What are Spirit Guides?

Did you ever feel like you have a spiritual being or a team watching over you?
Spirit guides are exactly as the words suggest - discarnate spiritual beings who assist and guide us as incarnate humans in our every day life.
Guides are said to have experienced life as a human on earth before, therefore they can empathize with earthly matters and being human very well.
How Many Guides do we all Have?Cosmically, we are not alone.
It is said that we all have one or more spirit guides. In fact, you most likely have a spiritual team. Some guides may stay with us during our entire lifetime, while others come and go at various times in our life or when we are in specific need. |
The Role of Spirit Guides

In the afterlife, spirit guides receive special training so that they can assist us on the earthly plane. They have access to a lot of information about ourselves, as they know our life contract in detail, and they are able to access the ‘akashic records,’ which are detailed written spirit records about all of our soul’s incarnations.
They are assigned to us as part of our ‘soul contract’, as are our
guardian angels, to help watch over, encourage, support and protect us. They each have their own specific specialties to help us with various aspects of our lives.
How Spirit Guides Help Us

It is important to know that guides, just like angels and other spiritual beings; cannot interfere with your ‘free will.’ That is, they cannot get in the way of your own human choices unless you are in specific danger, in which case they will issue a warning telepathically, or intercept via Divine intervention.
In that way they can stagnate time to change the outcome of an accident or potentially negative event, especially if it is to save you from dying ‘before your time.’

Here are examples of various roles that different guides can perform.
Your spirit guides are here to give you guidance, signs, assist you by orchestrating synchronicities as well as pull in the meeting of people, opportunity, or aid in aligning you with your dreams, goals and life path.
They link us between worlds and give flashes of intuitive guidance that just drop in to your consciousness. They can also work with other guides or energies, as well as through other people - in order to help you.
Your spirit guides are here to give you guidance, signs, assist you by orchestrating synchronicities as well as pull in the meeting of people, opportunity, or aid in aligning you with your dreams, goals and life path.
They link us between worlds and give flashes of intuitive guidance that just drop in to your consciousness. They can also work with other guides or energies, as well as through other people - in order to help you.
There are various kinds of guides that are a part of us or that can come into our lives at any moment.
Depending on each Spirit Guide and whatever we are going through, they can act as teachers, guardians / protectors, helpers and messengers. We can have ancestor guides, loved ones in spirit who become guides, or animal spirit guides. |
The Different Types of Guides
Regular Spirit Guides

These are the typical spirit guides mentioned further above that all people have.
I have had dreams where guides came to quite literally shine a torch to show me the way and that they are here comforting me. They made me feel supported and like I am not alone. These spiritual dreams feel so real and powerful that I will never, ever forget them.
I have also had a dream where I met my daughter's spirit guides. They sat around a round table in a space that was like a spiritual board room.
These profound spirit guide dreams are also a kind of personal proof of the presence and power of our Divine spiritual helpers. They reinforce that there is meaning in our life and that we are not alone.
I have had dreams where guides came to quite literally shine a torch to show me the way and that they are here comforting me. They made me feel supported and like I am not alone. These spiritual dreams feel so real and powerful that I will never, ever forget them.
I have also had a dream where I met my daughter's spirit guides. They sat around a round table in a space that was like a spiritual board room.
These profound spirit guide dreams are also a kind of personal proof of the presence and power of our Divine spiritual helpers. They reinforce that there is meaning in our life and that we are not alone.
Main Spirit Guides

Main guides are the guides that are there from birth, and will be with you for your entire life time. You might have one main guide or more.
You might have the feeling of knowing your main guide or their personality, because they have been with you for so long, and you probably were aware of them on the other side when you prepared your spiritual contract, team of guides and angels, and prepared for your human lifetime on earth and the birthing process.
You might have also encountered the presence of your main guides in your dreams or meditations. They might even be that resounding whisper or voice you hear in your ear when you have received direct guidance or warnings. I have the feeling of knowing I have a male guide, which helps me feel extra safe, protected and less alone.
You might have the feeling of knowing your main guide or their personality, because they have been with you for so long, and you probably were aware of them on the other side when you prepared your spiritual contract, team of guides and angels, and prepared for your human lifetime on earth and the birthing process.
You might have also encountered the presence of your main guides in your dreams or meditations. They might even be that resounding whisper or voice you hear in your ear when you have received direct guidance or warnings. I have the feeling of knowing I have a male guide, which helps me feel extra safe, protected and less alone.
Guardian Spirit Guides

Guardians are essentially protectors. They protect your physical body and space as well as spiritual energy. They will intervene at times of need or when our safety is compromised.
A guardian might issue you a warning through your natural intuitive senses, alter time or your environment, or send messages to you through signs or animals. They can also come into your dreams.
Lets say for example you dream about a wolf staring you in the face in the dark of a forest at night, that could be your guardian either messaging you through universal symbolism, or allowing your consciousness to decipher that help is at hand or that danger is ahead. It is a kind of spiritual system.
A guardian guide can also quite literally be an animal spirit guide, which is another category further below.
A guardian might issue you a warning through your natural intuitive senses, alter time or your environment, or send messages to you through signs or animals. They can also come into your dreams.
Lets say for example you dream about a wolf staring you in the face in the dark of a forest at night, that could be your guardian either messaging you through universal symbolism, or allowing your consciousness to decipher that help is at hand or that danger is ahead. It is a kind of spiritual system.
A guardian guide can also quite literally be an animal spirit guide, which is another category further below.
Messenger Spirit Guides

Messenger guides can be any kind of guide - who offers messages to help you.
The messages can be in any form, from literal signs such as coins, feathers or numbers, through our natural intuition (anything we might see, feel, hear or just feel we know), information downloads, to synchronicities. They also send messages through dreams.
We will often attract messenger guides when we are open or at a crossroads in our life. Maybe we need to follow a certain path, make a change or even a decision.
They will help you make the best choice that suits you, and that fits in with your life purpose and the guidance and direction of your Higher Self.
The messages can be in any form, from literal signs such as coins, feathers or numbers, through our natural intuition (anything we might see, feel, hear or just feel we know), information downloads, to synchronicities. They also send messages through dreams.
We will often attract messenger guides when we are open or at a crossroads in our life. Maybe we need to follow a certain path, make a change or even a decision.
They will help you make the best choice that suits you, and that fits in with your life purpose and the guidance and direction of your Higher Self.
Healer Spirit Guides

Healer guides have the ability to issue or assist you with physical or spiritual healing. Whether they work on you directly, or through human healers, practitioners or medical physicians, it is their job and ability to help you on your healing journey.
Healer guides can also act as teachers, trainers and mentors and psychically and energetically help the healer with new techniques, or to grow in their field. I have had guides come in to show me new techniques in my energy healing work such as psychic surgery or specific methods to release energy, including shamanic type work.
Healer guides can also act as teachers, trainers and mentors and psychically and energetically help the healer with new techniques, or to grow in their field. I have had guides come in to show me new techniques in my energy healing work such as psychic surgery or specific methods to release energy, including shamanic type work.

Healing guides or Master guides can give symbols or sacred geometry to healers by imprinting it in their mind or allowing the healer to see it in meditation.
This is certainly the case in healing modalities such as Reiki, where symbols are powerful transmitters, transmuters or codes of advanced light, energy and meaning. the Reiki system works on symbols alone.
Once, a guide imprinted a healing symbol and color in my mind. It was the Flower of Life with a blue background, and it became a significant symbol that had greater meaning and relevance to me over time.
This is certainly the case in healing modalities such as Reiki, where symbols are powerful transmitters, transmuters or codes of advanced light, energy and meaning. the Reiki system works on symbols alone.
Once, a guide imprinted a healing symbol and color in my mind. It was the Flower of Life with a blue background, and it became a significant symbol that had greater meaning and relevance to me over time.

It is very common for humans who work as healers of any modality to have Healing Guides that help them in their healing work with others.
They may have a permanent healer guide, or specific ones that come and go when the healer or their patients need specific help.
Just like angels, Healer guides will also help you with your emotional and mental healing by offering comfort, direction and support.
Teacher Spirit GuidesTeacher Guides come through to teach us either specific knowledge or life lessons.
We might attract a new teacher guide who specializes in a particular area when we are undergoing some kind of learning or study. For example, let's say you are taking courses on professional development in accounting, a guide who is a adept at mathematics will step in to offer you assistance. He might help you understand concepts and techniques, and to memorize formulae. A Sage guide can come into your life when you are working n your spiritual development or requiring assistance in understanding deep mystical, esoteric knowledge. |

As we come into this life with a soul contract, particular lessons to learn and karma to clear, teacher guides can come in to help facilitate direction and understanding when life lessons come to the fore.
They will help align you to your soul purpose and fast track the inner and outer learning that is required, so that you can understand things more deeply, and be clearer on your path ahead.
Teacher guides can also help you find the best teacher, tutor, course, book or info stream that you need at any time, even if its just helping you 'accidentally find' the right webpage, You Tube channel or expert.
They will help align you to your soul purpose and fast track the inner and outer learning that is required, so that you can understand things more deeply, and be clearer on your path ahead.
Teacher guides can also help you find the best teacher, tutor, course, book or info stream that you need at any time, even if its just helping you 'accidentally find' the right webpage, You Tube channel or expert.
Master Spirit Guides

Master guides are beings that have reached a higher state of consciousness and as such are at a more master level. Master Guides could be Ascended Masters or just more highly evolved spirit guides. They are sage, sacred masters or even elders.
Master guides are more likely to come in at a particular time in a person's life when they need the energy and assistance of whatever that guide can provide, as they are most likely to specialize in a certain area, much like Archangels. They can also help support a person through their representation of a certain type of energy or archetype.
Some people say that your Master Guide is your main guide, the one that has been there since birth, though that could also be a regular spirit guide.
Master guides are more likely to come in at a particular time in a person's life when they need the energy and assistance of whatever that guide can provide, as they are most likely to specialize in a certain area, much like Archangels. They can also help support a person through their representation of a certain type of energy or archetype.
Some people say that your Master Guide is your main guide, the one that has been there since birth, though that could also be a regular spirit guide.
Ancestral Spirit Guides

For the purpose of this topic I am delineating between 'ancestors' and 'loved ones in spirit' and separating them into two categories. I am classifying ancestors as distant members of out bloodline who we have never met in this life time, and loved ones in spirit as being people we knew and loved in this lifetime who have now passed. Though technically, you could otherwise say they belong in the same group.
Ancestors are spirit beings who are powerfully connected to our blood line from former lifetimes. We have a strong connection to them through not only our familial delineation, DNA and blood lines, but also spiritually. There is a strong, powerful innately felt kinship that transcends all space, time and dimensions.
Ancestors are spirit beings who are powerfully connected to our blood line from former lifetimes. We have a strong connection to them through not only our familial delineation, DNA and blood lines, but also spiritually. There is a strong, powerful innately felt kinship that transcends all space, time and dimensions.

Our ancestors remind us that we are part of something much bigger - it is that deep sense of culture and belonging, ties to family or land. In fact many of us still carry the energy, burdens and gifts of our ancestors, and are involved karmically also. They are in our blood, and in our bones.
In fact it is our challenge to resolve and clear much of our ancestral baggage in this important life time of awakening on earth.
Many of us have powerful, wise spirit guides who are our ancestors. Because of their former lifetime on earth and connection to our bloodline, they are excellent guardians and protectors.
Read my article The Spirit of Our Ancestors Lives On. It also covers how to connect with our ancestors.
In fact it is our challenge to resolve and clear much of our ancestral baggage in this important life time of awakening on earth.
Many of us have powerful, wise spirit guides who are our ancestors. Because of their former lifetime on earth and connection to our bloodline, they are excellent guardians and protectors.
Read my article The Spirit of Our Ancestors Lives On. It also covers how to connect with our ancestors.
Loved Ones in Spirit Guides

Though most loved ones in spirit, that is, people you have known and loved in this lifetime who pass away and cross over to the other side move on towards their own soul's evolution, some can remain connected with you and guide you from the spiritual realms. They might also help you through the power of other spirit guides.
Whether indeed they do become a guide per se, or just guide and watch over you as spirits and perform roles much akin to guides, regardless they still able to guide, protect and send you messages. They might become a kind of guardian, mentor or helper. They love and care about you and will do what they can. It is their way to still remain connected with you, even if you cannot feel it. Though many times, people report feeling like their loved one is watching over, blessing, guiding and supporting them.
In these cases, you are blessed with a bonus guide who loves you, is connected to you and knows you personally as a human. They are not likely to be a main guide in your life, but more of a loving bystander. If you look at the drawing of my spirit guides here, done by a clairvoyant artist who does not know me, you can see the amazing variety of guides. What absolutely freaked me out (in a good way), is that the female in the center bottom of he drawing looks exactly like my maternal grandmother who is in spirit. Seeing that gave me tingly chills and let me know without a shadow of a doubt that she is guiding and loving on me from above.
Whether indeed they do become a guide per se, or just guide and watch over you as spirits and perform roles much akin to guides, regardless they still able to guide, protect and send you messages. They might become a kind of guardian, mentor or helper. They love and care about you and will do what they can. It is their way to still remain connected with you, even if you cannot feel it. Though many times, people report feeling like their loved one is watching over, blessing, guiding and supporting them.
In these cases, you are blessed with a bonus guide who loves you, is connected to you and knows you personally as a human. They are not likely to be a main guide in your life, but more of a loving bystander. If you look at the drawing of my spirit guides here, done by a clairvoyant artist who does not know me, you can see the amazing variety of guides. What absolutely freaked me out (in a good way), is that the female in the center bottom of he drawing looks exactly like my maternal grandmother who is in spirit. Seeing that gave me tingly chills and let me know without a shadow of a doubt that she is guiding and loving on me from above.
Guides Who Knew us in Previous Lifetimes

Keep in mind that Spirit Guides can also be people we have known from previous life times. They might be friends, lovers or family members from previous lives and ancestors from before you were born into this life. It is that bond and tie that they have with us that carries on, which is a beautiful thought.
Think about it - wouldn't someone who loves you profoundly and whom you feel absolutely entwined with, want to guide you in a future life time also?
Think about it - wouldn't someone who loves you profoundly and whom you feel absolutely entwined with, want to guide you in a future life time also?
Gatekeeper Spirit Guides

If we are on an advanced path of spiritual growth, we can also access gatekeeper guides whose role it is to help us with astral / spiritual journeying or access higher dimensions or portals.
They can also assist with lucid dreaming or the accessing of akashic records information.
They will assist us on the journey between dimensions as well as guide and protect us. They will be our literal navigation captains.
Many mediums use gatekeeper guides to help with mediumship. The gatekeeper will help open the gates to other other side, filter spirits and energy coming through, as well as protect the medium and sitter.
They can also assist with lucid dreaming or the accessing of akashic records information.
They will assist us on the journey between dimensions as well as guide and protect us. They will be our literal navigation captains.
Many mediums use gatekeeper guides to help with mediumship. The gatekeeper will help open the gates to other other side, filter spirits and energy coming through, as well as protect the medium and sitter.

I always work with gatekeepers in my spiritual work, when it comes to connecting with client's loved ones in spirit.
A Gatekeeper guide might also safely escort us between realms at death - from doorway to the next, ensuring our safe passageway to the afterworld.
Gatekeeper Guides can help us in meditation and with our psychic development. They will help keep you protected in your psychic work as well as assist in the deliverance of safe, accurate messages.
A Gatekeeper guide might also safely escort us between realms at death - from doorway to the next, ensuring our safe passageway to the afterworld.
Gatekeeper Guides can help us in meditation and with our psychic development. They will help keep you protected in your psychic work as well as assist in the deliverance of safe, accurate messages.
Animal Spirit Guides

Animal spirit guides can also work with us. They come in for various reasons such as to guide, protect, nurture, or bring out certain qualities within us.
Animals are powerful spirit messengers and may act as totems by coming into your life either physically (by seeing the animal), symbolically (so for example you may see pictures of the animal, or the word), and also through our dreams.
Animal spirits often convey a message or archetype to you, or gift you with a special quality or understanding you might need such as the provision of courage, strength or boundary. They often come in as teacher or messenger guides to give you a specific message or help you on your path or in a particular area.

When an animal spirit, sign or omen comes into your consciousness by whatever means, pay attention to what it might be telling you, and look up its spiritual significance. What is going on in your life at the time?
It is said that we each have our own Spirit Unicorn, and Spirit Dragon.
In Atlantis times when we were more cosmically advanced, we could communicate more directly and work with these powerful celestial creatures more often.
Asking Spirit Guides for a SignYou can easily ask your spirit guides, or one in particular, to show you a sign.
Receiving a sign is an amazing way to get that spiritual confirmation and validation of their presence and assistance. |

Once, when I had a strong feeling I was being guided by a male spirit guide, I asked for a sign in the form of a blue feather. I picked blue, because i felt that it was unlikely or uncommon as a feather color.
Well in exactly one week's time, I was in the outdoor area at the school i worked in, and all over the ground and steps where dozens and dozens of blue feathers strewn all over the place. I was amazed and in that moment of wild discovery, goosebumps covered my body.
What was interesting in this instance is that these were not feathers from birds as one would expect, instead they were fake feathers used for craft and drama. It taught me that signs can come in any way, shape or form, they don't need to necessarily be literal.
Well in exactly one week's time, I was in the outdoor area at the school i worked in, and all over the ground and steps where dozens and dozens of blue feathers strewn all over the place. I was amazed and in that moment of wild discovery, goosebumps covered my body.
What was interesting in this instance is that these were not feathers from birds as one would expect, instead they were fake feathers used for craft and drama. It taught me that signs can come in any way, shape or form, they don't need to necessarily be literal.
The Steps:
1. In a quiet moment, while invoking a sense of stillness and presence, breathe deeply and relax.
2. Invoke the presence of your guides by just asking and intending - ask them directly to send you a sign. It could just be a general (any) sign, or you can ask for something specific such as a feather or coin.
3. Just trust, let it go and stay open and aware.
I have done this countless times and always received a sign. While I have very quickly manifstsed signs before, as in within secnds or minutes, do give it time. It might not come with in the next 24 hrs, in some cases it can take days or even weeks.
3. Just trust, let it go and stay open and aware.
I have done this countless times and always received a sign. While I have very quickly manifstsed signs before, as in within secnds or minutes, do give it time. It might not come with in the next 24 hrs, in some cases it can take days or even weeks.
How to Communicate with Spirit Guides

To communicate with spirit guides, sit still and breathe and enter a calm, meditative state of mind and being. You may also like to be in a sacred space and light a candle to represent your spiritual intention to connect with spirit, as well as to reinforce the connection and protection.
Then, have the intention of calling in your guide or team of guides.
Visualize them stepping in towards you and entering your sacred space.
Then, start experiencing, talking to them or ask a question or for a sign. You might like to ask you to give you a special gift or symbol, something that you can meditate and reflect on further, that has symbolical meaning or that imbues an energy, archetype or learning area for you at this time.
If you have trouble doing meditations like this, just give it time and remember not to pressure or push yourself. Just relax, trust, and allow things to happen naturally.
Then, have the intention of calling in your guide or team of guides.
Visualize them stepping in towards you and entering your sacred space.
Then, start experiencing, talking to them or ask a question or for a sign. You might like to ask you to give you a special gift or symbol, something that you can meditate and reflect on further, that has symbolical meaning or that imbues an energy, archetype or learning area for you at this time.
If you have trouble doing meditations like this, just give it time and remember not to pressure or push yourself. Just relax, trust, and allow things to happen naturally.