Messages from the Angels
Beautiful channeled messages from the Divine for humanity to inspire, guide, and awaken our consciousness & assist us on our path.
Beautiful channeled messages from the Divine for humanity to inspire, guide, and awaken our consciousness & assist us on our path.
On this page is angelic guidance channeled through Natalia Kuna. Channeling is a spiritual process of Divine communication that occurs through connecting with Spirit, angels or a Divine being, while in a high vibrational, semi - meditative state. You will find that there will be parts of messages from this page that resonate to you on some level . It doesn't matter when the message was written, the words might offer you some spiritual understandings, or help enlighten you on your personal journey. So read through, or watch some videos, and trust what draws your attention, or just try scrolling through and seeing what message you land on... (Click here to read more about channeling)
Videos of Angelic Channelings:
A Message from the Angels
The angels say:
"We are the etheric beings, symbolic of the fifth element: the ethers. You do indeed have a sixth sense, and we summon and communicate with you through this subtle realm.
Like a telephone line to God, we deliver messages and speak with you. Call upon us often and through a tweaking of the frequencies you will be able to experience our vibration and light.
We remind you though our powerful light essence, of the Divinity and supreme magic of your own souls, and that you are indeed immortal, with a palpable radiant essence capable of spreading great magic, light and good intent to all four corners of the globe, and beyond." - Channelled by Natalia Kuna, late 2014
"We are the etheric beings, symbolic of the fifth element: the ethers. You do indeed have a sixth sense, and we summon and communicate with you through this subtle realm.
Like a telephone line to God, we deliver messages and speak with you. Call upon us often and through a tweaking of the frequencies you will be able to experience our vibration and light.
We remind you though our powerful light essence, of the Divinity and supreme magic of your own souls, and that you are indeed immortal, with a palpable radiant essence capable of spreading great magic, light and good intent to all four corners of the globe, and beyond." - Channelled by Natalia Kuna, late 2014
Ripples in the Pond
20 August, 2015
Every day you have a chance for a new beginning. The angels say:
"Be on your merry way sweet souls, for we are here as a Divine presence guiding you on your path. Things will and can change 'swiftly' dear ones, and we pride in watching you enter new doorways with openness and glee. We are here every step of the way and congratulate you on both your INNER as well as OUTER successes. And we watch in glee (and they are now making a double reference and are laughing about how some of you watch the show Glee, and they watch you watching it) as you strive along your humble path and we act as gateways or portals if you like, in order to show you the way.
We are there holding your hands as you enter new gateways that challenge your perception of 'reality', so to speak, and as you look back on the glasshouse of your dreams, you will see our faces shining there. This, is a spiritual metaphor with which to ponder and explore, dear ones, and we show you a Divine mirror reflecting back to the stars, all you are made of, and are meant to be.
Divine codes are activating and in some of you, your mere presence sets off tones and exchanges that are so powerful in vibration that you are warming the hearts of others. They are watching you and feeling you. Something about you catches their attention and it is like you 'shine'. So welcome these days dear soul, for as you warm the hearts of others, they warm the hearts of yet even more others, and so you activate, by the power of your glory and the magic of divinity, you cast light on the shadows of the world, and form ripples in the pond."
Every day you have a chance for a new beginning. The angels say:
"Be on your merry way sweet souls, for we are here as a Divine presence guiding you on your path. Things will and can change 'swiftly' dear ones, and we pride in watching you enter new doorways with openness and glee. We are here every step of the way and congratulate you on both your INNER as well as OUTER successes. And we watch in glee (and they are now making a double reference and are laughing about how some of you watch the show Glee, and they watch you watching it) as you strive along your humble path and we act as gateways or portals if you like, in order to show you the way.
We are there holding your hands as you enter new gateways that challenge your perception of 'reality', so to speak, and as you look back on the glasshouse of your dreams, you will see our faces shining there. This, is a spiritual metaphor with which to ponder and explore, dear ones, and we show you a Divine mirror reflecting back to the stars, all you are made of, and are meant to be.
Divine codes are activating and in some of you, your mere presence sets off tones and exchanges that are so powerful in vibration that you are warming the hearts of others. They are watching you and feeling you. Something about you catches their attention and it is like you 'shine'. So welcome these days dear soul, for as you warm the hearts of others, they warm the hearts of yet even more others, and so you activate, by the power of your glory and the magic of divinity, you cast light on the shadows of the world, and form ripples in the pond."
Words of Comfort
"Rest assured, dear one, that we are 'by your side', each step of the way.
If only you could see your very own 'heavenly host' at your doorstep, here to greet and guide you always, we are only but a 'thought' away, and we shall 'step in' wherever needed'." 2015
If only you could see your very own 'heavenly host' at your doorstep, here to greet and guide you always, we are only but a 'thought' away, and we shall 'step in' wherever needed'." 2015
Tap Into Abundance Energy
Tap into that abundance energy and get you back on track (notice the words in bold add extra emphasis and meaning that the angels wish to get through):
"Concentrate on that which is working for you, concentrate and show gratitude for what you have and what is coming through to you, and see that, and it will get bigger and bigger, and when you focus on that, the other insignificant or negative stuff shrink and get smaller and smaller, and that's how you create the 'new reality', as the old ones dissolves."
This leads to seeing the lightness within, for the abundance that is there for you, and the new things that are preparing themselves energetically to be brought to you, through the laws of the universe. So tap in to that flow so that you can bring that into your life, rather than negate it!- 2015
"Concentrate on that which is working for you, concentrate and show gratitude for what you have and what is coming through to you, and see that, and it will get bigger and bigger, and when you focus on that, the other insignificant or negative stuff shrink and get smaller and smaller, and that's how you create the 'new reality', as the old ones dissolves."
This leads to seeing the lightness within, for the abundance that is there for you, and the new things that are preparing themselves energetically to be brought to you, through the laws of the universe. So tap in to that flow so that you can bring that into your life, rather than negate it!- 2015
We Are in the 'Throws of Change'
22/2/2015- Today's numbers signify change and keeping your faith in this 'current cycle' ...
"You are going through MUCH SIGNIFICANT CHANGE, dear Ones, and we applaud you for all your natural growth and evolution. You can indeed feel us in the 'ethers' - have u tried feel the presence of Spirit in the gentle breeze or in winds of change? Know that we are ever present as you glide through unknown waters and unfamiliar terrain. We guide you well, do you hear us call your name ? (Metaphorically, spiritually speaking) ... for change is indeed on the horizon. Can you feel it through the ethers or in your subliminal awareness? We feed you messages and guide u well in times of change, and some of you are quite literally in the 'throws of change', Dear Ones.
Much is going on, on a level that might be beyond your conscious awareness and human comprehension beyond this point of time, however you did know this at one stage and will know it again when you reflect on your heavenly abode. As when you enter those gates of heaven all the information from your lifetime(s) on earth will synchronise as you quickly sync into the energy and ascend into higher realms without that sense of lack or limitation you feel on earth. From the heavenly perspective you are free to be who you truly are without the facades or artifice.
That is the true knowledge that you seek now, dear ones, and through the ancient halls of time we whisper your name as your akashic records glimmer in the golden light of the sun from whence you are born and where you originated/came from at the point of creation and beyond the point of grave (angelic smiles, laughter)... This we share with you on this sacred day and may you know that you are in our 'hearts' indeed (the divine sacred flame) as much as we are in yours. That is the secret key for you to unlock and when you do, you will realize that we were here right along. For we speak in signature keys and tones for you to capture, feel and translate to your 'mother tongue' so to speak. And with that we leave you with glimmers of hope and ancient memory reawakening within you, and we beseech you to close your eyes and breathe and through your breathe it becomes our breathe, and we are one (rest for a moment with those beautiful words)...
And through the portals of time we communicate with you. You are at the point of remembering who you truly are and why you came to earth. We acknowledge you. For we know you as you know us in truth, in your hearts. God bless each and every one of you as you spend 'time' on these reflections and transmit these codes into your earthly roles and missions and spread them from here at this point of 'time' to others. THIS is the frequency of LIGHT that you experience through our words and energy. And you recognise it as pure Source. And you feel 'at one' with this energy. You experience it as wisdom. You feel and breathe it as life force energy. And you believe it in your core for in truth, we are one. "
"You are going through MUCH SIGNIFICANT CHANGE, dear Ones, and we applaud you for all your natural growth and evolution. You can indeed feel us in the 'ethers' - have u tried feel the presence of Spirit in the gentle breeze or in winds of change? Know that we are ever present as you glide through unknown waters and unfamiliar terrain. We guide you well, do you hear us call your name ? (Metaphorically, spiritually speaking) ... for change is indeed on the horizon. Can you feel it through the ethers or in your subliminal awareness? We feed you messages and guide u well in times of change, and some of you are quite literally in the 'throws of change', Dear Ones.
Much is going on, on a level that might be beyond your conscious awareness and human comprehension beyond this point of time, however you did know this at one stage and will know it again when you reflect on your heavenly abode. As when you enter those gates of heaven all the information from your lifetime(s) on earth will synchronise as you quickly sync into the energy and ascend into higher realms without that sense of lack or limitation you feel on earth. From the heavenly perspective you are free to be who you truly are without the facades or artifice.
That is the true knowledge that you seek now, dear ones, and through the ancient halls of time we whisper your name as your akashic records glimmer in the golden light of the sun from whence you are born and where you originated/came from at the point of creation and beyond the point of grave (angelic smiles, laughter)... This we share with you on this sacred day and may you know that you are in our 'hearts' indeed (the divine sacred flame) as much as we are in yours. That is the secret key for you to unlock and when you do, you will realize that we were here right along. For we speak in signature keys and tones for you to capture, feel and translate to your 'mother tongue' so to speak. And with that we leave you with glimmers of hope and ancient memory reawakening within you, and we beseech you to close your eyes and breathe and through your breathe it becomes our breathe, and we are one (rest for a moment with those beautiful words)...
And through the portals of time we communicate with you. You are at the point of remembering who you truly are and why you came to earth. We acknowledge you. For we know you as you know us in truth, in your hearts. God bless each and every one of you as you spend 'time' on these reflections and transmit these codes into your earthly roles and missions and spread them from here at this point of 'time' to others. THIS is the frequency of LIGHT that you experience through our words and energy. And you recognise it as pure Source. And you feel 'at one' with this energy. You experience it as wisdom. You feel and breathe it as life force energy. And you believe it in your core for in truth, we are one. "
Archangel Chamuel: The Message is to "Rise Above"
Full transcription of channeling with Archangel Chamuel, 1st October 2014
“It is I, Chamuel, angel of mercy and compassion, peace and goodwill upon the planet. I come forth to you on this merry day to share that change is on the horizon. It beckons forth. Can you feel the magic between your toes as you step forth on your merry mission?
It is a bitter sweet ending for many, and just as the stars shine forth a brilliance, you too are ready to step into your magic and allow your spirit to shine so valiantly, like the symbolic horse of 2014 (Chinese astrology animal).
Just as the sun shines bright, your soul too shines a radiance yet unbeknownst to you.
You will not rest your merry souls until you do what you came to earth to do. If you feel restless, it is because the energies seek you to ‘rise above’ – to rise above the situations, circumstances, issues with people, work and life…
It is time to rise above the mundane, and partake in a higher existence and purpose on this planet. This is a call to action. One that is higher and more aligned with the very spirit that beckons you forth and calls your soul’s name at night as you sleep.
Yet (angelic giggle) you do not quite comprehend how just how much you work in your sleeping hours in higher spiritual realms. There we teach and guide you, just as we do during the day in your earthly slumber, or waking hours.
We, are a collective consciousness that seek to entrance you into a higher state of being. You can, indeed, be taken to the higher realms where you can experience a higher reality than that that you currently know and reside in.
Many are restless at present and seek a wider circle of friends and a higher life experience. We ask that you be guided to pull at the resources in your heart, and listen to / notice whatever guidance comes your way. For like whispers in the wind, we whisper in your ear and give you ideas and action steps to partake.
Whenever you get a sudden idea or flash of inspiration, know that is your beloved heavenly host at your earthly doorstep, offering you great gifts of joy, peace, purpose and fulfilment. As you take the next steps, be weary not to fall into old ways. Avoid the trials and tribulations, and rise above to the heavenly choir of angels.
Fill your hearts with joy and go from there, as that is the place of real commandment, rather than a learning from outer sources. So this entails a leaning on inner resources. Look rather within, and you will find the majesty that is lying idly by, waiting indeed to be discovered. Like an inner retreat or haven, all wisdom is within, and this is what we wish to impart upon you on this splendid day.
We rejoice in your freedom to come, and your soul’s vibration, which is raising in frequency as we, the Ascended Masters and other beings of light, in alignment with the stars, send thee messages of adoration, grace and direction. Lean on us in times of woe and we will serve you well and bless you with a radiance far greater than you have known.
You are ready, and we beseech you to move in the directions of your dreams and in harmony with your spirit, with your hearts filled with pure joy. That is the key, dear Earthlings, so follow the whims and seeming follies, for they will not lead you astray.”
“It is I, Chamuel, angel of mercy and compassion, peace and goodwill upon the planet. I come forth to you on this merry day to share that change is on the horizon. It beckons forth. Can you feel the magic between your toes as you step forth on your merry mission?
It is a bitter sweet ending for many, and just as the stars shine forth a brilliance, you too are ready to step into your magic and allow your spirit to shine so valiantly, like the symbolic horse of 2014 (Chinese astrology animal).
Just as the sun shines bright, your soul too shines a radiance yet unbeknownst to you.
You will not rest your merry souls until you do what you came to earth to do. If you feel restless, it is because the energies seek you to ‘rise above’ – to rise above the situations, circumstances, issues with people, work and life…
It is time to rise above the mundane, and partake in a higher existence and purpose on this planet. This is a call to action. One that is higher and more aligned with the very spirit that beckons you forth and calls your soul’s name at night as you sleep.
Yet (angelic giggle) you do not quite comprehend how just how much you work in your sleeping hours in higher spiritual realms. There we teach and guide you, just as we do during the day in your earthly slumber, or waking hours.
We, are a collective consciousness that seek to entrance you into a higher state of being. You can, indeed, be taken to the higher realms where you can experience a higher reality than that that you currently know and reside in.
Many are restless at present and seek a wider circle of friends and a higher life experience. We ask that you be guided to pull at the resources in your heart, and listen to / notice whatever guidance comes your way. For like whispers in the wind, we whisper in your ear and give you ideas and action steps to partake.
Whenever you get a sudden idea or flash of inspiration, know that is your beloved heavenly host at your earthly doorstep, offering you great gifts of joy, peace, purpose and fulfilment. As you take the next steps, be weary not to fall into old ways. Avoid the trials and tribulations, and rise above to the heavenly choir of angels.
Fill your hearts with joy and go from there, as that is the place of real commandment, rather than a learning from outer sources. So this entails a leaning on inner resources. Look rather within, and you will find the majesty that is lying idly by, waiting indeed to be discovered. Like an inner retreat or haven, all wisdom is within, and this is what we wish to impart upon you on this splendid day.
We rejoice in your freedom to come, and your soul’s vibration, which is raising in frequency as we, the Ascended Masters and other beings of light, in alignment with the stars, send thee messages of adoration, grace and direction. Lean on us in times of woe and we will serve you well and bless you with a radiance far greater than you have known.
You are ready, and we beseech you to move in the directions of your dreams and in harmony with your spirit, with your hearts filled with pure joy. That is the key, dear Earthlings, so follow the whims and seeming follies, for they will not lead you astray.”
Flowers Emit a Healing Frequency
"Everything is energy and flowers emit a frequency vibration of their own. Take time to 'smell the roses' so to speak, really notice flowers and if you can have them around you. The angels are saying right now that each different type of flower has its own frequency note and vibrational potency.
When choosing flowers go with your feelings and use your senses or sight and smell. Trust what you pick and enjoy their beauty which the angels say is a reminder of the beauty of nature as well as your own unique soul-print." August, 2014 |
Listen To Your Heart
The angels say:
"Listen to the beat of your own heart, for it guides you well, Sweet Ones, as opposed to the deep yet shallow orifices of the burdened mind. Take time for yourself out from the business/busy-ness (angels love puns/playing with words) of the outside world and RETREAT to the wholeness and centre of your heart, the open portal where all Ancient wisdom lies. Come, Gentle Ones, to the beauty of your heart and nestle there in peace and good will, for only a deep and most profound, radiating love dwells there in its depths and thusly radiates outwards to others and thus blesses all who come into your soulful contact. Believe, Dear Ones, in the glory and brilliance of your own heart and your soul, which carries the Divine essence, the spark, of Divine creativity, love and pureness, wholeness, in its finest essence. " August, 2014 |
Recently a message for all came through from the vibrations of the ascended masters, about self love and simplicity. It also carries comforting words for those of you who resonate with feeling lonely, lost, aloof, over 'busy' or perhaps separated, widowed, etc .
First, they say take care of YOU. This is about taking care of every aspect of you and your private self needs and your LIFE. A partner could potentially interfere in some way, cloud things, distract you, or you could fall into the wrong kind of partnership or situation for YOU.
See your alone-ness or situation as a GIFT. What is it teaching u?
You are being called to be of service to YOURSELF and then see your PLACE in humanity. This is about CONFIDENCE. Trust. Faith. Self belief. Self power. Your mission is to see yourself as STRONG. This may take some TIME.
The angels ask that u CLEAR your self, home and workplace and create a SIMPLICITY in your life so that u will not feel so swamped in, overwhelmed, complicated; as u have created or drowned yourself in THINGS as a DEFENSE to PROTECT yourself from the world. This can also relate to over-eating, bad relationships, situations with friends and family or work, drama, DISTRACTIONS, and general unhappiness.
You have been BURYING yourself or life feels on top of you and so now is time to turn the RIFT into a SHIFT and be ontop of things YOURSELF!!!
Clear every ounce of clutter in your mind, heart, energy, people, pantry, home, office and online, even if it takes u days, weeks or months. Call it: "Project (enter your name here)".
Drink more water and flush out the toxins and energy. Write a list of things you are unhappy with and let it go.
Drown it. Bury it. Burn it.
Now create a new list for YOURSELF.
Abide by your list. Exercise, make small adjustments to your fdiet, get out in nature, take baths, meditate, breathe, say no, say yes, CREATE SIMPLICITY on all levels and in all areas...
Time for you to TAKE CHARGE of YOU and your LIFE. You will feel your energy shifting as you remove what is old, stagnant, toxic or not working and create a new SPACE for YOU.
NURTURE yourself and your new positive intentions as you would a child. And for those who are mourning the loss of a child never had, or a loved one in spirit, your own 'inner child', or a sadness from your past, the resounding message for you is to nurture you.
When you have nurtured your SELF and your own inner child, comforting yourself as a little girl (or boy), you get in touch with your soul essence and heal your sensitive fragments in all time and space.
Life is beyond the plains of existance as we know it in our seemingly mortal human self and u know this in your HEART OF HEARTS.
The result and great MESSAGE in all of this is :
'Open your gentle rose petal vulnerable heart to LOVE for others and for life in grande porportions. But first you must love YOURSELF in crazy proportions to then ATTRACT the ideal life partner or life-style or life-longings of the SOUL.
BUILD YOURSELF FROM GENTLE AND VULNERABLE TO STRONG, brave, resilient, enduring, wise, livable, loving, open, empowered and enpowering.
And THEN like. MAGNET YOU WILL PULL TO YOU WHAT YOU PREVIOUSLY **RESISTED** and might not have even known it.
AND THEN, in an open state of loving yourself, you are FREE to love again or more deeply...
For you I send so much love and a kiss in the winds of time. May you find the magic and make peace with yourself and others. Amen.
- Feb/March 2014
Recently a message for all came through from the vibrations of the ascended masters, about self love and simplicity. It also carries comforting words for those of you who resonate with feeling lonely, lost, aloof, over 'busy' or perhaps separated, widowed, etc .
First, they say take care of YOU. This is about taking care of every aspect of you and your private self needs and your LIFE. A partner could potentially interfere in some way, cloud things, distract you, or you could fall into the wrong kind of partnership or situation for YOU.
See your alone-ness or situation as a GIFT. What is it teaching u?
You are being called to be of service to YOURSELF and then see your PLACE in humanity. This is about CONFIDENCE. Trust. Faith. Self belief. Self power. Your mission is to see yourself as STRONG. This may take some TIME.
The angels ask that u CLEAR your self, home and workplace and create a SIMPLICITY in your life so that u will not feel so swamped in, overwhelmed, complicated; as u have created or drowned yourself in THINGS as a DEFENSE to PROTECT yourself from the world. This can also relate to over-eating, bad relationships, situations with friends and family or work, drama, DISTRACTIONS, and general unhappiness.
You have been BURYING yourself or life feels on top of you and so now is time to turn the RIFT into a SHIFT and be ontop of things YOURSELF!!!
Clear every ounce of clutter in your mind, heart, energy, people, pantry, home, office and online, even if it takes u days, weeks or months. Call it: "Project (enter your name here)".
Drink more water and flush out the toxins and energy. Write a list of things you are unhappy with and let it go.
Drown it. Bury it. Burn it.
Now create a new list for YOURSELF.
Abide by your list. Exercise, make small adjustments to your fdiet, get out in nature, take baths, meditate, breathe, say no, say yes, CREATE SIMPLICITY on all levels and in all areas...
Time for you to TAKE CHARGE of YOU and your LIFE. You will feel your energy shifting as you remove what is old, stagnant, toxic or not working and create a new SPACE for YOU.
NURTURE yourself and your new positive intentions as you would a child. And for those who are mourning the loss of a child never had, or a loved one in spirit, your own 'inner child', or a sadness from your past, the resounding message for you is to nurture you.
When you have nurtured your SELF and your own inner child, comforting yourself as a little girl (or boy), you get in touch with your soul essence and heal your sensitive fragments in all time and space.
Life is beyond the plains of existance as we know it in our seemingly mortal human self and u know this in your HEART OF HEARTS.
The result and great MESSAGE in all of this is :
'Open your gentle rose petal vulnerable heart to LOVE for others and for life in grande porportions. But first you must love YOURSELF in crazy proportions to then ATTRACT the ideal life partner or life-style or life-longings of the SOUL.
BUILD YOURSELF FROM GENTLE AND VULNERABLE TO STRONG, brave, resilient, enduring, wise, livable, loving, open, empowered and enpowering.
And THEN like. MAGNET YOU WILL PULL TO YOU WHAT YOU PREVIOUSLY **RESISTED** and might not have even known it.
AND THEN, in an open state of loving yourself, you are FREE to love again or more deeply...
For you I send so much love and a kiss in the winds of time. May you find the magic and make peace with yourself and others. Amen.
- Feb/March 2014
Pay attention to the signs, for the angels say:
"They are like roadmaps from heaven. Keys, codes and tracks to capture your attention along your weary and solumn paths. Like treasure in the sand they add a spark to your day, feed your imaginations and nurture the callings of your soul.
Puzzled be thee at times, yet we are not to know the truth and answers to all, all at once. Rather, like leaves that fall in the breeze, what you notice, you become.
So when thee notice the soft musings of a child or bird, or a feather gliding on your lap, you are adjoined and connected, intertwined with the simple force of nature and the natural world which includes humankind rather than separates you from it, if only you see from the eyes of the onlooker, the keeper of keys, the observer.
Just like a Buddhist monk might observe a falling leaf in a prayer of mindfulness, so might you too fall into the land of the upper worlds by your times of natural reverie and blending with the rhythms of the universe which surrounds you so well, yet you are part of it and it is part of you. it is within you, just as you are within it. " - January 2014
Pay attention to the signs, for the angels say:
"They are like roadmaps from heaven. Keys, codes and tracks to capture your attention along your weary and solumn paths. Like treasure in the sand they add a spark to your day, feed your imaginations and nurture the callings of your soul.
Puzzled be thee at times, yet we are not to know the truth and answers to all, all at once. Rather, like leaves that fall in the breeze, what you notice, you become.
So when thee notice the soft musings of a child or bird, or a feather gliding on your lap, you are adjoined and connected, intertwined with the simple force of nature and the natural world which includes humankind rather than separates you from it, if only you see from the eyes of the onlooker, the keeper of keys, the observer.
Just like a Buddhist monk might observe a falling leaf in a prayer of mindfulness, so might you too fall into the land of the upper worlds by your times of natural reverie and blending with the rhythms of the universe which surrounds you so well, yet you are part of it and it is part of you. it is within you, just as you are within it. " - January 2014
If you feel in a slump or alone, the angels say:
"Don't rest on your laurels. An active time is ahead. Get ready and get working. Your divine prayers have been answered, but you must be as a busy bee, in perpetual motion. The rivers might feel marshy, and the depths deep, but amidst the fog there is a window, a vista, a porthole of hope where the sun beams and gleams its rays."
"What is irking at you, dear one, is it the sweat that beats on your brow? That thing that makes you boil and seethe, is but a volcano ready for eruption.
Let it go and watch it move, so that you can breathe a lighter day through your lessons learned. Look within, dear one, and you will see the fragments ready for cleaning, healing and much residue in your etheric body ready for release. It is coming time for acknowledgement and integration. So look at what you need to blend and harmonise to bring the sacred song and dance of unity to your soul. - December 2013
If you feel in a slump or alone, the angels say:
"Don't rest on your laurels. An active time is ahead. Get ready and get working. Your divine prayers have been answered, but you must be as a busy bee, in perpetual motion. The rivers might feel marshy, and the depths deep, but amidst the fog there is a window, a vista, a porthole of hope where the sun beams and gleams its rays."
"What is irking at you, dear one, is it the sweat that beats on your brow? That thing that makes you boil and seethe, is but a volcano ready for eruption.
Let it go and watch it move, so that you can breathe a lighter day through your lessons learned. Look within, dear one, and you will see the fragments ready for cleaning, healing and much residue in your etheric body ready for release. It is coming time for acknowledgement and integration. So look at what you need to blend and harmonise to bring the sacred song and dance of unity to your soul. - December 2013
Oct/Nov 2013
When you find it hard to make a decision, deal with an 'issue', or simply doubt yourself and / or the world, take a good moment to get calm, centred and in a more peaceful state of mind. The angels remind you how simple the link with spirit can be:
"It is natural, inherent, God-given. Answers lie in your heart, and are coded deep within in your soul. Your very own essence, your personal code, carries this 'truth'.
Step back from the constant chaos and mahem created by the world around you and also by your own mind, and admire the innermost recesses of your heart, hear it speak. For it knows, dear child, that the voice within you is strong. It is powerful. It is radiant. It is divine. And, as a child of God, so too do you have this divine imprint in you.
You are supported, you are encouraged, you are embraced by the angels around you, for we are here, do you not see our faces in images around you (ie: in cards, art, books, statues, online etc), do you not hear our voices in fine, spiritually-aligned tunes, do you not feel our presence at the utmost hour of of the day when you are still and sit with peace of mind, for we are here, nestling on your doorstep....
If you feel lost, aloof, alone or at a 'dis-cord' with the goings on and motions in your life, or even with your 'Self', with God, with Spirit.... take a moment to remember, dear one, that we are all one, that you are not alone, that there are many many mystical expolarations to be had that all lead (eventually, at each one's own pace) to the one almighty truth of the ever-presence of God and your own connnection to God-self.
Sit, dear ones, in reverie, count your blessings in silence, pray to your soul and reach out to others, have faith and carry on with thy swords of flame that burns with such passion, desire and cries of (be)longing.
Carry your sword well and proudly and venture forth knowing that your upbringing, your forthcoming, your fallings short, your filtered realities, are but speckles in the galaxies, confused and side-tracking musings of your human mind. And know that that is a mere microcosm compared with the magntitude and splendour of the universe, yet you are connected, you are real, you are source, you are true.
You are an energy unto yourself, yet from something seemingly so far away, yet it is so near, almost tangible, yet you reach out your hand and doubt when you cannot touch the embers, fire, and aethers that guide, expand and nourish your very soul.
We understand, we hear you and we implore you to remember that as we are one, we breathe an eternal flame of breath that continues forever more.
You are safe, you are loved, you are an expression of the divine that is not linear (chorus of angelic laughter), but profoundly spacious in the expanse of time and space as you know it. Expanded realities wait before you, dear ones, and at the time when YOU are ready (for each soul has its own radiance, compass and map), there are gateways and portals for you to enter. They are doorways. Will you be ready to walk through?"
This channelling was with the angels and the resoundingly reassuring, feminine essence, energy and tone of Ascended Master Lady Nada Portia (I did not know she was present , until I asked at the end). often this channelling process starts rather spontaneously while typing and then a bridge of connection is formed, and it just flows out from there like a river).
Oct/Nov 2013
When you find it hard to make a decision, deal with an 'issue', or simply doubt yourself and / or the world, take a good moment to get calm, centred and in a more peaceful state of mind. The angels remind you how simple the link with spirit can be:
"It is natural, inherent, God-given. Answers lie in your heart, and are coded deep within in your soul. Your very own essence, your personal code, carries this 'truth'.
Step back from the constant chaos and mahem created by the world around you and also by your own mind, and admire the innermost recesses of your heart, hear it speak. For it knows, dear child, that the voice within you is strong. It is powerful. It is radiant. It is divine. And, as a child of God, so too do you have this divine imprint in you.
You are supported, you are encouraged, you are embraced by the angels around you, for we are here, do you not see our faces in images around you (ie: in cards, art, books, statues, online etc), do you not hear our voices in fine, spiritually-aligned tunes, do you not feel our presence at the utmost hour of of the day when you are still and sit with peace of mind, for we are here, nestling on your doorstep....
If you feel lost, aloof, alone or at a 'dis-cord' with the goings on and motions in your life, or even with your 'Self', with God, with Spirit.... take a moment to remember, dear one, that we are all one, that you are not alone, that there are many many mystical expolarations to be had that all lead (eventually, at each one's own pace) to the one almighty truth of the ever-presence of God and your own connnection to God-self.
Sit, dear ones, in reverie, count your blessings in silence, pray to your soul and reach out to others, have faith and carry on with thy swords of flame that burns with such passion, desire and cries of (be)longing.
Carry your sword well and proudly and venture forth knowing that your upbringing, your forthcoming, your fallings short, your filtered realities, are but speckles in the galaxies, confused and side-tracking musings of your human mind. And know that that is a mere microcosm compared with the magntitude and splendour of the universe, yet you are connected, you are real, you are source, you are true.
You are an energy unto yourself, yet from something seemingly so far away, yet it is so near, almost tangible, yet you reach out your hand and doubt when you cannot touch the embers, fire, and aethers that guide, expand and nourish your very soul.
We understand, we hear you and we implore you to remember that as we are one, we breathe an eternal flame of breath that continues forever more.
You are safe, you are loved, you are an expression of the divine that is not linear (chorus of angelic laughter), but profoundly spacious in the expanse of time and space as you know it. Expanded realities wait before you, dear ones, and at the time when YOU are ready (for each soul has its own radiance, compass and map), there are gateways and portals for you to enter. They are doorways. Will you be ready to walk through?"
This channelling was with the angels and the resoundingly reassuring, feminine essence, energy and tone of Ascended Master Lady Nada Portia (I did not know she was present , until I asked at the end). often this channelling process starts rather spontaneously while typing and then a bridge of connection is formed, and it just flows out from there like a river).
Lionsgate Energy Channelling 17 Aug
"This is a sacred calling and u r being called, dear ones, to enter the footsteps of your dreams and desires, for they fall and blow like the the whim of leaves of yesterday. Pick up your feet and feel the SOLID earth under your toes. Sink in to its earthly magic for it is an elixir. A healing tool. And it coaxes your spirit.
Do not hang on but let go dear ones, let your fears cascade away like a summer dream. Let them fall and mingle with the earths atmosphere. We are activating a dragon of light to breath fire into your solar plexus. For you hold so much fear there - let it go. Let it go now and just as u entered a new portal of the lionsgate on some level so too shall your dreams reach new dimensions and flourish under the heat, majesty and creative fire of the great central sun.
May you bathe in the glory that is yours and roar like the lions of the stargate. U r alive. U r prosperous. U r well. Go forth now and visualise your dreams as pots of gold stirring concoctions of miracle upon miracle. These are the treasures of your heart. The recipe of earths magic intertwining with the force of creation and the breath of life. For u have a force within you so powerful and true. Let it out now and sink it in along with your feet, the grounding force of your soul that holds you up like a great pyramid. The sphinx is a powerful symbol of time. Go within your sacred temples and revere the roaring lion. Enter the golden pyramid, the triumphant sphinx in your soul journeys...
A portal awaits you in meditation. Breathe the fire of life now and see where it takes u. Where it leads your heart. What your eyes are drawn to. Go there now sweet ones and drink the nectar of the golden sun. Embrace the magic of the divinity surrounding you and let it fully within you and all your cells.
Surrender to the golden sun that beats to the drummings of your heart and resist no more. Portals await you in your dreamtime and in your meditation journeys. Go there now or when u have 'quiet time' to breathe and be in your hearts. Like a bumble bee fluttering around a flower and drinking in its nectar so too are you hovering and creating the honey of your dreams. All of this awaits you beyond the gates. Go there now. Take off your shoes and enter the portal of light. It will be like entering a matrix of hidden knowing and you will be activated or rather 're-activated' back into the cosmic portal of the glorious sun with all its knowings. We call upon u now and bless u with the heavens. Hear and follow your call."
--Look for key words to activate knowledge and codes such as. Sphinx, lionsgate, golden pyramid, portal... -- Also Sekhmet comes through with this channelling, look up this being if you feel guided - she is an extremely powerful Goddess of the sun, and of the fifth ray with a lions head - wow synchronicity, magic and power, there is more to this but i must go to work now. No doubt i'll return when i work out more significance and connection - here's another keyword- courage!
"This is a sacred calling and u r being called, dear ones, to enter the footsteps of your dreams and desires, for they fall and blow like the the whim of leaves of yesterday. Pick up your feet and feel the SOLID earth under your toes. Sink in to its earthly magic for it is an elixir. A healing tool. And it coaxes your spirit.
Do not hang on but let go dear ones, let your fears cascade away like a summer dream. Let them fall and mingle with the earths atmosphere. We are activating a dragon of light to breath fire into your solar plexus. For you hold so much fear there - let it go. Let it go now and just as u entered a new portal of the lionsgate on some level so too shall your dreams reach new dimensions and flourish under the heat, majesty and creative fire of the great central sun.
May you bathe in the glory that is yours and roar like the lions of the stargate. U r alive. U r prosperous. U r well. Go forth now and visualise your dreams as pots of gold stirring concoctions of miracle upon miracle. These are the treasures of your heart. The recipe of earths magic intertwining with the force of creation and the breath of life. For u have a force within you so powerful and true. Let it out now and sink it in along with your feet, the grounding force of your soul that holds you up like a great pyramid. The sphinx is a powerful symbol of time. Go within your sacred temples and revere the roaring lion. Enter the golden pyramid, the triumphant sphinx in your soul journeys...
A portal awaits you in meditation. Breathe the fire of life now and see where it takes u. Where it leads your heart. What your eyes are drawn to. Go there now sweet ones and drink the nectar of the golden sun. Embrace the magic of the divinity surrounding you and let it fully within you and all your cells.
Surrender to the golden sun that beats to the drummings of your heart and resist no more. Portals await you in your dreamtime and in your meditation journeys. Go there now or when u have 'quiet time' to breathe and be in your hearts. Like a bumble bee fluttering around a flower and drinking in its nectar so too are you hovering and creating the honey of your dreams. All of this awaits you beyond the gates. Go there now. Take off your shoes and enter the portal of light. It will be like entering a matrix of hidden knowing and you will be activated or rather 're-activated' back into the cosmic portal of the glorious sun with all its knowings. We call upon u now and bless u with the heavens. Hear and follow your call."
--Look for key words to activate knowledge and codes such as. Sphinx, lionsgate, golden pyramid, portal... -- Also Sekhmet comes through with this channelling, look up this being if you feel guided - she is an extremely powerful Goddess of the sun, and of the fifth ray with a lions head - wow synchronicity, magic and power, there is more to this but i must go to work now. No doubt i'll return when i work out more significance and connection - here's another keyword- courage!
The angels are saying much through the energy of the card image on the right, look deeply into it. They say:
"You are becoming more you, of the you-your-self, deep inside the crevices of your heart. Look deep within, Dear Ones, it is safe for u to do so; and in so doing you will see the flower begin to bloom as well as nurture the seed of grace of what you are becoming. Do not be afraid, Dear Ones, to open up your petals and explore the realms within that exude an exuberance you are only beginning to fathom. So go explore the depths and the fragrances shall emerge in the winds of the night like a beacon hovering in the midst/mist (angels are playing with the nuances and synergy between the two words, which they tend to do at times). And from the nectar of life a new you shall emerge more glorious than the you before, like a sun emerging forwards with all its power, radiating a glow and a temperance. So u shall bore a birth of victory where 'ye shall come out and rise forward'.... You are in the midst of the horizon and we wish to honour you and your journey thus far. Be proud. Be merry. Be free."
The angels are wishing to impress upon you 'codes' and messages through this image. See the stars
and purple galaxy in the backdrop. They say :
"There is a 'portal' for you to go within and when you walk through the portal with your mind / imagination, it will take you to otherworldly realms that are indeed quite real."
They also point out the yellow of the flower and link it to your soul, your divinity, your solar plexus, the sun. They want you to really see how this female so gloriously opens her unravelling cape which is the large petals which are still a little unfurled, and she looks down; however she is 'resplendid' and 'proud'. They are pointing out a synthesis between the two worlds of the sensitivity, vulnerability (and I'm feeling some people are extra sensitive or vulnerable right now), purity (white) and introspective shyness, with the uprising of the sun and the flower promising a resurgence of confidence and glory.
Then we have the endless possibilities and mystical, cosmic magic offered my the astral backdrop. Spirituality is heightened in the purple tones and the reds suggest the fire element of passion, creativity and feminine power. There is a sense of balance and grounding within this emergence.
The angels are saying much through the energy of the card image on the right, look deeply into it. They say:
"You are becoming more you, of the you-your-self, deep inside the crevices of your heart. Look deep within, Dear Ones, it is safe for u to do so; and in so doing you will see the flower begin to bloom as well as nurture the seed of grace of what you are becoming. Do not be afraid, Dear Ones, to open up your petals and explore the realms within that exude an exuberance you are only beginning to fathom. So go explore the depths and the fragrances shall emerge in the winds of the night like a beacon hovering in the midst/mist (angels are playing with the nuances and synergy between the two words, which they tend to do at times). And from the nectar of life a new you shall emerge more glorious than the you before, like a sun emerging forwards with all its power, radiating a glow and a temperance. So u shall bore a birth of victory where 'ye shall come out and rise forward'.... You are in the midst of the horizon and we wish to honour you and your journey thus far. Be proud. Be merry. Be free."
The angels are wishing to impress upon you 'codes' and messages through this image. See the stars
and purple galaxy in the backdrop. They say :
"There is a 'portal' for you to go within and when you walk through the portal with your mind / imagination, it will take you to otherworldly realms that are indeed quite real."
They also point out the yellow of the flower and link it to your soul, your divinity, your solar plexus, the sun. They want you to really see how this female so gloriously opens her unravelling cape which is the large petals which are still a little unfurled, and she looks down; however she is 'resplendid' and 'proud'. They are pointing out a synthesis between the two worlds of the sensitivity, vulnerability (and I'm feeling some people are extra sensitive or vulnerable right now), purity (white) and introspective shyness, with the uprising of the sun and the flower promising a resurgence of confidence and glory.
Then we have the endless possibilities and mystical, cosmic magic offered my the astral backdrop. Spirituality is heightened in the purple tones and the reds suggest the fire element of passion, creativity and feminine power. There is a sense of balance and grounding within this emergence.
July 15th, 2013
"Why do you doubt yourselves, dear Ones, you doubt and doubt, and like ripples in the pond your voices quiver and shake and this fear expands outwards and at times overwhelms your sweet sensitive souls. We are here on this day to reassure you of your power and to give you the gift of knowing that is already in your hearts. If you look inside you will see deep crevices of truths that when opened, when seen, escalate spendidly forwards. And in this vision, this sacred knowing, you in so doing open your hearts and mind like an envelope upon envelope bunched together and when opened reveal stories and energies of knowing.
So we encourage you to open your hearts and explore their hidden depths, for deep in your soul lie ancient chambers which act as caves in your heart. Deep, deep within you can go, and through prayer, meditation and visualisation reach these inner depths. Deep, deep within like in an etheric hypnotherapy session, we offer you insight and vision. If only you go deep within and explore, we will be there at your heavenly door and to answer every call."
July 15th, 2013
"Why do you doubt yourselves, dear Ones, you doubt and doubt, and like ripples in the pond your voices quiver and shake and this fear expands outwards and at times overwhelms your sweet sensitive souls. We are here on this day to reassure you of your power and to give you the gift of knowing that is already in your hearts. If you look inside you will see deep crevices of truths that when opened, when seen, escalate spendidly forwards. And in this vision, this sacred knowing, you in so doing open your hearts and mind like an envelope upon envelope bunched together and when opened reveal stories and energies of knowing.
So we encourage you to open your hearts and explore their hidden depths, for deep in your soul lie ancient chambers which act as caves in your heart. Deep, deep within you can go, and through prayer, meditation and visualisation reach these inner depths. Deep, deep within like in an etheric hypnotherapy session, we offer you insight and vision. If only you go deep within and explore, we will be there at your heavenly door and to answer every call."
The angelic realm and higher beings of light are really expressing to us the power that we each hold to give out our own light, and for us to source light from the upper realms, and then share it and let it radiate outwards. I'm also feeling that there is a lot of work with light grids anchored around earth.
Much ancient knowledge is rising to the surface as the light shines its powerful beam forth. If you are familiar with my channellings, you will see how the angelics convery their language in a very calm, wise and archaic kind of tone with much metaphor and resonance. read the words slowly and absorb their energy. Here is their recent message on light:
Angelic Channelling, June 2013: “For birth will you a new era for yourself. This will shine out and be reflected to others. Let that light shine, let it pour. Let it engulf and encompass yourself and others. It all starts as a seed and then it grows, as you have, dear human. Let that light within you, for it is within us all, radiate a new day where you be and live in your heart - and let that heart guide you. For it is your inner essence that shines and that is real, more real than the skin on your face, your teeth and your hair. Know that when you smile from the depths of your heart, it is not your teeth that shine, but your heart, your soul, your divine essence, and that essence is in us all - so don’t let outside surfaces and situations define who you are, but be in the light. Be THE light, let that light be your beacon, and you shall forever have a light before you, shining its way ahead like a beacon in the night, let it shine, and let it guide you like the stars have for eons guided Man.
Inside each of us we have a pearl that contains all wisdom, far more than you can ever imagine. Time to lift up the lid of that tough oyster exterior, and look at the wisdom of the pearl within. Be that pearl. And as pearls are strung together to make a necklace around a woman’s heart or neck, so too shall we all unite, into a consciousness that far exceeds all you have known before, one that is high, sublime and uniting like an almighty force within and between you. Feel that force, for it is strong and ever-present and it guides us all, for WE ARE that force, and we are ever-strong.
So come from this place every day, and at every moment, and you will see the shifts emerge, like a ship in the night before not seen, rise to the surface shall you like a buoy bouncing in the waves, there to save others, but in so doing also saving oneself. Reclaim your land, reclaim your vision, for you are you, stronger than a beam of light you are God’s essence divine and pure, radiant, sublime. Majestic. So shine that light and beam those waves. Your destiny waits before you all, long, thick and winding, beautiful like a magical path, and in, in, in you go, inside your metaphorical womb, all safe and sound.
Just as a baby is protected by its mother, you too are protected by the wings of the angels, and by extending and projecting your force-field of light outwards, like rays of sun, beaming to others, you shall shine the way from your heart for yourself and for others, so beam, beam, beam. And write.
So as we focus on bringing out to the surface, to revealing, acknowledging, prizing, savouring, we see that we are as a baby, as an embryo growing, expanding. As we ‘emerge’, we are safe, protected and whole, beautiful, sacred and Divine. Like a crystal appearing out from a rock and beaming from its pure essence simply by ’be-ing’. We too are an almighty crystal, so get ready to expand and enjoy every moment dear Ones, for you have been waiting for this Day, and that day has come. It is today, and it is every day. It is ‘One'…"
The angelic realm and higher beings of light are really expressing to us the power that we each hold to give out our own light, and for us to source light from the upper realms, and then share it and let it radiate outwards. I'm also feeling that there is a lot of work with light grids anchored around earth.
Much ancient knowledge is rising to the surface as the light shines its powerful beam forth. If you are familiar with my channellings, you will see how the angelics convery their language in a very calm, wise and archaic kind of tone with much metaphor and resonance. read the words slowly and absorb their energy. Here is their recent message on light:
Angelic Channelling, June 2013: “For birth will you a new era for yourself. This will shine out and be reflected to others. Let that light shine, let it pour. Let it engulf and encompass yourself and others. It all starts as a seed and then it grows, as you have, dear human. Let that light within you, for it is within us all, radiate a new day where you be and live in your heart - and let that heart guide you. For it is your inner essence that shines and that is real, more real than the skin on your face, your teeth and your hair. Know that when you smile from the depths of your heart, it is not your teeth that shine, but your heart, your soul, your divine essence, and that essence is in us all - so don’t let outside surfaces and situations define who you are, but be in the light. Be THE light, let that light be your beacon, and you shall forever have a light before you, shining its way ahead like a beacon in the night, let it shine, and let it guide you like the stars have for eons guided Man.
Inside each of us we have a pearl that contains all wisdom, far more than you can ever imagine. Time to lift up the lid of that tough oyster exterior, and look at the wisdom of the pearl within. Be that pearl. And as pearls are strung together to make a necklace around a woman’s heart or neck, so too shall we all unite, into a consciousness that far exceeds all you have known before, one that is high, sublime and uniting like an almighty force within and between you. Feel that force, for it is strong and ever-present and it guides us all, for WE ARE that force, and we are ever-strong.
So come from this place every day, and at every moment, and you will see the shifts emerge, like a ship in the night before not seen, rise to the surface shall you like a buoy bouncing in the waves, there to save others, but in so doing also saving oneself. Reclaim your land, reclaim your vision, for you are you, stronger than a beam of light you are God’s essence divine and pure, radiant, sublime. Majestic. So shine that light and beam those waves. Your destiny waits before you all, long, thick and winding, beautiful like a magical path, and in, in, in you go, inside your metaphorical womb, all safe and sound.
Just as a baby is protected by its mother, you too are protected by the wings of the angels, and by extending and projecting your force-field of light outwards, like rays of sun, beaming to others, you shall shine the way from your heart for yourself and for others, so beam, beam, beam. And write.
So as we focus on bringing out to the surface, to revealing, acknowledging, prizing, savouring, we see that we are as a baby, as an embryo growing, expanding. As we ‘emerge’, we are safe, protected and whole, beautiful, sacred and Divine. Like a crystal appearing out from a rock and beaming from its pure essence simply by ’be-ing’. We too are an almighty crystal, so get ready to expand and enjoy every moment dear Ones, for you have been waiting for this Day, and that day has come. It is today, and it is every day. It is ‘One'…"
This channelled message reinforces that the time is now, and that we are so guided. We must trust in our intuition and embrace the power of the Divine:
This channelled message reinforces that the time is now, and that we are so guided. We must trust in our intuition and embrace the power of the Divine:
Channelled June 2013:
“Believe and trust in yourselves Dear ones, for the time is now. THE TIME IS NOW. Let these words resonate deep in your heart, for they speak of a wisdom that is a truth you have already known in other life-times, and in other life-forms, for you have been many, and had many, and as you evolve and create, and as you dance the waves of life, your heart rejoices, and it sings, as it KNOWS. It SPEAKS. It THINKS with the universal one-mind of truth and be-ing, your destiny is on a giant gold platter ready to be consumed. Enjoy every bite Dear Ones, for we are closer than a mere galaxy away - we sit in your hearts we are here. Can you feel our presence, can you feel our beat in your hearts?
Awaken and arise from the ashes of your mind, for the truth is here for us and the truth will set us all free. Let the truth be your guide as the surface of your mind competes with the beatings of your heart. Let your heart be your number one guide. Let it beat to the drummings of the one universal mind. Let it create. Let it rejoice. Let it ‘be’. Freedom is near, and as the beacons (ie: lightworkers, earthangels) shine in the skies of your world, the pulsings, musings and beatings of your heart are seen, felt and heard by the angelic realms, for we are here, we are wise, and we are many. Such a multitude are we, like eagles flying high in the sky, yet at once so close to land - we not only watch over you, but we are with you, we are you, and you at once, are us. We are one and we are here.
Visualise yourself as a diamond in the sky, sparkling, multilayered, magnificent. WE give you the gift of this diamond be-ing and ask that you place and plant it in your heart. Feel it beam. Feel it shine. Let its resonance and vibration of the highest order uplift you. You are Divine. We are one. Divinity connects us all.
The bringers of the light (ie: lightworkers) know we are here, they feel it in their hearts, they beat to the drum of the universe, they know the ‘end’ is near, and so do not be afraid dear ones, for the ‘end’ is but a ‘metaphor’ and ‘energy’, and it signifies a grande arising, a celebration, a victory of all sorts. A new
beginning. A new dawn – a golden horizon that has only just begun.” THE TIME IS NOW...
“Believe and trust in yourselves Dear ones, for the time is now. THE TIME IS NOW. Let these words resonate deep in your heart, for they speak of a wisdom that is a truth you have already known in other life-times, and in other life-forms, for you have been many, and had many, and as you evolve and create, and as you dance the waves of life, your heart rejoices, and it sings, as it KNOWS. It SPEAKS. It THINKS with the universal one-mind of truth and be-ing, your destiny is on a giant gold platter ready to be consumed. Enjoy every bite Dear Ones, for we are closer than a mere galaxy away - we sit in your hearts we are here. Can you feel our presence, can you feel our beat in your hearts?
Awaken and arise from the ashes of your mind, for the truth is here for us and the truth will set us all free. Let the truth be your guide as the surface of your mind competes with the beatings of your heart. Let your heart be your number one guide. Let it beat to the drummings of the one universal mind. Let it create. Let it rejoice. Let it ‘be’. Freedom is near, and as the beacons (ie: lightworkers, earthangels) shine in the skies of your world, the pulsings, musings and beatings of your heart are seen, felt and heard by the angelic realms, for we are here, we are wise, and we are many. Such a multitude are we, like eagles flying high in the sky, yet at once so close to land - we not only watch over you, but we are with you, we are you, and you at once, are us. We are one and we are here.
Visualise yourself as a diamond in the sky, sparkling, multilayered, magnificent. WE give you the gift of this diamond be-ing and ask that you place and plant it in your heart. Feel it beam. Feel it shine. Let its resonance and vibration of the highest order uplift you. You are Divine. We are one. Divinity connects us all.
The bringers of the light (ie: lightworkers) know we are here, they feel it in their hearts, they beat to the drum of the universe, they know the ‘end’ is near, and so do not be afraid dear ones, for the ‘end’ is but a ‘metaphor’ and ‘energy’, and it signifies a grande arising, a celebration, a victory of all sorts. A new
beginning. A new dawn – a golden horizon that has only just begun.” THE TIME IS NOW...
This is a most profound time to keep your thoughts in a journal, note down your ideas, impressions, any experiences and nuggets of wisdom that come your way. There is much power in the written word and expressing your innermost thoughts and any outlets of creativity. A deep wisdom can emerge, and there is power on the pen. The angels are saying (channelled):
May 2013
"There is magic in the wand of the pen. Keep writing as a token of your metamorphosis and gesture of your grace. The hand that writes is the doing force of your body, the outlet, the giver. Give freely with this hand of the written word and creation and watch as the words that appear form a fire of passion, meaning, and healing in your life. Let the pen burn as do your passions, and get back to that divine creative force that guides us all."
"Keep your thoughts in a journal, note down your ideas, impressions, any experiences and nuggets of wisdom that come your way. There is much power in the written word and expressing your innermost thoughts and any outlets of creativity. There is great power in the written and spoken voice, and
the courage to express ones divine self."
This is a most profound time to keep your thoughts in a journal, note down your ideas, impressions, any experiences and nuggets of wisdom that come your way. There is much power in the written word and expressing your innermost thoughts and any outlets of creativity. A deep wisdom can emerge, and there is power on the pen. The angels are saying (channelled):
May 2013
"There is magic in the wand of the pen. Keep writing as a token of your metamorphosis and gesture of your grace. The hand that writes is the doing force of your body, the outlet, the giver. Give freely with this hand of the written word and creation and watch as the words that appear form a fire of passion, meaning, and healing in your life. Let the pen burn as do your passions, and get back to that divine creative force that guides us all."
"Keep your thoughts in a journal, note down your ideas, impressions, any experiences and nuggets of wisdom that come your way. There is much power in the written word and expressing your innermost thoughts and any outlets of creativity. There is great power in the written and spoken voice, and
the courage to express ones divine self."
Quote: "Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." ~ Marsha Norman
The angels are saying to pay attention to your dreams, keep a journal/notebook by your bed and record any dreams you have, examine the symbols and meaning. This will help you process, heal, develop your psychic abilities and connection to the divine cosmos and also they are saying:
“We plant seeds of awakening in your dreams. As you sleep, much healing occurs, and through all the pain you endure in not only this life-time on earth, but also all the myriad of others, collectively you absorb all the aspects, fragments of this lifetime and past, that make you feel disconnected or at a discord – and we go about healing them and weaving them back together as you sleep and through your journey in the karmic wheel of life.
We also send whispers in your ear to guide and uplift you, ‘one step at a time’ (they were wanting those 5 words to be extra boldly highlighted to you) so your spirits can once more soar ahead and your heart move forwards to better days and nights and clearer visions in all of your celestial and human ‘bodies’: mind, body and soul, the trinity of each individual here on earth and then ultimately, collectively as a whole.”
Quote: "Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." ~ Marsha Norman
The angels are saying to pay attention to your dreams, keep a journal/notebook by your bed and record any dreams you have, examine the symbols and meaning. This will help you process, heal, develop your psychic abilities and connection to the divine cosmos and also they are saying:
“We plant seeds of awakening in your dreams. As you sleep, much healing occurs, and through all the pain you endure in not only this life-time on earth, but also all the myriad of others, collectively you absorb all the aspects, fragments of this lifetime and past, that make you feel disconnected or at a discord – and we go about healing them and weaving them back together as you sleep and through your journey in the karmic wheel of life.
We also send whispers in your ear to guide and uplift you, ‘one step at a time’ (they were wanting those 5 words to be extra boldly highlighted to you) so your spirits can once more soar ahead and your heart move forwards to better days and nights and clearer visions in all of your celestial and human ‘bodies’: mind, body and soul, the trinity of each individual here on earth and then ultimately, collectively as a whole.”
In December 2012, I channelled Buddha (he mentioned his name was Siddharta). I often find that beings come through in a kind of archaic or poetic tone, but this one I have to say is by far the most poetic. So it comes across in the style of a poem. As you read it you will see how it relates to the ascension process we are going through. Information comes not from rushing, But from a steady stream. Open your eyes before you, They tell of a distant dream. Allow your heart to open, Like a lotus flower And focus upon it unwaiveringly To awaken your deep desires For truth comes from its beauty That holds forth its meaning pure For golden are you as you blossom And live a life well endured. Let us hold the gate wide open As you walk through its rustic veil As these posts lead you through a gateway That leaves an enchanting trail Go through at once and live there And breathe in its nothing-ness For magic lies in its essence And brings you the fragrance of unrestrained bliss. Enjoy this real sensation Of going to and thro For it leads you to faraway galaxies Of which you doth already know Open doors and portals Await your every turn So go forth now and discover The rose beyond the thorn. Deep in meditation The answers all do lie By going within you will find The truth that does not lie. For you behold the truth Deep down in your soul Where tranquil rivers run Through the very veins of your whole So much truth lies before you To discover day by day Remember to remain calm And in the thunder do not sway For your destiny is great And once again ye shall rise Just as The dragons from the mountains Serpents of our time. Much wisdom in this era Prevails the times before As each of you awaken And walk through these golden doors. Before you golden steps await That form sparks in the morning sun Like a new dawn that awaits our horizon Time has only just begun Like temples rising from beneath your skin Glimmers of hope and truth Beckon you to call upon them And draw from their very strength. |
11 days after this channelling (and having forgotten all about it at that moment), on the morning of the long-awaited date of 21st December 2012, I awoke and immediately got a message told to me as words in my mind (cairaudience). The exact words I heard were: "From behind the mountain the serpent arises." So I went online to see if I could find any significance in the idea of a serpent and a mountain. I knew the phrase was symbological/mystical with a wider and more extensively elaborate, plethoric meaning, however I also felt intuitively that there would be some kind of physical evidence, representation or manifestation of this in some way. The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio I quickly found 2 places of interest. One is called " Serpent Mountain" and the other "Serpent Mound." Both locations have interestingly have a specific reference to the SOLSTICE being important and connected, which gob-smakcked me, as Dec 21st 2012 is on a powerful Solstice date. Here's how the solstice and astrology relate to the Ohio one in the picture: "The head of the serpent is aligned to the summer solstice sunset and the tail coil also may point to the winter solstice sunrise and the equinox sunrise. Also, the bends in the serpent seem to align with other astrological events. This led some to believe that the mound held some type of ceremonial or spiritual significance to its creators. It's thought that it may have even been some type of astrological calendar. Some believe that the Serpent Mound was built to mark a "hotspot" for paranormal activity." (quoted from: How amazing is that!! So then I recall being told about a serpent / mountain the Buddha channelling I did on the left ironically 11 days before on 10.12.12, I then discover that the part about the serpent is the 11th verse of the channelling!!!! 11 is a powerful number and connected to the cosmic event that is happening today at 11:11!!! See here for more info about what 11:11 means. Then, I hear intuitively that crop circles are somehow connected and seconds later i see that a serpent mountain area had crop circles in the 70s, the exact date numbers add up to 11!! i can post link if anyones inerested, wow, spirit is certainly working overtime!! The Serpent as a Powerful Mystical Symbol The serpent is a symbol universally known in many ancient cultures not to mention that it is also referenced in the bible. It repesents so many things. There is the duality (11) of good and evil, of two opposing forces and the notion of awakening into oneness. It represents rebirth and renewal as a snake sheds it's skin to reveal a new one - a metaphor of ridding of our old ways and patterns and welcoming in the new. It is a powerful representation of kundalini - the spiraling vital energy within us. This energy is said to sit all coiled up as a snake in our sacrum until the time comes for movement (Awakening) to occur. When this happens the dual aspect masculine and feminine energies join together as one in the HEART (again this brings through the idea of the 11. The Mayans predicted an uprising of our life energy and consciousness. Our own individual enlightenment requires us to look within. Are our feminine selves feeling supressed deep within? This year symbolises the rise of the feminine - so I wanted to mention it to get you thinking about your own kundalini rising!! The symbolism of the Cosmic Serpent suggests DNA Activation and the representation of this physically is seen in the Awakening of the Earth's Kundalini as we reborth into the fifth dimension. It is interesting to note that the Serpent Mount in Ohio is said to appear as if the snake has an egg or sun disc in its mouth. This is also a symbol seen depicted in various ancient cultures across the globe. It denotes the idea of a second birth or rebirth, where you have the chance to reach 'actualisation'. The Hopi rever the water snake as a kind of guardian who's zig zagging body denotes the flow of water as representing chi / prana / life energy, thus giving life and facilitatng renewal. How apt considering the Chinese astrology sign for 2013 is the water snake!! You can read more about that here. |
Archangel Michael,
Channelling with Archangel Michael, 2 May, 2012By Natalia kuna
NOTE: I was recently lucky enough to receive a psychic reading from a well-regarded psychic on an online radio station. She told me that I have the gift of automatic writing so I gave it a go. I have tried it in the past, but nothing really came through. But today was different. While studying The Course in Miracles, I had some enlightening moments about the power we each have and the miracles we are able to perform. I know that my automatic writing today was a result of this study as well as the powerful beings wanting to impart their wisdom and guidance and come through. Here is the lesson which inspired me: "There is nothing my holiness cannot do." The channelling has meaning to me personally, but i know it also relates to many of us at this time. Know that Jesus Christ and Archangel Michael are with us! See below: “My beloved Creator (note: the idea here is that we are each our own Creator, yet part of the Creator), I come forth to you now. What miracles you seek, and answers doth do come. Before you now is all the glory of your own soul. Go forth now in majesty, for majesty is yours, and yours alone. Each to their own. And that which they call home, is nothing but their own. They each sit on their throne (note: the meaning I get from this is that we each have our own meaning we make in our minds. We are to learn to set ourselves free from the home we make in our own minds). And together we unite, like a star ever bright. So look out there tonight and see what you ‘know’. For it is in your Heart Ever Grande, and your Soul Ever Light. So go, go forth, get out there tonight, and look at the stars that shine so bright. Envision your soul as a part of the picture. And clues will lay forth and shine your way. Grace sits before you. The answers you seek are in your own mind - a heaven which you seek. Come now forth, dear One, and receive the blessings of your own mind, awaiting like jewels on the Nile, and glistening as does your smile. I am therefore I am. Archangel Michael. Blessings in disguise, dear One, rain on your promenade. Drink forth as you would lemonade, the sweet blessings before you dear child, for they are sweet and nourishing as honey. Bare not your own fruits of nectar without your own consent (permission). You are in Divine Truth a Master of your own destiny and Heaven awaits your Glory to be risen, as is he, Jesus Christ of Nazereth. Amen. Go ahead. Go forth. Come thee hither and reunite the blessings of your own soul with the soul of Christ for he is Almighty and present, as is the Ever Power of Love. Be here. Be present. Be true in thine own Glory which doth you shine so miraculously as a buttercup. True blessings stem not from your own mind, but from the universe before you... Let the radiance of your youth guide you each and every step of the way. Go before God and let yourself shine, for thee are a powerful product of beauty and Grace as is Jesus the lord, amen. And so be it dear child. And I shall come and return again, as did Jesus Christ. Go hither. Go yond. For we are the beings of Light that you seek. We are the beings that of which you speak. Go yond. Go hither and find your way. An angel, a star, a galaxy away. For here we await your Glory Divine, and all shall unfold in earth angel’s time. Go forth, go quick, and Lead the Way. For once you set free, you go beyond earth’s door. And awaiting are we, with more in store. So pray and leap in bounds and steps, for Heaven awaits with its pearly gates. Go hither, go yond, go forth in Peace. And find what you are looking for in one big piece. For the pieces are small, yet they all meld together. And that’s what I’m here for, to pray together. Go yond, go quick, my innocent child. You will work wonders, for lots is in store, of that you can be sure. Be you ready. I am here Ever Present, Archangel Michael." |
Channelling with Jesus, 3 May, 2012