The 10 Key Steps to ManifestationThe idea of manifestation can be a subject of pain or joy for you, depending on how you approach it. Here is a list of 10 key steps or principles to take and keep in mind, to help you understand how it works, reframe your mindset, finetune your approach and know what to do on your manifestation journey.
The tips are designed to be realistic and to keep you more grounded and aligned in your idea and approach to calling in your desires on a higher level. My intention is to help you better grasp how to go about genuine manifesting in a higher, brighter way. |
1. Start Small
To get the hang of manifestation, start with something small that you can easily see coming into your life. Try asking for smaller things first and one at a time, to easily attain your desire and gain some experience before you try for bigger things.
This is a good way to learn, practice and be comfortable with it until you step in the flow and have more confidence to upgrade to the next level. Keep upgrading as you go along and experiment wit this.
This is a good way to learn, practice and be comfortable with it until you step in the flow and have more confidence to upgrade to the next level. Keep upgrading as you go along and experiment wit this.
2. Be in Alignment with your Request & Match the Vibration
In order for manifestation flow to occur, you must be in alignment. That’s a bit like trying to push toothpaste into a tube! Be passionate about what you are manifesting, since your wish needs to match your desire and your vibrations.
Further to this, maintain high vibrations and bring more joy into your life. Come from that space of joy and creativity. Happiness, contendedness and laughter raise your vibrations. You can also do this through activities such as dance, music and meditation.
So keep uplifted and do things you love. Read article: 30+ Ways to Raise Your Vibration. This keeps you in the good energy and allows more space and the right frequency match for your manifestations to come.
So keep uplifted and do things you love. Read article: 30+ Ways to Raise Your Vibration. This keeps you in the good energy and allows more space and the right frequency match for your manifestations to come.
3. Manifestation is a Multi-Sensory Experience
To call into being what you desire, open up and use all your senses – see, feel, smell and hear your wish. And if you are a bit more advanced, open up your chakras (your energy centers) or use your intuitive or psychic ability.
Not only is manifestation multi-sensory, but it is also multi-dimensional! So take that approach and broaden your mind, expand what you believe and how you go about things. Take time to feel and visualize in a way that is real and enjoyable to you.
Not only is manifestation multi-sensory, but it is also multi-dimensional! So take that approach and broaden your mind, expand what you believe and how you go about things. Take time to feel and visualize in a way that is real and enjoyable to you.
4. Intend for & Visualize Your Manifestation in the Present Tense

Affirm, act, feel and think as if it already exists, in the present tense, like it is already happening right now, not that it ‘is coming’, or ‘will come’, as in that case it will always ’be coming’ and will never actually arrive. That’s right, it’s all in the way you think about it. The trick is, that when you act as if you already have the things you want, and show genuine gratitude affirmed in the present tense (even if you don’t actually have them yet).
The Law of Attraction will work on the frequency of your thoughts and feelings of gratitude that you are sending out. So it will give you those things, as it does not know that you don’t already have them. It is all about thought, energy and materialization.
The Law of Attraction will work on the frequency of your thoughts and feelings of gratitude that you are sending out. So it will give you those things, as it does not know that you don’t already have them. It is all about thought, energy and materialization.
5. What, not How
When you are manifesting, focus on the ‘what’ and not the ‘how.’ So this means thinking about and imaging the thing, but not how it will come - because that is the job of God, the universe.
If you try to force or control outcomes, processes or methods, that causes a big block and hinders its creation or arrival. So don't get in your own way of your manifestations.
If you try to force or control outcomes, processes or methods, that causes a big block and hinders its creation or arrival. So don't get in your own way of your manifestations.
6. Stay Positive
"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behavours positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." ~ Gandhi
Say daily positive affirmations /prayers to keep you in a positive mindset. Anticipate in a positive way (with joy, and by the use of positive language when it comes to your dreams). Do not doubt.
But let's be realistic here. I am not someone who believes in spiritual bypassing (ignoring negative thoughts and feelings). You need to go through and feel your stuff, face your fears and clear your energy so that you have a clean, clear slate with which to work and build upon. So do your shadow work.
But let's be realistic here. I am not someone who believes in spiritual bypassing (ignoring negative thoughts and feelings). You need to go through and feel your stuff, face your fears and clear your energy so that you have a clean, clear slate with which to work and build upon. So do your shadow work.
7. Be Grateful
Give thanks. Show gratitude for all you have and reflect upon it daily. Eg: “Thank you, I am so grateful for...“
The energy of appreciation activates the law of increase to work in your favour. We can also do this by looking for the good in people and things and praising them from your heart. This shall attract more blessings into your life.
Try asking for what you wish in the morning and giving thanks for it before you go to bed. Continue to do this every night.
Get in the practice of giving without fear, and unconditionally, meaning without expecting anything In return. When you do give, it should be with utter joy and love in your heart. This opens you up to receiving more and creates an absolutely positive flow of energy so that you too can become a receptacle of good. This is known as the ‘Law of Circulation’ and also includes giving to those in need such as charity. The act of tithing basically means giving about 10 % of your earnings away benevolently. Not all of us are able to do that, so giving what you can, when you can or feel - just set the intention and making a start. Giving feels good and spreads good. Even just giving a hearty smile, helpful gesture or genuine compliment works wonders. Pray or be of service in some way. Philanthropy and lightwork is loving, giving energy.
So drop a few coins in those charity boxes at the local bank or shops. And the more you give, the more you will attract in return in magical ways (it’s like the pleasant side of karma)! If you feel the inclination, drop $5 or more into my official charity fundraiser with an amazing organization who rescue and rehabilitate trafficked children :)
You can even bless bills, or say a simple blessing each time you give money. Some people write 'BRM’ (meaning bless-return-multiply) on their cheques! Makes sense when you think about it, it is a healthy attitude to adopt in how you look at money and supply, and it is a good, positive habit to get into.
The energy of appreciation activates the law of increase to work in your favour. We can also do this by looking for the good in people and things and praising them from your heart. This shall attract more blessings into your life.
Try asking for what you wish in the morning and giving thanks for it before you go to bed. Continue to do this every night.
Get in the practice of giving without fear, and unconditionally, meaning without expecting anything In return. When you do give, it should be with utter joy and love in your heart. This opens you up to receiving more and creates an absolutely positive flow of energy so that you too can become a receptacle of good. This is known as the ‘Law of Circulation’ and also includes giving to those in need such as charity. The act of tithing basically means giving about 10 % of your earnings away benevolently. Not all of us are able to do that, so giving what you can, when you can or feel - just set the intention and making a start. Giving feels good and spreads good. Even just giving a hearty smile, helpful gesture or genuine compliment works wonders. Pray or be of service in some way. Philanthropy and lightwork is loving, giving energy.
So drop a few coins in those charity boxes at the local bank or shops. And the more you give, the more you will attract in return in magical ways (it’s like the pleasant side of karma)! If you feel the inclination, drop $5 or more into my official charity fundraiser with an amazing organization who rescue and rehabilitate trafficked children :)
You can even bless bills, or say a simple blessing each time you give money. Some people write 'BRM’ (meaning bless-return-multiply) on their cheques! Makes sense when you think about it, it is a healthy attitude to adopt in how you look at money and supply, and it is a good, positive habit to get into.
8. Work on Yourself!
You don't normally see working on yourself as a helpful tool for manifestation, but in my eyes it truly is a very big key. Looking after and working on yourself can include things like:
Quite simple when you take care of you and your needs, and look after your energy, you feel better, your vibration increases and you are more in alignment with your higher goals and visions.
You are also more likely to be more positively minded and manifest or come from a genuine place, rather than a fake or tainted one.
- getting real with yourself
- journaling, shadow work
- speaking your truth rather than holding it in
- taking care of your emotional and physical needs
- energy management (clearing, grounding, protecting your energy and raising your vibration)
- connecting with soul and the Higher Power
- establishing sacred space and time for self
- spiritual and self-development and routine
Quite simple when you take care of you and your needs, and look after your energy, you feel better, your vibration increases and you are more in alignment with your higher goals and visions.
You are also more likely to be more positively minded and manifest or come from a genuine place, rather than a fake or tainted one.
9. Nurture Your Desires. Continue to Add & Maintain Energy
* Add energy and send love to your request every day. You can always ask God / Source / angels to help you bring your desired goal into form, all you need to do is ask sincerely.
* Try writing your request and placing in your sacred space, such as on an altar or shelf.
* Look forward to your request with positive expectations.
* Share your wishes with only good faithful friends who will remain positive and encouraging. Do not share your dreams and wishes with negative or jealous people who will only drag you down and cause you to doubt yourself. Sharing in positive ways helps you give voice to them and anchor the energy of their actualisation!
* Try writing your request and placing in your sacred space, such as on an altar or shelf.
* Look forward to your request with positive expectations.
* Share your wishes with only good faithful friends who will remain positive and encouraging. Do not share your dreams and wishes with negative or jealous people who will only drag you down and cause you to doubt yourself. Sharing in positive ways helps you give voice to them and anchor the energy of their actualisation!
10. Allow, Detach & Let Go
It is important to detach from your desires in order to attract them freely. So that means letting go and allowing the change and blessings to happen. Do not try to 'hold on' (for dear life), or try to control / figure out the 'how' and exact details of the process.
Let it take you by surprise and in Divine timing (which might not initially please or suit you or meet your expectations).
You have to let it go in order for it to take place.
Surrendering can be difficult when you feel really connected or obsessed about your dream, true me I know! But by holding it tightly, you block the manifestation form taking place. You can say there is a slight art to this, but it gets easier with practice, and when you get it - it will make future manifestations that much more easier.
Here is a good analogy for this process. When you order something online, do you then drive or take a flight to the factory and then follow it through its manufacturing and delivery process? No - you hit the order button, know it's coming, and then enjoy the knock on the door when it comes. Sometimes there are delays, but that is a natural part of the cycle of life - when it finally comes it is yours.
So trust in the process, know that it will come, and it will. Ask and ye shall receive.
Copyright © Natalia Kuna
Let it take you by surprise and in Divine timing (which might not initially please or suit you or meet your expectations).
You have to let it go in order for it to take place.
Surrendering can be difficult when you feel really connected or obsessed about your dream, true me I know! But by holding it tightly, you block the manifestation form taking place. You can say there is a slight art to this, but it gets easier with practice, and when you get it - it will make future manifestations that much more easier.
Here is a good analogy for this process. When you order something online, do you then drive or take a flight to the factory and then follow it through its manufacturing and delivery process? No - you hit the order button, know it's coming, and then enjoy the knock on the door when it comes. Sometimes there are delays, but that is a natural part of the cycle of life - when it finally comes it is yours.
So trust in the process, know that it will come, and it will. Ask and ye shall receive.
Copyright © Natalia Kuna