situations and added energy, because there is a kind of negative, magnetic, snowball effect and a catastrophic build up and pile up of toxic energy;
This all has a further ripple effect on your family, household, finances and life – and everything seems to suddenly send you spiralling downwards into a dramatic, negative momentum.
Or, if you are just a little weighted down, you might just carry some extra foreign negative energy, feel a bit of a clogged up in the chakras, and a bit out of sorts, like you are not being your true self.
So to take the storm analogy again - in the periods of time when there’s that more excessive intense storm-like energy sweeping in, if you’re someone who’s trying to calm your thoughts, do your inner work and try your best - you’ve got your little hard hat on with your glowing light, and you’re trying to get through it all….
In this scenario, let’s say you know there is an upcoming energy - you know that stuff will most likely come up for you to work through and heal, you might even know what that is in advance as you are already receiving intuitive hits, and you brace yourself for it.
You try be as positive as you can and tell yourself you will get through, to be brave and acknowledge what comes up.
You try not to get dragged too much under… but …. despite all your best efforts, you actually end up getting sucked in and pulled down, not by the cosmic energy directly this time, but the energy of other people.
Maybe you make a call to a company and the person on the phone is is curt, rude and bitchy with you and you just feel their energy intensely. Then your husband comes home shitty from his day at work and an argument ensues. After that an old energy vampire friend keeps calling and bugging you and telling you all their problems and dramas and sends you long, never-ending texts all about themselves, without even asking how you are. You catch the drift.
You are doing your mindful best, but you empathically feel the energy of all those in the intensity. who are acting out in chaos and drama - and these offshoot effects from these people, with their messed up vibes, is coming at you and you just feel it. And this lower energy, if you let it, has the power to pile up and knock you down and off your core. And before you know it, you are dragged down to the lowest of depths, maybe even lower than some of these people to start with, because you are unwittingly taking it all on, including the entire energy of the world and cosmos, and it all becomes too much.
You now also deal with sudden psychic attacks and feel the energy vampire’s moods to such a core level, even if you are not speaking to them, that you then become depressed, angry, anxious and just can’t seem to pick yourself up. You now feel heavy, burdened, irritated and achy and you literally need to be in bed weeks on end.
You end up walking around the house talking to yourself, saying:
“Great, thanks, that;’ exactly what I was trying to avoid, and now I’m friggen a complete and utter basketcase mess and feel like I can’t dig myself out of the hole!!”
Does this sound familiar?
And so now, with all this doom and gloom, you can also attract more uncomfortable situations and added energy, because there is a kind of negative, magnetic, snowball effect and a catastrophic build up and pile up of toxic energy;
This all has a further ripple effect on your family, household, finances and life – and everything seems to suddenly send you spiralling downwards into a dramatic, negative momentum.
Or, if you are just a little weighted down, you might just carry some extra foreign negative energy, feel a bit of a clogged up in the chakras, and a bit out of sorts, like you are not being your true self.
What Can We Learn from This
So the message in all of this is to look after yourself best you can and just be aware and conscious on whatever level you can muster. You’re going to have days where you do such a great job at it, and other days where you just can’t muster, let alone master the energy or cope - and that’s OK.
But so long as you are aware that this is how it all goes and that we’re all going through these kind of reoccurring cosmic cycles and energy waves one way or another, you are doing the best you can.
The difference between you and the regular person is that you are both self and outer aware. And that makes all the difference.
The more you become aware of incoming energy, your own energy and that of others, and learn how to protect, ground, and clear yourself – the more consciously you rise yourself up again to soul level when the time comes, in due course. And will be so much better for it. Not only will you cope better and develop your intuition, but you’ll also be advancing in your evolution as a soul here on earth. And that is exactly what you came here to do.
At a higher level, these energy shifts are invitations to awaken, transform, and embody your highest potential as a soul here on earth. By embracing the at times powerful gifts, challenges and lessons, you embark on a conscious path towards growth, empowerment and alignment with your higher, truer self.
The more you embrace the higher teachings of these energy changes, the more you learn to navigate the ever-changing currents with grace, resilience and an open heart. As you align yourself more with the current flow of energy, you become an active, rather than sleepy participant of this reality and non- accidental grand symphony of creation.
Through the ebbs and flows, storms and calms, you learn the art of surrender and trust. You surrender to the inherent wisdom of the universe, trusting that every challenge carries within it the seeds of growth and rebirth. You cultivate resilience, drawing strength from the knowledge that you are never alone on this journey. You are interconnected, supported, and guided by the unseen forces and supportive beings that dance alongside you.
As you navigate the currents of transformation and embrace the power of the present moment where the past dissolves and the future is yet to unfold, in this sacred space, within the truth of the infinite now, you find the keys to unlock your truest potential . Here you open up doorways where you can expand yourself beyond the seeming limits of the physical world, and you embody more of who you truly are, and THAT is the gift of the cosmos, and why you are even here to begin with.
But so long as you are aware that this is how it all goes and that we’re all going through these kind of reoccurring cosmic cycles and energy waves one way or another, you are doing the best you can.
The difference between you and the regular person is that you are both self and outer aware. And that makes all the difference.
The more you become aware of incoming energy, your own energy and that of others, and learn how to protect, ground, and clear yourself – the more consciously you rise yourself up again to soul level when the time comes, in due course. And will be so much better for it. Not only will you cope better and develop your intuition, but you’ll also be advancing in your evolution as a soul here on earth. And that is exactly what you came here to do.
At a higher level, these energy shifts are invitations to awaken, transform, and embody your highest potential as a soul here on earth. By embracing the at times powerful gifts, challenges and lessons, you embark on a conscious path towards growth, empowerment and alignment with your higher, truer self.
The more you embrace the higher teachings of these energy changes, the more you learn to navigate the ever-changing currents with grace, resilience and an open heart. As you align yourself more with the current flow of energy, you become an active, rather than sleepy participant of this reality and non- accidental grand symphony of creation.
Through the ebbs and flows, storms and calms, you learn the art of surrender and trust. You surrender to the inherent wisdom of the universe, trusting that every challenge carries within it the seeds of growth and rebirth. You cultivate resilience, drawing strength from the knowledge that you are never alone on this journey. You are interconnected, supported, and guided by the unseen forces and supportive beings that dance alongside you.
As you navigate the currents of transformation and embrace the power of the present moment where the past dissolves and the future is yet to unfold, in this sacred space, within the truth of the infinite now, you find the keys to unlock your truest potential . Here you open up doorways where you can expand yourself beyond the seeming limits of the physical world, and you embody more of who you truly are, and THAT is the gift of the cosmos, and why you are even here to begin with.
Listen to Spiritual Soul Podcast"Elevate Your Consciousness & Come Back to Soul."
Join me on the path of spiritual development, awakening & transformation. I dive deeply into energy, intuition, consciousness & all things spiritual. Feel calm, connected, aligned & uplifted on your journey back to soul. It is time! Available on Apple, Spotify & other platforms |
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