The Meaning of the 11:11 Phenomenon
Are You Seeing 11:11? ... Is 11:11 trying to Catch your Attention?
You or someone close to you might be seeing 11:11 or other number sequences that may or may not include the number 11, such as 411, 222, 55, 1010 and so on. (Click here to read about seeing other numbers, a phenomenon also referred to as 'angel numbers').
In this thorough article, you will find out:
- what and why is this 11:11 phenomenon is happening
- how the power of synchronicity is connected
- interesting well known events with the time / date 11 or 11:11
- 10+ spiritual meanings & explanations for seeing 11:11
- advanced metaphysical analysis & much more...
Seeing the number 11:11 is becoming an insanely widespread metaphysical phenomenon that has been happening frequently to people all across the globe especially during this millennium, and even more so in recent times.
People are seeing that number or other number sequences repetitively, to the point of feeling like a mysterious phenomena beyond mere coincidence or pure happenstance. So much so, that they feel that they cannot ignore it, they know on some level that something mysterious is going on, and that it has a deeper meaning.
People are seeing that number or other number sequences repetitively, to the point of feeling like a mysterious phenomena beyond mere coincidence or pure happenstance. So much so, that they feel that they cannot ignore it, they know on some level that something mysterious is going on, and that it has a deeper meaning.
I have been seeing 11:11 constantly during the last decade or so while I have been going through a heightened period of psychic development and spiritual awakening. The sightings have really ramped up for a lot of people.
What Exactly is Happening?
11:11 happens on its own accord, not when you are looking for it.
You will be surprised, mesmerized, entertained and even freaked out by the power and presence of 11:11. It really feels like a magical moment and seeing it kind of stops you in your tracks. At first you marvel, and then you laugh. The more you see the number, the more you get used to it, And, like a celestial guardian angel, it becomes your benevolent and very welcome friend. |
You can't escape it, and, as my husband says, it follows you around. However, it is important to note that while it is magnetizing, it is not haunting in an eery way. Moreover, it becomes our cosmic spiritual ally or guide, and experiencing it is fun, mesmerizing and even reassuring.
The Power of Synchronicity
11:11 is a Master Teacher and way-shower of the power of signs and synchronicity.
Seeing the number 11 awakens your consciousness by unlocking your subconscious mind. It draws your attention to synchronicity and reminds you of your spiritual origins and the greater cosmic reality out of the 'norm' of this world. It takes you out of that mundane, repetitive 'muggle state' of the earthly realm, and propels you into the spheres of otherworldly enchantment.
Seeing the number 11 awakens your consciousness by unlocking your subconscious mind. It draws your attention to synchronicity and reminds you of your spiritual origins and the greater cosmic reality out of the 'norm' of this world. It takes you out of that mundane, repetitive 'muggle state' of the earthly realm, and propels you into the spheres of otherworldly enchantment.
Synchronicities, which are meaningful, co-inciding flows of events, suggest that something more is at play, that we are not alone, and that there is more than just the physical level of human and life design. God is working behind the scenes in miraculous and mysterious ways and drawing meaningful connections, parallels and an interweaving of reciprocity.
It shows us that the greater universe and cosmos is aware, alive, breathing and listening. Everything connects. It helps us see that there is something more meaningful and profound beyond the veils or ordinary perception, and that we are all a part of a highly complex, mysterious and mystical unified field,
the same field that quantum physics speaks of, where every atom within and around is inter-connected and woven into the womb and fabric of the infinite multiverse.
Interesting World Events with the Date / Time of 11 or 11:11
In Australia (and I think New Zealand too), 'Remembrance Day' (also known as Anzac Day) is commemorated at exactly 11:00am where the whole nation has a moment of silence for 1 minute, to pay respect to all soldiers lost during World War 1.
This is because on 11th November ) the 11th month), so 11/11 in 1918, guns finally fell silent after over 4 years of nonstop warfare. The war officially stopped at 11am.
The Berlin wall came down on 11th of the 11th, (11 Nov) 1989.
In Australia (and I think New Zealand too), 'Remembrance Day' (also known as Anzac Day) is commemorated at exactly 11:00am where the whole nation has a moment of silence for 1 minute, to pay respect to all soldiers lost during World War 1.
This is because on 11th November ) the 11th month), so 11/11 in 1918, guns finally fell silent after over 4 years of nonstop warfare. The war officially stopped at 11am.
The Berlin wall came down on 11th of the 11th, (11 Nov) 1989.
On 11 Aug 1999 (whose numbers numerologically add to 11), at 11:11am, there was a total solar eclipse. In fact that was quite a time of deep revelation, awakening and change.
Also, at precisely 11:11am on the Solstice of 21st December 2012 (which can read as 12.21.2012 - look at the magic and symphony of those repeated and mirroring numbers! They can be broken down into 3.3.5, and further added to get the number 11, when looked at numerologically) This is when there was a galactical alignment between earth, the sun and the Milky Way. To read about the 2012 Prophecies as a sign of the changing times, see my article here.
It is interesting to note that 11:11pm is the exact time of the winter solstice.
Also, at precisely 11:11am on the Solstice of 21st December 2012 (which can read as 12.21.2012 - look at the magic and symphony of those repeated and mirroring numbers! They can be broken down into 3.3.5, and further added to get the number 11, when looked at numerologically) This is when there was a galactical alignment between earth, the sun and the Milky Way. To read about the 2012 Prophecies as a sign of the changing times, see my article here.
It is interesting to note that 11:11pm is the exact time of the winter solstice.
Solar cycles, otherwise known as sun spot cycles, happen every 11 years. Sun spots are areas of the sun where the solar magnetic field is extra strong.
Having said that though, some people were seeing 11:11 before 2012 (including myself), and it was especially happening in the lead up to the date of 11.11.2011, where some spiritually-oriented people felt the call to meditate or meet together in sacred, global gatherings, in honor of this sacred number and its magical offerings.
Having said that though, some people were seeing 11:11 before 2012 (including myself), and it was especially happening in the lead up to the date of 11.11.2011, where some spiritually-oriented people felt the call to meditate or meet together in sacred, global gatherings, in honor of this sacred number and its magical offerings.
Watch 11:11 Masterclass!Gain Deeper insight into the Meaning!✅ Learn what 11:11 means and why you keep seeing it.
✅ Discover higher meaning and reason for it's existence, and how it is a higher frequency. ✅ Listen to my intuitive insight on the power of this number and what messages came through! |
The Meaning of 11:11
1.) A Sign of the Times - A New Paradigm on Earth11:11 is a sign of the times, quite LITERALLY. It is a way-shower that we are entering a new reality on earth.
Everything is energy and earth is a conscious, sentient being, as are we. Earth is shifting, we are moving into a new reality, a higher state of consciousness, and many people are conscious of this on some level. |
That is what the 'Great Awakening' is all about. Time is speeding up and we are accelerating into a higher state of awareness.
11:11 is a marker, a signal that it is a new earth we are birthing, especially since the great shifts in energy we have been experiencing, as prophecized with regard to the sacred date of December 21st, 2012.
Read one of articles on Awakening shifts & signs here.
11:11 is a marker, a signal that it is a new earth we are birthing, especially since the great shifts in energy we have been experiencing, as prophecized with regard to the sacred date of December 21st, 2012.
Read one of articles on Awakening shifts & signs here.
2.) God is a Messenger: The Universe, Angels & Guides are Communicating with You
One of the main reasons that 11:11 happens is that God is getting your attention. It is about spiritual attunement, connection and metamorphosis.
Your angels and spiritual guides are energetically showing you that they are listening and trying to communicate. It is common for your spiritual team and the higher realms to use signs and numbers to catch your human attention, or for this to work through the synchronistic flow of higher intelligence.
For everything is connected like an interconnected super highway.
11:11 is a reminder that they hear and your prayers and that they are watching over you. You are seen, noticed, and are signaled.
It is like a supernatural offering.
Your angels and spiritual guides are energetically showing you that they are listening and trying to communicate. It is common for your spiritual team and the higher realms to use signs and numbers to catch your human attention, or for this to work through the synchronistic flow of higher intelligence.
For everything is connected like an interconnected super highway.
11:11 is a reminder that they hear and your prayers and that they are watching over you. You are seen, noticed, and are signaled.
It is like a supernatural offering.
The universe is communicating with you and showing you that you are on the right track - that you are going in the direction, or that what you are thinking or planning is perfect! Or, it is just a hello from heaven.
Perhaps, even, it rewires you, realigns you back on track, like a re-adjustment or recalibration to align you with your higher soul's calling.
3.) An Evolutionary Code
11:11 is all about personal and cosmic evolution.
It is a signpost that we living in an unprecedented epoch of rapid evolution.
If you've been seeing 11:11 for quite some time now, think about just how much you have evolved
since you first started seeing it - you might just freak yourself out when you take a look back!
The evolution is often inner, and it will speak for itself.
4.) An Activation Code
11:11 triggers us. Paranormal investigators, mystics and spiritually aware people alike theorize 11:11 to be a kind of activation code or signal if you will. It is thought to be a celestial push button that activates something within you.
When you see 11:11 and are fully in the moment, you can literally feels its higher vibration. To an energetically sensitive or open person, it can feel like being suspended in an enlightening moment of time.
Intuitive people will sense that there is a heightened sense of awareness or something greater being shown or activated.
In fact it has occurred to me on numerous occasions, that 11:11 is a code embedded in our spiritual life contracts. We were pre-warned, or wired, for this to be a celestial signal and for us to on a soul level, understand its meaning as a kind of soul's calling.
It acts as a kind of triggered reminder of our infinite connection with Spirit and shows us so darn candidly just how powerful the universe works behind the scenes, and God beyond it.
It is a captured moment of time wherein Divine synchronicity and magic is manifested.
5). An Awakening Signal
11:11 is all about frequency.
Its vibration catapults you into awakening.
For some it is a slower process, for others extremely fast, if not jolting.
Before you know it, it is like you are in another dimension.
11:11 reminds you that there is a great awakening being activated on this planet. It provides you an energetic platform from which to spring forth into action, even if its a matter of rewiring your inner circuitry.
6.) An Energetic Doorway / Portal
11:11 is an opening, it is:
"a crack between worlds." - Uri Geller
The number 11 represents a gateway like a kind of inter-dimensional portal allowing us to instantly expand into a higher consciousness.
It acts as a channel from which you can access a higher wisdom.
Years ago, I awoke in the middle of the night with intuitive wisdom trying to get my attention. I was receiving channeled information, a spiritual message from above that the number 11:11 is a:
"Gateway of Consciousness."
Those were the exact words I received. I began to understand that 11:11, in a world where our
reality is distorted and illusory, is an:
awakening frequency or consciousness code trying to get our attention.
It is by no coincidence that we are seeing this number. It is a mesmerizing sign from the universe, intelligently designed as part of the awakening process, and it is a signpost that stops us in our tracks.
It acts as a kind of timeless moment and cosmic catalyst that sparks and ignites a higher power within us that is connected to a wider field of energetic reality.
Read this slowly, and really take it in:
11:11 is a timeless moment, a cosmic signpost triggering you to:
It is as if it is whispering:
"Remember Who you Are!" ...
"Remember What You Came Here to Do!! "...
"Remember Who You Are, on a deeper soul level.
Spirit is weaving meaning into the numbers into the fabric of your life, as a visual frame of reference for you. It is as good a proof as you will ever get, that there is more to life than what we might assume with our third dimensional physical eye, and that in truth there is a higher reason for our existence.
It is like when you hear a sound, a song or take in a familiar aroma - and it awakens a distant memory, whether from your childhood or even a last life.
That is the enigma , substance and miraculous prompt that 11:11 delivers.
Spirit is weaving meaning into the numbers into the fabric of your life, as a visual frame of reference for you. It is as good a proof as you will ever get, that there is more to life than what we might assume with our third dimensional physical eye, and that in truth there is a higher reason for our existence.
It is like when you hear a sound, a song or take in a familiar aroma - and it awakens a distant memory, whether from your childhood or even a last life.
That is the enigma , substance and miraculous prompt that 11:11 delivers.
11:11 activates your 'I AM' PRESENCE.
7.) Frequencies of Light are Being Activated
11:11 is like a broadcast signal. It is a cosmic transmission of light.
See the 11:11 gateway as a powerful portal of pillars facing up to the higher spiritual realms and God Source, and allowing in a streaming of light codes and frequencies.
11:11 links the upper realms with earth, and your lower human self with your higher self. It connects you to higher universal energy, the Divine, God, crystalline or Christ consciousness, whatever you want to call it, it is
in essence the higher intelligent mind of All.
It is a Divine reminder that there is indeed light amongst all the darkness.
See the 11:11 gateway as a powerful portal of pillars facing up to the higher spiritual realms and God Source, and allowing in a streaming of light codes and frequencies.
11:11 links the upper realms with earth, and your lower human self with your higher self. It connects you to higher universal energy, the Divine, God, crystalline or Christ consciousness, whatever you want to call it, it is
in essence the higher intelligent mind of All.
It is a Divine reminder that there is indeed light amongst all the darkness.
8.) A Wake Up Call to Lightworkers
You are most likely seeing 11 repeatedly because you are waking up to your soul contract as a lightworker, starseed, indigo, crystal, empath, earthangel, psychic sensitive or pioneering way-shower.
You most likely have a warm, generous heart and caring nature. Seeing 11:11 is a sign that you are becoming more open and are experiencing a growing sensitivity to energy. Or, you are simply awakening.
You and I have come to earth with a specific mission. For some, we are to help awaken or assist others in some way during this time of mass transformation on earth.
You don't need a fancy title, spiritual term or special identity to be experiencing this number. For we all have a soul origin, and a unique, Divine purpose that is part of our individual blueprint.
You most likely have a warm, generous heart and caring nature. Seeing 11:11 is a sign that you are becoming more open and are experiencing a growing sensitivity to energy. Or, you are simply awakening.
You and I have come to earth with a specific mission. For some, we are to help awaken or assist others in some way during this time of mass transformation on earth.
You don't need a fancy title, spiritual term or special identity to be experiencing this number. For we all have a soul origin, and a unique, Divine purpose that is part of our individual blueprint.
But this does not need to be the case with everyone.
At the very least, it is a wake up call for your soul to arise and smell the roses - take the breath
of life in an aware, conscious way.
There is more to reality than meets the mortal eye.
At the very least, it is a wake up call for your soul to arise and smell the roses - take the breath
of life in an aware, conscious way.
There is more to reality than meets the mortal eye.
You are being called to get to work, walk in to your soul purpose, and activate your individual "gifts," which the angels say right now are: (channeled) "arising from the ethers and embers."
The angels continue say:
"It is time!"
They also add: "Start doing what it is you came here to do! "
Again, this is all a part of the Awakening process, but it is perhaps not applicable to all, as we are each on our own journey, with our own destiny in this lifetime to fulfil.
The angels continue say:
"It is time!"
They also add: "Start doing what it is you came here to do! "
Again, this is all a part of the Awakening process, but it is perhaps not applicable to all, as we are each on our own journey, with our own destiny in this lifetime to fulfil.
9.) You are in a Period of CHANGE
11:11 usually comes at a time of change. It is all about evolution. It is a dimensional sign of our changing times, and it signals that you also are in at one with this shift, and a part of all of this change.
It is like a powerful transmission of higher peace and light energy, and it offers a dimensional shift.
Something within you or around you is shifting. It is a wave of energy surging through every fiber and molecule of your being, that comes during a period of metamorphosis in your life. It might not be now, but rather an upcoming shift of some sort, or an offer from spirit to change your perspective.
Maybe you are in a phase of upliftment, inspiration and enlightenment; or perhaps it is a cycle of pain, purging and upheaval, in which 11:11 reminds you that a shift is happening whether you like it or not, and that you are not alone. A higher understanding can come later.
Whatever process you are going through, know that the universe is speaking to you and supporting you from a higher level.
It is like a powerful transmission of higher peace and light energy, and it offers a dimensional shift.
Something within you or around you is shifting. It is a wave of energy surging through every fiber and molecule of your being, that comes during a period of metamorphosis in your life. It might not be now, but rather an upcoming shift of some sort, or an offer from spirit to change your perspective.
Maybe you are in a phase of upliftment, inspiration and enlightenment; or perhaps it is a cycle of pain, purging and upheaval, in which 11:11 reminds you that a shift is happening whether you like it or not, and that you are not alone. A higher understanding can come later.
Whatever process you are going through, know that the universe is speaking to you and supporting you from a higher level.
10.) A Manifestation Portal is Opening Up
Many people believe that 11:11 is a Divine moment of time where the universe is opening up its gates and allowing you to manifest your desires. That is also connected to the angel number interpretation mentioned above to watch your thoughts as they are manifesting rapidly.
Any time you see the number 11:11, know that you are in sync with the law of attraction.
Any time you see the number 11:11, know that you are in sync with the law of attraction.
With all the 1 numbers in the combination, it is like an instant, powerful and doubled gateway being opened up for a short moment of time to manifest your desires rapidly.
Use the power of the universe to consciously guide and direct your thoughts towards positive change. It is a reminder that you can consciously create your desired reality, and that your thoughts matter because energy follows thought.
Its about mindfully putting your attention and intention into positive thoughts about what you wish to bring forward and create in your life.
Use the power of the universe to consciously guide and direct your thoughts towards positive change. It is a reminder that you can consciously create your desired reality, and that your thoughts matter because energy follows thought.
Its about mindfully putting your attention and intention into positive thoughts about what you wish to bring forward and create in your life.
Do keep in mind that this does not mean getting greedy and manifesting materialistic items like a house or a million dollars. It is more about aligning with your Higher Self which is calling you to step into your life purpose and higher destiny. It is about mindfully creating your reality and asking you walk through that open doorway and step upon a higher and more divinely connected platform.
When you see 11:11, think about what is it that you have recently been desiring, or thinking / praying about, as this could be your sign that the universe is indeed listening and that your spiritual team is there behind the scenes hearing and answering your call.
When you see 11:11, think about what is it that you have recently been desiring, or thinking / praying about, as this could be your sign that the universe is indeed listening and that your spiritual team is there behind the scenes hearing and answering your call.
Advanced Metaphysical Analysis of 11:11
11:11 is Two Pillars of 11
In this way also the two poles of 11 can be seen is a symbol of both duality and enlightenment, separation, yet togetherness: like light and dark, it is a reminder of the overarching secret, that of the powerful yin and yang of life.
May I also add, that in relation to duality, the two pillars are representative of two polarizing aspects or forces that when mastered, result in mental transmutation known as sacred alchemy or Divine magic. To understand this concept further, read my article on the Universal Law of Polarity.
May I also add, that in relation to duality, the two pillars are representative of two polarizing aspects or forces that when mastered, result in mental transmutation known as sacred alchemy or Divine magic. To understand this concept further, read my article on the Universal Law of Polarity.
And this is where we now get deeply esoteric. The notion of twin pillars, like the iconographic twin towers of 9/11 that we are all aware of, can be seen in tarot cards, particularly the 2nd major arcana tarot card (let's keep in mind that two is also 11 (1+1), which is the High Priestess.
Notice the two pillars on either side of the priestess, a black and a white pole, with the letters B and J, which are biblical references to Boaz and Jachim, the two pillars which stood on the front porch of King Soloman's mystical temple, which was the very first holy temple in Jerusalem.
The pillars of Soloman's temple were on either side of the front steps to the entranceway. So to draw a connection to11, or 11:11, this number sequence acts as a prelude marker, where steps are provided into a holy temple, like the 7 sacred steps to heaven, akin to Jacob's ladder.
Notice the two pillars on either side of the priestess, a black and a white pole, with the letters B and J, which are biblical references to Boaz and Jachim, the two pillars which stood on the front porch of King Soloman's mystical temple, which was the very first holy temple in Jerusalem.
The pillars of Soloman's temple were on either side of the front steps to the entranceway. So to draw a connection to11, or 11:11, this number sequence acts as a prelude marker, where steps are provided into a holy temple, like the 7 sacred steps to heaven, akin to Jacob's ladder.
In the entrance of the doorway, seated at the gate of the 11, sits the female seer - her presence representing wisdom and divinity.
In the heart center of her body, she harbours the symbol of the cross, which sits just as perpendicular, stoic and poised as herself.
Now when you think about it, a cross is like two 1's crossing over each other horizontally and vertically, an altered 11. The cross points to the four sacred directions, representing also the four elements. In this way, the 11 acts like four 1's, thus: 11:11.
In the heart center of her body, she harbours the symbol of the cross, which sits just as perpendicular, stoic and poised as herself.
Now when you think about it, a cross is like two 1's crossing over each other horizontally and vertically, an altered 11. The cross points to the four sacred directions, representing also the four elements. In this way, the 11 acts like four 1's, thus: 11:11.
The cross as a sacred symbol also has a connection that interlinks heaven and earth, as in the aforementioned adage:
"As above, so below. "
It represents the unity of horizontal earth with vertical spirit. There is also the notion of the axis mundi, where the center point is the sacred point of middle balance, perhaps you could call it zero point, wherein lies the core of every single microcosm.
So perhaps 11:11 has you anchored mystically in the center of the gateway, and thus the very world as we know it, or, it is placing us in the midst of the greater mysterious cosmos, like the sacred tree of life. This concept is also seen in Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing of the "Vitruvian Man" and the sacred mathematical golden ratio.
In essence, the male figure appears as a cross, or a box in a circle, representing the balance between the masculine and feminine and the microcosm in the macrocosm, and how each one contains the other.
And, if you look at this drawing of perfection in a new way, you can see that it is like he is standing in the entrance of a doorway or a house, much like the High Priestess. He is embedded in the four walls, the 4 lines or one's. He is embodied, housed , perfectly centered in his temple.
"As above, so below. "
It represents the unity of horizontal earth with vertical spirit. There is also the notion of the axis mundi, where the center point is the sacred point of middle balance, perhaps you could call it zero point, wherein lies the core of every single microcosm.
So perhaps 11:11 has you anchored mystically in the center of the gateway, and thus the very world as we know it, or, it is placing us in the midst of the greater mysterious cosmos, like the sacred tree of life. This concept is also seen in Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing of the "Vitruvian Man" and the sacred mathematical golden ratio.
In essence, the male figure appears as a cross, or a box in a circle, representing the balance between the masculine and feminine and the microcosm in the macrocosm, and how each one contains the other.
And, if you look at this drawing of perfection in a new way, you can see that it is like he is standing in the entrance of a doorway or a house, much like the High Priestess. He is embedded in the four walls, the 4 lines or one's. He is embodied, housed , perfectly centered in his temple.
11:11 As a Computer Code
Some could say that 11:11 is a computer code, which would fit the physics notion that we live in a holographic, computer simulated universe where all is but a binary code (of 1s and 0s).
The number 1 is said to be like an 'on' switch, whereas 0 is 'off'. Having four 1's aligned together is like an alarm signal beaming like a sonar radar beacon. If you apply the notion that 1 is an on switch, 11:11 should be super high voltage. It would switch you on quadruple-fold.
On some level our brains could be receiving, processing and interpreting encrypted data, electronic language or highly intelligent codes that are being sent to us.
In this way, 11:11 reminds us of the immense power and ability of the hidden depths of our hard-wired brains, of which neuro experts say, we only use a very percentage of - so maybe all those other uncharted parts of our brain are working overtime, receiving the signals and piecing everything together.
The number 1 is said to be like an 'on' switch, whereas 0 is 'off'. Having four 1's aligned together is like an alarm signal beaming like a sonar radar beacon. If you apply the notion that 1 is an on switch, 11:11 should be super high voltage. It would switch you on quadruple-fold.
On some level our brains could be receiving, processing and interpreting encrypted data, electronic language or highly intelligent codes that are being sent to us.
In this way, 11:11 reminds us of the immense power and ability of the hidden depths of our hard-wired brains, of which neuro experts say, we only use a very percentage of - so maybe all those other uncharted parts of our brain are working overtime, receiving the signals and piecing everything together.
Some say it is like a pre-programmed code from behind the scenes, or even something put into place before we were born. It is only now that the codes are activating, and so we are beginning to have heightened experiences with number synchronicity.
It is like you are tapping into encoded memories embedded in the cellular memory your DNA, such as when you experience during moments of psychic flashes or dejavu.
Or perhaps, 11:11 that crack that Uri Geller mentioned, but more like a gap, a 'glitch' or hole in the matrix.
All of these ideas are up for contemplation and discussion.
It is like you are tapping into encoded memories embedded in the cellular memory your DNA, such as when you experience during moments of psychic flashes or dejavu.
Or perhaps, 11:11 that crack that Uri Geller mentioned, but more like a gap, a 'glitch' or hole in the matrix.
All of these ideas are up for contemplation and discussion.
Analysing the Number Meanings
Looking at 11:11 Numerologically
11:11 can be looked at numerologically, which is the esoteric mathematical science that states that each number has its own unique vibration and meaning.
Let's begin at the basic repeated number that forms the building blocks of 11:11 - and that is the number1.
1 is about Self and the I AM presence. It reminds us of the Prime Creator and inspires you to awaken your individual gifts and talents and become an independent leader. It is also about action, mind over matter and new beginnings.
The 1 card in Tarot is the Magician - he is the powerful manipulator of energy. He is an alchemist in touch with higher knowledge and all the elements.
1 is all about being an independent leader, master and manifestor, tapping into the universal laws and one's Divine will. It activates yourself as a Creator being. So it sends a message to your subconscious mind to apply your will.
1 asks you to establish a firm and solid intentions that are aligned with your Higher Self which is calling you. For your soul is connected to the higher wisdom of unity consciousness which we are all a part of.
1 is all about being an independent leader, master and manifestor, tapping into the universal laws and one's Divine will. It activates yourself as a Creator being. So it sends a message to your subconscious mind to apply your will.
1 asks you to establish a firm and solid intentions that are aligned with your Higher Self which is calling you. For your soul is connected to the higher wisdom of unity consciousness which we are all a part of.
Now let's look at the number 11. 11 is known to be a powerful Master Number. It is highly spiritual and intuitive, and very connected to the subconscious mind.
It speaks of being a highly attuned visionary. It's message could well be that it is time to put your visions of a grander scale into action.
When you look at 11:11, you can see that it is four one's lined up together.
Having more than one number repeated signifies that the energetic vibration of that number is amplified. This means a more intensified magnetization of that particular frequency.
It speaks of being a highly attuned visionary. It's message could well be that it is time to put your visions of a grander scale into action.
When you look at 11:11, you can see that it is four one's lined up together.
Having more than one number repeated signifies that the energetic vibration of that number is amplified. This means a more intensified magnetization of that particular frequency.
The Master Number 11 when doubled (as 11:11 is) becomes Master Number 22, otherwise nicknamed led the Master Builder.
When you add up the individual numbers, it adds up to 4. 4 is a number of building solid foundations, working hard and getting organized. 4 is also a number that asks you to be a learner and a teacher, and to use your experience to build something.
11:11 could be asking you to open up, learn what you can and align with your higher life purpose. Get out there and teach others what you know.
In Tarot 4 is the Emperor, who is grounded and strong. He is the archetype of the heavenly father, or the king of the kingdom. His male principle is active, intelligent and commanding. He builds upon strong foundations.
When you add up the individual numbers, it adds up to 4. 4 is a number of building solid foundations, working hard and getting organized. 4 is also a number that asks you to be a learner and a teacher, and to use your experience to build something.
11:11 could be asking you to open up, learn what you can and align with your higher life purpose. Get out there and teach others what you know.
In Tarot 4 is the Emperor, who is grounded and strong. He is the archetype of the heavenly father, or the king of the kingdom. His male principle is active, intelligent and commanding. He builds upon strong foundations.
There are other interesting mathematical findings about the number 1111.
If you times 1111 by itself (1111 x 1111), you reach the number 1234321 which is very interesting, as if you apply that vertically as building blocks, you get the triangular form of a pyramid.
Also, if you convert 11 to a binary, you get 3, and 3 represents the trinity, which is also symbolized in sacred geometry as a triangle - so you there you have the pyramid shape again. So this again showcases 11 as a sacred number.
11 x 3 = 33, which is a Master Number in Numerology (as is the number 11), but also a number associated negatively in the occult through its use in freemasonry.
If you times 1111 by itself (1111 x 1111), you reach the number 1234321 which is very interesting, as if you apply that vertically as building blocks, you get the triangular form of a pyramid.
Also, if you convert 11 to a binary, you get 3, and 3 represents the trinity, which is also symbolized in sacred geometry as a triangle - so you there you have the pyramid shape again. So this again showcases 11 as a sacred number.
11 x 3 = 33, which is a Master Number in Numerology (as is the number 11), but also a number associated negatively in the occult through its use in freemasonry.
11:11 as an "Angel Number"
Doreen Virtue, who wrote the book Angel Numbers, links any variation of the number 1 (such as 1,11,111,1111) as signifying the importance to watch your thoughts and keep them positive (rather than negative), because they are quite literally manifesting into physical form.
This means that anything that you are thinking of has the strong likelihood to happen due to the power of the Law of Attraction which draws things to us like a magnet through the focus of our mind.
This is why many people see 11:11 as an open doorway that acts as a kind of powerful manifestation portal, a heightened opportunity in order to create your reality.
This means that anything that you are thinking of has the strong likelihood to happen due to the power of the Law of Attraction which draws things to us like a magnet through the focus of our mind.
This is why many people see 11:11 as an open doorway that acts as a kind of powerful manifestation portal, a heightened opportunity in order to create your reality.
Funnily enough, yet not surprisingly, just as I finished writing this, I looked at the time of a recording I was switching off, and it said 11:11!!!
When I updated the article several years later, upon finishing I 'just happened' to glance at the clock and it said 1:11! I just cannot escape the binary calling and allure of 11:11. I can't tell you how many times I've thus far seen 11:11, even my husband has starting seeing it! and my children. In a family, it can spread like wildfire, and the joy of it all is contagious. |
What Next?
Here is what you can do next to take your 11:11 journey further...
WATCH FREE MASTERCLASSBy Natalia KunaReady to watch FREE masterclass, taking you deeper into the higher meaning of 11:11. Understand why you are really seeing it & discover what I have intuitively tapped into about its frequency & origin!
JOIN LIST TO FIND OUT MORESpiritual Development ContentI will be featuring more info on 11:11 in future, including a book I am currently working on to help you heighten your awareness and connection to the power and energy of 11:1. Keep in the loop.
BUY CHARLIE'S BOOKBy Charles WolfeCharlie has written a brilliant book on 11:11. More details are further below...
Master Your Personal Year in Numerology!Your year has a frequency, with energy themes that influence and shape you on your soul's path. Receive guidance to understand your year AND align / work with the energy + AMAZING BONUSES!
✦ Gain incredible, deep insight and master your year! ✦ Based on your date of birth. |
Read Further Articles on Number Signs & Numerology
I've written a vast number of articles on these subects, and many more spiritual /metaphysical topics...
More on Charlie's Book...
If you would like to read a book that further expounds upon the 11:11 phenomonon, then The 11:11 Code: The Great Awakening by the Numbers absolutely will knock your socks off.
In this enthralling mental adventure, author Charles J. Wolfe takes you on an eye-opening journey through the universe, across time and space, through a multiplex of thoughts, facts and mesmerising experiences that all tie in with one common denominator: everything is interconnected and there is a mathematical code that underpins all thingsl. Numbers are everywhere and they are veiled with sacred meaning, sometimes hidden and at other times in plain sight.
In his book, Wolfe interweaves an astrounding assortment of facts and data, with historical references to events, places and figures and intrepid stories from travel. He explores grand themes of human consciousness and cosmic intelligence and relates it to science.
In this enthralling mental adventure, author Charles J. Wolfe takes you on an eye-opening journey through the universe, across time and space, through a multiplex of thoughts, facts and mesmerising experiences that all tie in with one common denominator: everything is interconnected and there is a mathematical code that underpins all thingsl. Numbers are everywhere and they are veiled with sacred meaning, sometimes hidden and at other times in plain sight.
In his book, Wolfe interweaves an astrounding assortment of facts and data, with historical references to events, places and figures and intrepid stories from travel. He explores grand themes of human consciousness and cosmic intelligence and relates it to science.
Wolfe provides an advanced understanding that numbers are veiled behind virtually everything in life, as painted by God's hand. He states:
"In a nutshell, you can think of 11:11 as four of God’s fingers patiently poking their way into your consciousness until they catch your attention. The four fingers on your hand make four numeral ones or 11:11. It is a code that was written so cleverly into our DNA code, containing a message of cosmic love and intelligence as a reminder to never forget that we were made with care by someone who was a mathematician of the highest degree and who loves surprises and mysteries. Mysteries are wonderful things to ponder as we look out into the heavens and ask why we are here." (source) Wolfe blends science with spirituality, diving deep into the esoteric sciences of sacred geometry and numerology. It is clear theat Wolfe is tapped into the high frequency highway. Charles Wolfe Links: - My Full article on the book - Author Charles Wolfe's Website - Amazon Book Page |