Donate to Fundraiser to Help Rescue & Rehabilitate Child Sex Abuse & Trafficking Victims
Please join the fight against this terrible crime affecting billions of children worldwide. DONATE to this authentic fundraiser where
FUNDS GO DIRECTLY to the most brilliant organisation O.U.R. (Operation Underground Railroad) set up by former CIA Special Agent
Tim Ballard. He & his team actually go out and actively rescue, as well as rehabilitate children. They are simple amazing.
Thank you kindly for caring for OUR children. - Natalia Kuna
FUNDS GO DIRECTLY to the most brilliant organisation O.U.R. (Operation Underground Railroad) set up by former CIA Special Agent
Tim Ballard. He & his team actually go out and actively rescue, as well as rehabilitate children. They are simple amazing.
Thank you kindly for caring for OUR children. - Natalia Kuna