Affirmations & the Power of Positive Thinking
Read below all about what affirmations are & how they can positively affect your life.
The Power of Using Affirmations![]() Affirmations really are so incredibly powerful. It's all about energy and where you put your intention.
Being mindful of your wording pays off. Every word carries a vibration and the spiritual law of attraction is working right now as you read this to bring to you whatever you are 'putting out'. So maybe it's time to take an inventory. What have you been thinking today and recently? Is it time to make a positive change? |
"An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change."
~ Louise L. Hay
~ Louise L. Hay
Curiously, some professional athletes are actually trained to not think negative thoughts to such a degree that they chronically reduce the actual amount of thoughts that they think in a day as well as be mindful to carry and extend that positive thought for longer, so as to give it more energy and credence for their own benefit!!
"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief.
And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."
~ Claude M. Bristol
And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."
~ Claude M. Bristol
So, if you have been thinking negatively about yourself, others, or aspects of your life, then don't be surprised that you will be drawing more of that thought-experience to yourself. It is like your thoughts will come alive.
"We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words,
and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation."
~ Florence Scovel Shinn
and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation."
~ Florence Scovel Shinn
Do you find yourself constantly thinking something along the lines of:
"I never have enough money," or:
"All men treat me like dirt."
Well guess what, you will keep not having money and attracting men who abuse, disrespect or dishonor you. It is when you start to *really* pay attention to your words that you will become more acutely aware of how you think and therefore how your thoughts are affecting so many aspects of your life.
How Do Affirmations Work?
Affirmations are even more effective when repeated. Basically, the repetition of words (which are energy and carry a vibration), acts as a kind of transmission directly to your subconscious mind. The repetition allows the messages to enter your subconscious and as energy follows thought, you shall attract the positive experiences you are affirming.
"Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind:
repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest."
~ Grace Speare
repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest."
~ Grace Speare

You might have heard of the adage:
"Energy goes where thought flows",
and that is exactly what happens. Any repeated affirmation will,
in effect, energetically manifest.
That is why they say:
"Be careful what you think!"
"Energy goes where thought flows",
and that is exactly what happens. Any repeated affirmation will,
in effect, energetically manifest.
That is why they say:
"Be careful what you think!"

Understanding that energy follows your thoughts, helps you realize that every day, those 60,000 thoughts rolling around in your head are attracting more of that energy. When you look at it that way, wouldn't you rather take some control of not only the thoughts, but as a consequence, the field of possible outcomes in relation to those thoughts.
Nobody said that this was an easy road, however even just being aware and placing some effort into turning your thoughts around will create a shift for you, and an open space to allow you to receive something more aligned with your Spirit and desires.
Just remember, that every day you are attracting whatever your thoughts are putting out there, so even being mindful can make a difference.
Nobody said that this was an easy road, however even just being aware and placing some effort into turning your thoughts around will create a shift for you, and an open space to allow you to receive something more aligned with your Spirit and desires.
Just remember, that every day you are attracting whatever your thoughts are putting out there, so even being mindful can make a difference.
Be mindful, but also use your creative imagination & energy to bring you what you desire. Your imagination is more real that we are taught to believe and using our creative force brings in a kind of alchemic spark to add fuel to our wishes. Before you know it, you will be drawing in positive experiences.
It might take a bit of time to really get used to turning your thoughts around, but do give it a good try. This really is like re-training your brain, however the results will be well worth it and will affect the many spheres of your life. You will find it will improve your relationships, attitudes towards life, work, people, health - the list goes on!!
If you would like to check out some inspirational images on affirmations and positive thinking that I've collected together on Pinterest, click here.
It might help you get started and into the flow.
You can use affirmations created by others, or make up your own.
Copyright © 2011 Natalia Kuna