Emotional Healing & Soul Work Leading to Long Lasting Joy with Loka Pandya
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Summary:This is such a deep, joyful, soulful conversation with Loka Pandya. We talk about:
The confetti is just for you, in the spirit of your joy mission!! :) Refresh the page & see it fall again!!!
The confetti is just for you, in the spirit of your joy mission!! :) Refresh the page & see it fall again!!!
Transcript of the Conversation
Introduction to Loka Pandya

Natalia Kuna
Welcome Loka. I know you as Alok Pandya, but you've got this awesome, added nickname, Loka, and I'm going to get into that as well. So for everybody listening. Loka is an entrepreneur, angel investor, which I think is cool because it got the term angel in it, and you know I'm all about angels. And embarrassingly, I had to Google what that meant. Yeah, absolutely. But and it's awesome.
By the way, you're a motivational speaker. These days you inspire people to live a more fulfilled and meaningful life. And as I say that, I get all these vibes, because you are such a light worker. This is you doing your light work, you know. Coming out of your shell and you're like, here I am, world your first business started at such a young age. 17. So that is amazing in its own. So my son is about to turn 17 soon. So I'm like, wow, you know, that's amazing.
And this eventually led you into a multi-million dollar real estate company in Dallas, Texas. You now focus on investing in technology and wellness startups which sounds really cool as well, and I love that so much. You are so passionate about things like mental health and joy is your big thing which we'll be talking about today, which is so important and during your career as an entrepreneur, you really realized, that these are the pinnacles to the ultimate life success. And as I read that it's like, you know, everybody thinks they know what success is. But you've kind of gone around the big, long journey and back, and come round and done a 360 to really discover what it truly means within yourself.
And that's one of the things that I really love and admire about you. And while building all your companies, and because I know you do so much stuff, and you have in the past, and you're really my only client, who I always connect with energetically as expansive, like you are like “out there” also with your energy. And when we discuss things in sessions, which I'll get into in a moment, you're just so galactical in your thinking, and your modus apparandis, which is really cool.
So during this time you started to research and practice cutting edge, western and eastern, well combined, which is lovely, both worlds, healing modalities. And you had the aim of understanding how to regulate nervous systems - which I think is so important, especially for empaths and sensitive people. And now you call yourself a kind of “Chief Joy Officer", which I love.
And you have this mission, like a joy mission to help millions, because - that's you. It's not, you know, 1 or 2, but it's millions of people to become the most joyous version of themselves, which I really, really love. So that's your way of connecting to that idea of everybody's sort of got a “Higher You,” and you know that. And you know that and you sense that in people, and you love to bring that out. I know so deeply about you.
You spend your free time delivering bursts of joy. You do random stuff which is so you like going out to the streets of Dallas with all these bursts of bubbles and driving your Delorean time machine, which is also really cool and embarrassingly….
[Alok starts to blow bubbles]
There you go! That is so You!
…I did not know what a Delorean is, so I called my husband, and he's so knew what it meant, so that's really cool. And so you're sort of a car enthusiast in that way, and you get a bit funky with them, and you enjoy fundraising, which I very much admire, especially for orphan sponsorship. And that's something that holds so dear to my heart, you know when I was younger, I wanted to have an orphanage. So like, I really connect with that. So that's in India, Bulgaria and Sri Lanka, and 100% goes to the to the child, which also is really important. And I can see that you have made sure that connects with you like that's important.
Welcome Loka. I know you as Alok Pandya, but you've got this awesome, added nickname, Loka, and I'm going to get into that as well. So for everybody listening. Loka is an entrepreneur, angel investor, which I think is cool because it got the term angel in it, and you know I'm all about angels. And embarrassingly, I had to Google what that meant. Yeah, absolutely. But and it's awesome.
By the way, you're a motivational speaker. These days you inspire people to live a more fulfilled and meaningful life. And as I say that, I get all these vibes, because you are such a light worker. This is you doing your light work, you know. Coming out of your shell and you're like, here I am, world your first business started at such a young age. 17. So that is amazing in its own. So my son is about to turn 17 soon. So I'm like, wow, you know, that's amazing.
And this eventually led you into a multi-million dollar real estate company in Dallas, Texas. You now focus on investing in technology and wellness startups which sounds really cool as well, and I love that so much. You are so passionate about things like mental health and joy is your big thing which we'll be talking about today, which is so important and during your career as an entrepreneur, you really realized, that these are the pinnacles to the ultimate life success. And as I read that it's like, you know, everybody thinks they know what success is. But you've kind of gone around the big, long journey and back, and come round and done a 360 to really discover what it truly means within yourself.
And that's one of the things that I really love and admire about you. And while building all your companies, and because I know you do so much stuff, and you have in the past, and you're really my only client, who I always connect with energetically as expansive, like you are like “out there” also with your energy. And when we discuss things in sessions, which I'll get into in a moment, you're just so galactical in your thinking, and your modus apparandis, which is really cool.
So during this time you started to research and practice cutting edge, western and eastern, well combined, which is lovely, both worlds, healing modalities. And you had the aim of understanding how to regulate nervous systems - which I think is so important, especially for empaths and sensitive people. And now you call yourself a kind of “Chief Joy Officer", which I love.
And you have this mission, like a joy mission to help millions, because - that's you. It's not, you know, 1 or 2, but it's millions of people to become the most joyous version of themselves, which I really, really love. So that's your way of connecting to that idea of everybody's sort of got a “Higher You,” and you know that. And you know that and you sense that in people, and you love to bring that out. I know so deeply about you.
You spend your free time delivering bursts of joy. You do random stuff which is so you like going out to the streets of Dallas with all these bursts of bubbles and driving your Delorean time machine, which is also really cool and embarrassingly….
[Alok starts to blow bubbles]
There you go! That is so You!
…I did not know what a Delorean is, so I called my husband, and he's so knew what it meant, so that's really cool. And so you're sort of a car enthusiast in that way, and you get a bit funky with them, and you enjoy fundraising, which I very much admire, especially for orphan sponsorship. And that's something that holds so dear to my heart, you know when I was younger, I wanted to have an orphanage. So like, I really connect with that. So that's in India, Bulgaria and Sri Lanka, and 100% goes to the to the child, which also is really important. And I can see that you have made sure that connects with you like that's important.
How Loka Pandya Found Natalia Kuna & About Their Sessions
Natalia Kuna
And you're currently working on your first book. So that's a lot of stuff, you know. And that's not even like one percent of you, so I guess to start with, do you recall how you found me years back? Because you're actually a client of mine. What have our sessions meant to you on your massive healing and self-discovery journey, and how they helped you personally. Let's just start with that.
Loka Pandya
Yeah. First of all, thanks for having me. I'm so grateful and honored to be here. You've just guided me so much in life, and you know, I have nothing but bliss in my chest as we got on this call. Since we got on it, it just, it came out. I'm like, yeah, this is my people right here. You always have been. So I'm super grateful to be here. I’m very excited to talk about these things. So how? How did I find you? What it was is that?
You know, I was going through a rough time in my life, and I was just seeking answers. I was a bit of a toxic relationship and I had connected, I was like reaching out to every psychic medium like we've talked about this where I get kind of escape to that kind of stuff. And so one of them is like, Oh, yeah, I connect to the Archangel Gabriel, I'm like, Wait, what? What is what is like? I had no idea. And so then one day I was like, Oh, let me Google, Archangel Gabriel, I'm like, wait, there's like a hundred of these archangels out there, right! There's like Archangel Michael, and Archangel Uriel, like all these different ones. And because I was searching archangels you popped up.
And I'm like, well, this is a cool name like “Natalia Kuna,” that’s’ kinda cool. And so I started looking and I was like, oh, she doesn't do just one. She does like a bunch of these archangels. And something about Michael always resonated with me. You know I always wanted to say “Archangel Michelangelo.” I always wanna say that, because I like that as a ninja turtle.
I was Google searching, I found you, and it was fate. It was absolutely meant to be!
Because our first call was exactly what I needed. I didn't realize that because I was like, Oh, I need another call. I need another call. I need another call, and in the most beautiful way you're like:
“Look. you've got the answers, you know. Now you're escaping to this. I need you to sit with this, because the answers are within you. I've given you some things to think about.”
And it was great, because it's like, you could have just kept on doing the readings, and I could have just kept on spinning my tyres. But what was beautiful about that, is like you, genuinely cared about me and my soul journey and wanted to see me progress and heal.
And that's just scratching the surface. At first, I'm like No, no!
And you're like: “No, you'll be fine. You'll be fine”.
Yeah. And I think that was maybe 5 years ago. And the other thing that you told me, because … our sessions are the most beautiful. When people tell me, they ask me:
“Oh, you know, you connect astrologers, psychics, all that…”
You're like the number one person that comes up. And I was like, the beautiful thing is like, I plan to talk to you twice a year unless I absolutely need it before. But it's like a it's like a therapy session, combined with the healing session combined with like soul and life guidance, like you get it all once. It’s like, Hey, this is what you came to heal. Okay, I'm gonna do a little bit of healing for you. But here's your purpose. And so you just always keep me on the right path, that one touch and go. I'm like, Okay, I'm good.
And then the one time I remember telling you: “I really, you know, like need to do this...”
And you're like: “No, no, you know, you have the answers, tapping in your intuition.”
And so I would not be this joyful without you in my life, and the guidance. Like, you gave me some really great reflections, and make me really think within myself:
What's my intention?
Where am I coming from?
Why am I doing these things?
Does it come place from love, joy, magic, abundance, or does it come from like fear, shame, guilt, apathy, like those lower frequencies?
And so, after that, I would check myself: Is this giving from the higher vibration state or the lower vibration state?
And I literally did that for about 18 months after one of our sessions. I was constantly saying: Where is my giving coming from?
And that's just one of the things. And so I've healed so much with you, and our sessions are so fun.
Natalia Kuna
Well, you make them fun! Honestly, you have like you've made me laugh in sessions, as soon as you pop up on the screen. In the beginning it's already like, you just start laughing. That's amazing. Even if you're in a real funk, like obviously you know that I'll sense that (lol) and I'll be like:
"Yeah. But let's get down there!” [ie get into what you are really feeling and what's really happening deep within]
Because, you've just been such a meaningful person to me, because I know that you're such a deep soul person. And I really feel that in our sessions and you've actually listened. And I was really proud of you, I was like:
“No, no, no, you’ve gotta cut off these sessions!”
And you listened and you did it, which was because it was a bit of tough love, which is not my natural default to be, you know, tough. But it was what you needed. And actually, I just wanted to say like with you, I know. And because, you know, I get to know my more longer term clients pretty intimately and obviously don't know everything about you, but we get sort of deep into nitty, gritty.
And I know that you are a deeply generous, humble person, and that you have this really deep sense of this old soul, and you're quite empathic, and people sense your light.
And I know that I've met others who know you and they all just exude “Loka-ness” from you when they talk about you, and I know that you really deeply care about other people, and it comes from a really genuine place. You care so deeply, and not just those that you know and love, but also strangers, even.
I actually went to look at the meaning of the word Loka, cause I know it is the “crazy” word when spelt with the C but which is you also? But interestingly, in Sanskrit. Very nice ancient language. It means world.
And it said that in Hindu cosmology that expands out to the universe the stars, the galaxies. And I thought, Oh, God, that is just so you expressed in a name, because that is you, and it's in your eyes. I always say you've got these beautiful soul eyes, you know, and it exudes from you and your essence. So I think that's so beautiful that you've taken on that variation of your name to be Loka. It's really quite meaningful.
And so put it together, and it means that:
Your joy expands out into the multiverse, that you interweave the innate wisdom, that deep sense of knowing that comes from your heart, of the deep value and need for joy on this planet!
So you have this Joy mission, and I know that this is coming from so deep within you. Also you have such an amazing ability for self inquiry. That is not everybody's talent. Most people do not want to look into themselves. But you're kind of like a master at it, and you know you're going to get there with your Jedi sword, and you're just going to chop everything away and go. I know that I have to like. Go there.
So you've been on such a long journey to discover yourself. So let us know, like, what's your spiritual journey being to come into yourself. And what led you to where you are today?
And it said that in Hindu cosmology that expands out to the universe the stars, the galaxies. And I thought, Oh, God, that is just so you expressed in a name, because that is you, and it's in your eyes. I always say you've got these beautiful soul eyes, you know, and it exudes from you and your essence. So I think that's so beautiful that you've taken on that variation of your name to be Loka. It's really quite meaningful.
And so put it together, and it means that:
Your joy expands out into the multiverse, that you interweave the innate wisdom, that deep sense of knowing that comes from your heart, of the deep value and need for joy on this planet!
So you have this Joy mission, and I know that this is coming from so deep within you. Also you have such an amazing ability for self inquiry. That is not everybody's talent. Most people do not want to look into themselves. But you're kind of like a master at it, and you know you're going to get there with your Jedi sword, and you're just going to chop everything away and go. I know that I have to like. Go there.
So you've been on such a long journey to discover yourself. So let us know, like, what's your spiritual journey being to come into yourself. And what led you to where you are today?
Loka Pandya's Origin Story & Journey into Spirituality & Self-Reflection
Loka Pandya
Yeah, thank you for asking. One quick thing. So my birth name is Alok, and it's A LOK. But the Sanskrit way to say it is ‘Aloka’ which means without world, but actually means enlightenment.
And so I'm taking people from Loka to A-Loka. In that process you find joy. And so, because it's all encompassing, right? So just remind me when you're like, Oh, going out the multiverse and things like that.
So, yeah, my journey. It's been an interesting one, you know. I grew up as a son to an immigrant family. My family got into the hotel business and the jewelry business, and I learned that vacation was a change of work, and I gained a lot of skills in that process. But when I was 13 years young, my mother passed away, and that shifted everything for me, you know. They first told me that she had passed away from a heart condition. And I wasn't till a year later, when, you know, a heart condition, like sounds so vague. And so I asked my father.
I'm like: “You know, how did how did Mom really pass away?”
And he literally looked over to me in the car, and he said: “Do you really want to know?”
And I was 14 years young At that point I said: “Yeah.”
He's like: “She went back to my jewelry, kind of casting closet, grabbed one of the chemicals out there and took it. That chemical was cyanide.”
And so at that age I was like: Oh, wow! She took her own life!
Hugely impactful for me. Now I can now say, and this took me years to get into. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. And the only ways to look at that is, they can only self reflect and grow from that experience. You'd never want to lose a mother to suicide. But that event triggered so many different things to me. Toxic co dependency, you know, low self worth low self value, low self love.
But I was lucky that I was born to a spiritual family that you know they're like, oh, no, let's not take you to a psychiatrist. Just throw them into a 10 day science and Meditation camp, you know. So whether I wanted to do it or not, I was self reflecting. But that skill, that skill alone is one that I would say when people say they want to go to the gym and get stronger, or they wanna get mentally stronger. I was like, that is the one skill that if anybody can take on self reflection.
It's undeniable that you'll continue to progress in life because you'll continue to be aware of the things that you wanna work on, and things that take you outside your piece. And so I went, when, as I went down this joy journey, and where I am now. I went to a lot of spiritual retreats, self development retreats. I went to, spoke to gurus, teachers, you know, intuitive psychics, astrologers all over the world seeking that healing, and I found joy.
And it's exactly what you said. Now I look at that if anything or anyone takes me out of my peace, it's that they were a gift to my life to show me that: Oh, this ruffles my feathers! Let me look within. And what do I need to do within myself, so that it won't take me out of my peace again?
And so I think if I was Jesus Christ, or Buddha, or a Hindu God or Allah, like in human form. I would not think that any of them would get taken out of their peace if someone yelled at or said they didn't look good, or you know, I imagine them always being in their peace.
I know I'm not a God. but I would think that, you know, my belief is when you go into spirit world, whether you call it heaven, Spirit world, is that there's nothing but bliss.
But, why do we have to wait till death to feel that?
I think that the point of life is to feel heaven on earth, you know, and it's such a beautiful thing to be able to feel stress or anger and anxiety, cause it's a different type of feeling. We're meant to release it and get back into our joy.
And so it took me a while to get down to that that it was a lot of self-reflection, but it cops from that awareness, and also having the tools, you know, going to all these retreats, I know. I now know myself really well. I have meditation. I have breath work, even grounding exercises, like Walk-ing slow-ly in the grass, slow-ing every-thing down. Things seem all over the place. Even when you listen to me it just seems slow-er and calm-er, right. It’s these different things, that get tactical, if you bring them into your everyday routine, then you become that peace, you become that joy.
Yeah, thank you for asking. One quick thing. So my birth name is Alok, and it's A LOK. But the Sanskrit way to say it is ‘Aloka’ which means without world, but actually means enlightenment.
And so I'm taking people from Loka to A-Loka. In that process you find joy. And so, because it's all encompassing, right? So just remind me when you're like, Oh, going out the multiverse and things like that.
So, yeah, my journey. It's been an interesting one, you know. I grew up as a son to an immigrant family. My family got into the hotel business and the jewelry business, and I learned that vacation was a change of work, and I gained a lot of skills in that process. But when I was 13 years young, my mother passed away, and that shifted everything for me, you know. They first told me that she had passed away from a heart condition. And I wasn't till a year later, when, you know, a heart condition, like sounds so vague. And so I asked my father.
I'm like: “You know, how did how did Mom really pass away?”
And he literally looked over to me in the car, and he said: “Do you really want to know?”
And I was 14 years young At that point I said: “Yeah.”
He's like: “She went back to my jewelry, kind of casting closet, grabbed one of the chemicals out there and took it. That chemical was cyanide.”
And so at that age I was like: Oh, wow! She took her own life!
Hugely impactful for me. Now I can now say, and this took me years to get into. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. And the only ways to look at that is, they can only self reflect and grow from that experience. You'd never want to lose a mother to suicide. But that event triggered so many different things to me. Toxic co dependency, you know, low self worth low self value, low self love.
But I was lucky that I was born to a spiritual family that you know they're like, oh, no, let's not take you to a psychiatrist. Just throw them into a 10 day science and Meditation camp, you know. So whether I wanted to do it or not, I was self reflecting. But that skill, that skill alone is one that I would say when people say they want to go to the gym and get stronger, or they wanna get mentally stronger. I was like, that is the one skill that if anybody can take on self reflection.
It's undeniable that you'll continue to progress in life because you'll continue to be aware of the things that you wanna work on, and things that take you outside your piece. And so I went, when, as I went down this joy journey, and where I am now. I went to a lot of spiritual retreats, self development retreats. I went to, spoke to gurus, teachers, you know, intuitive psychics, astrologers all over the world seeking that healing, and I found joy.
And it's exactly what you said. Now I look at that if anything or anyone takes me out of my peace, it's that they were a gift to my life to show me that: Oh, this ruffles my feathers! Let me look within. And what do I need to do within myself, so that it won't take me out of my peace again?
And so I think if I was Jesus Christ, or Buddha, or a Hindu God or Allah, like in human form. I would not think that any of them would get taken out of their peace if someone yelled at or said they didn't look good, or you know, I imagine them always being in their peace.
I know I'm not a God. but I would think that, you know, my belief is when you go into spirit world, whether you call it heaven, Spirit world, is that there's nothing but bliss.
But, why do we have to wait till death to feel that?
I think that the point of life is to feel heaven on earth, you know, and it's such a beautiful thing to be able to feel stress or anger and anxiety, cause it's a different type of feeling. We're meant to release it and get back into our joy.
And so it took me a while to get down to that that it was a lot of self-reflection, but it cops from that awareness, and also having the tools, you know, going to all these retreats, I know. I now know myself really well. I have meditation. I have breath work, even grounding exercises, like Walk-ing slow-ly in the grass, slow-ing every-thing down. Things seem all over the place. Even when you listen to me it just seems slow-er and calm-er, right. It’s these different things, that get tactical, if you bring them into your everyday routine, then you become that peace, you become that joy.
Lessons from Being a Serial People Please & Giver
Natalia Kuna
That's a yeah. I'm just feeling right into that. And you as someone who can be fast. So you know. So that's a real lesson for you to slow down, and like, wind right back. And sometimes you sort of fall into a lot of old patterns like repeating cycles, as you know. And one of those was people pleasing.
So this is the you know. And I mention it also because a lot of people listening are like empaths and energy sensitives, and like Earth angel type people and nice old cell good people, and this is a trap that we all fall into, and you learned the hard way, time and time again. So that sort of came at a cost to you, all that generous giving. You know that you did of time and things to other people. What did you learn from that? And how did you sort of overcome that? Because I think self-awareness is really the key to that in you, isn't it?
Loka Pandya
Yeah, yeah. Well, for anyone listening out there. If you've been that people pleaser, you know, I look at that, generosity is:
Okay, that was meant to be given, even if it came became from a lower vibrational state, so that I can learn more about myself.
And so I was grateful that I was able to give so much in that way. But then I have even more gratitude for calling in higher vibrational giving.
And so I would say truly, that that piece of my journey. truly started with you. And that reflection that you gave to me, you know, it was huge! It's not that we're not meant to give.
Yeah, you know you were saying: “Yeah, give, give, give this fine. But where is it coming from?” You know?
Are you feeling your worth in your need and your value to do that? Or is it that you actually genuinely want to give?
Because it's not technically genuine? If it's not coming from love or joy or peace, you know, those higher vibrational emotions, if it's like what I said, fear, guilt, shame, apathy, you know, any of those lower vibrations, coming from there, I would say, reflect!
And the other thing is, as a giver, I knew that it wasn't gonna change overnight. This is subconscious mind programming. I've been doing it.
So I continued to do journaling and self-reflection at the end of the day, to see how much I give that came from a high vibration or low vibration, and say, if I was giving 17 times a day, and it was all coming from guilt. Okay, not a problem, honor for what it is. The next day, if I gave 17 times, the plan was to give at least one time from love, joy, peace, higher vibration. The other 16, great - that's my subconscious mind at play.
And so I started to actually mark and document where these things were coming from and it’s instantaneous. If I gave someone something, then I’d reflect - was that from a higher vibration, lower vibration, was it genuine?
And I slowly just: self reflection, being aware, like awareness, is the first step. Give. Absolutely give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, absolutely – it’s so much fun giving. But just know where it's coming from, and when it's coming from a place where it's ingenuine or trying to ‘self worth’ or ‘self value’, trying to get that from someone… Just the next time, the very next time, say, you:
What at I'm gonna give from a place of love and genuineness?
And if you start doing that, sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but that's self reflection, the journaling, and just doing that almost like keeping score, helped me so much.
That's a yeah. I'm just feeling right into that. And you as someone who can be fast. So you know. So that's a real lesson for you to slow down, and like, wind right back. And sometimes you sort of fall into a lot of old patterns like repeating cycles, as you know. And one of those was people pleasing.
So this is the you know. And I mention it also because a lot of people listening are like empaths and energy sensitives, and like Earth angel type people and nice old cell good people, and this is a trap that we all fall into, and you learned the hard way, time and time again. So that sort of came at a cost to you, all that generous giving. You know that you did of time and things to other people. What did you learn from that? And how did you sort of overcome that? Because I think self-awareness is really the key to that in you, isn't it?
Loka Pandya
Yeah, yeah. Well, for anyone listening out there. If you've been that people pleaser, you know, I look at that, generosity is:
Okay, that was meant to be given, even if it came became from a lower vibrational state, so that I can learn more about myself.
And so I was grateful that I was able to give so much in that way. But then I have even more gratitude for calling in higher vibrational giving.
And so I would say truly, that that piece of my journey. truly started with you. And that reflection that you gave to me, you know, it was huge! It's not that we're not meant to give.
Yeah, you know you were saying: “Yeah, give, give, give this fine. But where is it coming from?” You know?
Are you feeling your worth in your need and your value to do that? Or is it that you actually genuinely want to give?
Because it's not technically genuine? If it's not coming from love or joy or peace, you know, those higher vibrational emotions, if it's like what I said, fear, guilt, shame, apathy, you know, any of those lower vibrations, coming from there, I would say, reflect!
And the other thing is, as a giver, I knew that it wasn't gonna change overnight. This is subconscious mind programming. I've been doing it.
So I continued to do journaling and self-reflection at the end of the day, to see how much I give that came from a high vibration or low vibration, and say, if I was giving 17 times a day, and it was all coming from guilt. Okay, not a problem, honor for what it is. The next day, if I gave 17 times, the plan was to give at least one time from love, joy, peace, higher vibration. The other 16, great - that's my subconscious mind at play.
And so I started to actually mark and document where these things were coming from and it’s instantaneous. If I gave someone something, then I’d reflect - was that from a higher vibration, lower vibration, was it genuine?
And I slowly just: self reflection, being aware, like awareness, is the first step. Give. Absolutely give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, absolutely – it’s so much fun giving. But just know where it's coming from, and when it's coming from a place where it's ingenuine or trying to ‘self worth’ or ‘self value’, trying to get that from someone… Just the next time, the very next time, say, you:
What at I'm gonna give from a place of love and genuineness?
And if you start doing that, sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but that's self reflection, the journaling, and just doing that almost like keeping score, helped me so much.
Journalling as a Powerful Self-Realising, Emotional Release Tool
Natalia Kuna
Absolutely. And you're so good at it, the self reflection I have to say, because so many people like I said, they just can't do it. And you know, in our modern age as well like, as you know, so many people are so stressed out to the max in our day and age, and they are in the hamster wheel and ‘busy syndrome’, and get so serious. And they're looking for happiness outside of themselves.
And I think what you've really come to understand, as I have too on my own journey, is that that's just looking elsewhere, you're not going to find it. You're just going to get very distracted! And I know that you've had a lot of distractions, too, along the way (lol). But really it's about where this is going, right. It's about coming inwards within yourself and finding that true sense of joy, happiness, and a lot of that also comes with self-acceptance and acceptance for what is. How did you find that?
Loka Pandya
Yeah, yeah, exactly. You know it. It was a journey. And the 2 things I talk about being in joy is journaling. Well, let me take this back. It's all about releasing emotions and being joyful.
So it's like, Okay, I cry, and then I go dance. You know, I get angry, and then I go sing! I say, joy isn't ‘this OR that’ - it's ‘this AND that!’
Like, you can experience grief and joy in the same day. Anger and joy in the same hour, you know, stress. Enjoy the same minute.
I just did it yesterday. I started to feel myself go off the rails a little bit. I'm like, Oh, I'm stressed a little bit, went outside. I felt the stress, took my shirt off, in the sun, got in a hammock, felt it, took some deep breaths. I started to feel bliss in my chest.
And so that's years of work to get into there quickly. But I used to feel stress, and, you know:
[Alok grabs a voice changing microphone, starts speaking in a funny voice, to demonstrate being silly & feeling some joy]
grab on my mic in a different way, you know, like….
[back to ‘normal’…]
It's exactly that - it's experiencing both sides of it. But journaling is a great way to release those emotions. And so if I didn't feel that self worth, I'd write that down:
"This is why." And then I grounded in gratitude. So those are 2 things that you can do, especially, I really recommend people to journal.
I know it's weird, you know. I used to hate journaling. I used to write. Oh, you know: “I woke up, brushed my teeth, you know, went to the bathroom took a shower.”'
You know, what I did that day, but I didn't know how I felt. And so releasing those emotions sometimes when you're writing it down.
One time I was writing about how angry I was at somebody. And then at the end, I was like: I'm so angry because I miss them.
And it was grief. I thought it was anger, but it was grief.
I was like: Oh, I actually missed them.
Honoring Your Self & Your Boundaries & the Alter Ego as a Transformational Aid

And the second part of really honoring myself… When we first met, you knew me as Alok, and then I was like, oh, Loka! The sanskrit way to say it! And I'm like Loka, you know. And Loka began as my own personal superhero. It's an alter ego I created. Loka set boundaries. He said no, he honored himself. He embodied that.
But the more Loka I did, the more Loka I became. And so it's almost like Alok was that inner child, and he needed to be protected by Loka. And then Loka started actually speaking wisdom into Alok.
Because then he's like, Oh, I've learned all these things. Let's get you to get here, too, like, this is how I want you to feel. And so you know Kobe Bryant had Momba, because that's his like ‘killer mode,’ I'm going to go attack, and you know Beyonce - Sacha Fierce, like Lady Gaga has her own, right? Like everyone has, like a little bit of an alter ego. I just decided to choose mine, that was gonna be more joyful and healed and honored myself.
Even one of my other friends, he's a therapist name is Robert Anthony. And I remember one time, there was this girl that I was seeing that wanted to hang out because she had a tough day at work.
Well, I love this girl for who she is, but she always had a ‘tough day at work’ pattern that she was in (lol), like, you know, everyone's against her, and at this date, usually I come in, the ‘people pleaser’, like ‘I'll be there for you.’
And today, I just don't... I just kinda need some time to myself throwing the football around.
And he (the therapist friend) said: “Hey, you got that best friend in New York?”
I'm like, “yeah”
“Let me ask you a question. If he was flying in, and he had a layover in Dallas (that's where I live), and he said, Hey, I've got 5 hours to hang out. Then then I gotta go… would you go hang out with that girl? Would you go hang out with him?”
I was like: “What girl? I'm like going out with him!” (lol)
And he's like: “Yeah, cause that's your best friend. Right?”
I was like, Yeah.
He's like: “What if you were your own best friend?”
I'm like: "Oh."
He is like: “What if you always just made time for yourself that way, it’s you flying in to hang out with you.”
And so I kinda use those 2 things, like, let me be my own best friend, you know, true self love. And when I didn't feel like it could be that, I would switch into that alter ego. And at first it was just Loka when no one knew Loka, but then I would jokingly be like:
“Oh, yeah, Loka can't make it so I can’t make it,” sort of thing (lol).
And then switch this whole thing to where that boundary setting started to happen. And I realized that when you don't set your boundaries, you're actually doing neither person a favor. You think you're doing something for them.
You're hurting them, too, in that process, because even from an energetic standpoint, you genuinely don't want to be there.
You gotta ask yourself, and ask myself, too:
Would I want to hang out with someone who really doesn't want to hang out with me?
They're just, they're placating me. No, I want someone to be like:
“Yeah, I wanna play with Loka, I’m going with this guy!!” [in super excited voice], versus like:
“Oh yeah, I’ll come.” [in more subdued, lack-lustre voice].
I say: No, you go honor yourself, I’ll find someone else to play with me!
Natalia Kuna
It's such a massive lesson for you to learn, cause I've kind of been along the journey with you, from Alok to Loka, and everything in between. And so I can see that playing out in your life. And it's just so funny from my perspective. But yeah, boundaries, it's massive to learn, especially for you. You found that really insanely difficult, because your natural default was to go around pleasing everybody, and you know, giving, giving, giving until you burnt yourself to the ground. But you've really come into your own in that way. And I just feel so proud of you for discovering that about yourself and actually implementing! You're an ‘implementer’, which is great, you know. Cause some people will just have the advice, but off they go and repeat the same thing.
So it's interesting that you mentioned the alter ego. And it's interesting because of the word ego. And it's funny because it's not really egoism, how we know of it and the spiritual. It's almost like an alternate version of yourself, like a higher version. You have this natural understanding that everyone has a higher version self and a higher version, joyous self. And that it's kind of like a spiral - and kind of like a pendulum, which is sort of an ancient hermetic knowledge - and a pendulum swing. For example, high, vibrational to low, vibrational, then you have all the emotional emotions that you could apply that to. Anger is quite a big one for people where, when they get in that mode of feeling like anger or guilty or you know, those really harsh emotions. They're really strong.
But the more Loka I did, the more Loka I became. And so it's almost like Alok was that inner child, and he needed to be protected by Loka. And then Loka started actually speaking wisdom into Alok.
Because then he's like, Oh, I've learned all these things. Let's get you to get here, too, like, this is how I want you to feel. And so you know Kobe Bryant had Momba, because that's his like ‘killer mode,’ I'm going to go attack, and you know Beyonce - Sacha Fierce, like Lady Gaga has her own, right? Like everyone has, like a little bit of an alter ego. I just decided to choose mine, that was gonna be more joyful and healed and honored myself.
Even one of my other friends, he's a therapist name is Robert Anthony. And I remember one time, there was this girl that I was seeing that wanted to hang out because she had a tough day at work.
Well, I love this girl for who she is, but she always had a ‘tough day at work’ pattern that she was in (lol), like, you know, everyone's against her, and at this date, usually I come in, the ‘people pleaser’, like ‘I'll be there for you.’
And today, I just don't... I just kinda need some time to myself throwing the football around.
And he (the therapist friend) said: “Hey, you got that best friend in New York?”
I'm like, “yeah”
“Let me ask you a question. If he was flying in, and he had a layover in Dallas (that's where I live), and he said, Hey, I've got 5 hours to hang out. Then then I gotta go… would you go hang out with that girl? Would you go hang out with him?”
I was like: “What girl? I'm like going out with him!” (lol)
And he's like: “Yeah, cause that's your best friend. Right?”
I was like, Yeah.
He's like: “What if you were your own best friend?”
I'm like: "Oh."
He is like: “What if you always just made time for yourself that way, it’s you flying in to hang out with you.”
And so I kinda use those 2 things, like, let me be my own best friend, you know, true self love. And when I didn't feel like it could be that, I would switch into that alter ego. And at first it was just Loka when no one knew Loka, but then I would jokingly be like:
“Oh, yeah, Loka can't make it so I can’t make it,” sort of thing (lol).
And then switch this whole thing to where that boundary setting started to happen. And I realized that when you don't set your boundaries, you're actually doing neither person a favor. You think you're doing something for them.
You're hurting them, too, in that process, because even from an energetic standpoint, you genuinely don't want to be there.
You gotta ask yourself, and ask myself, too:
Would I want to hang out with someone who really doesn't want to hang out with me?
They're just, they're placating me. No, I want someone to be like:
“Yeah, I wanna play with Loka, I’m going with this guy!!” [in super excited voice], versus like:
“Oh yeah, I’ll come.” [in more subdued, lack-lustre voice].
I say: No, you go honor yourself, I’ll find someone else to play with me!
Natalia Kuna
It's such a massive lesson for you to learn, cause I've kind of been along the journey with you, from Alok to Loka, and everything in between. And so I can see that playing out in your life. And it's just so funny from my perspective. But yeah, boundaries, it's massive to learn, especially for you. You found that really insanely difficult, because your natural default was to go around pleasing everybody, and you know, giving, giving, giving until you burnt yourself to the ground. But you've really come into your own in that way. And I just feel so proud of you for discovering that about yourself and actually implementing! You're an ‘implementer’, which is great, you know. Cause some people will just have the advice, but off they go and repeat the same thing.
So it's interesting that you mentioned the alter ego. And it's interesting because of the word ego. And it's funny because it's not really egoism, how we know of it and the spiritual. It's almost like an alternate version of yourself, like a higher version. You have this natural understanding that everyone has a higher version self and a higher version, joyous self. And that it's kind of like a spiral - and kind of like a pendulum, which is sort of an ancient hermetic knowledge - and a pendulum swing. For example, high, vibrational to low, vibrational, then you have all the emotional emotions that you could apply that to. Anger is quite a big one for people where, when they get in that mode of feeling like anger or guilty or you know, those really harsh emotions. They're really strong.
Advice for When we Get too Serious & Need to Lighten Up
Natalia Kuna
There's going to be some people that will say: “Yeah, Yeah, joy blah blah blah, I ain't got time for that!”
Or: "That's too silly!" or whatever. So what advice would you have for people that have gotten a bit kind of serious about life, and they probably know within themselves they need to lighten up?
Loka Pandya
Yeah, I would say, let's like, look at: Life is like driving a car like going a hundred miles an hour right? You're just going so fast and everything's blowing you by. But when you're going that fast. That's what it’s turned into - with social media and distraction and stress and work and going, going, going. You're gripping that steering wheel.
Well, if you're going 100 miles an hour. Your’e stressed. Your entire body is tensed up because it's in survival mode.
And so if you don't feel like you're allowed to have joy, I would reflect back and say: Why is that?
Because there's probably something going on in your life or within yourself that says I can't, because I have to do this, this, this and this and this and this.
So I would invite you to come back to your childhood, you know and think about things that actually brought you joy. And when you felt joy. And deepen into that, you know, if you're a meditator, get into meditation, or, if you're not, if you used to play on playgrounds, go to a playground, just kind of sit there kind of in nature and know that that's one of our soul purposes is to feel that joy.
And so, if you're in a place of stress, you know, or anxiety that this is this is something that's once again, self reflecting on:
Okay, this is here for a reason. This is teaching me something. Okay, what's causing me stress? What's causing anxiety?
Because you can have stress and joy at the same time, you can have anxiety and joy at the same time. And what I mean is, you're not gonna have them at the exact same moment. But as soon as you have that emotion like when I'm stressed out.
It may seem weird, because y'all haven't been in it as long, but I will blow bubbles right, like this [Alok proceeds to actually blow some bubbles again], you know, at work and dance. And so one of the reasons that it is (like that is) because we've been so long without joy that we haven't given ourselves permission to have joy. So I always tell this story that I go to the same retreat every single year. for, like a decade. And a couple years ago, when one of my friends was going through something, and this whole family was kind of going through a few tough things, he said:
"Loka, you're on this whole joy journey, you know. How do you do, joy?"
I love this question, so all right. I always have these bubbles on me, and I pulled one out and gave it to him, and I kept one for myself.
And I just blew some in his face like this [Alok demonstrates]
And he just stood there [with arms crossed].
And so I did it again. And he's like [rolling eyeballs].
And I’m like, well this is not working, twice! And so I crouch down, like”
“Crouching tiger, hidden bubble!” you know.
And he still just stood there.
But then I started skipping around him, blowing bubbles all around him, and he's like:
“Loka! What are you doing!!?”
And I said:
“Joy! What are you doing?
And he just kinda looked at me.
I was like:
“You've taken the burden of the world on your shoulders, you know. You're constantly trying to take care of everyone out there. You just focus on them, or you're stressed about this. You do not give yourself permission to have joy.”
And so I made him repeat that I was like:
“I give myself to permission to have joy!”
So if you're listening out there, say:
“I give myself to permission to have joy!” “I give myself to permission to have joy!” “I give myself to permission to have joy!”
Do it enthusiastically!
And so I did that, and you know he didn't blow bubbles that night. But 9hrs later in his hotel room, he sends me a picture of Bubbles out there. He's like, if not felt this in such a long time.
And so, if you're one of these people that haven't felt it. I really encourage you. Go blow some bubbles. Skipping is the quickest way.
I'm gonna tell you, it's gonna feel uncomfortable. You know, it's gonna feel weird. Joy is weird. Your own joy is weird. When someone calls me weird, I'm like:
“Oh, thank you for noticing. Oh, my gosh! Am I wearing this well? Take a picture, before it goes away.”
And so try skipping, blowing bubbles, singing, dancing, being out in nature.
Do something that brings you joy. Just feel it.
And now, when you remember what that feels like, and I tell you - joy is all in nature. So if you're like, I don't know what to do. Go on the hiking trail. Go on a nature trail, you know. Be out there because joy automatically comes. It's very grounding.
Once you feel that. And you're like, Oh, yeah, I remember what this feels like, do more of that, more and more and more of that, because you absolutely deserve joy. Every single being on this planet deserves joy.
Bust Through the Myth Joy is Weird. Feel Weird & Do it Anyway!
Natalia Kuna
I love it, and you know you mentioned the word ‘deserve’. A lot of people feel like they don't deserve. They have that feeling of unworthiness. And then, when you gave that story about the man in his uptightness. It's like the bubble represented for you a joyous thing, and it's to open a person up and bring out their inner child. But I saw the bubble also as a symbol of bursting the kind of spell of life, the bubble of life, and people put themselves in their own sort of bubbles of entrapment, and, like their own box, and the world can be like a box in a way, like a kind of matrix where you feel kind of stuck, right, in the system.
And people also get into their own sense of control, and that also stops them from feeling joy. It's really interesting that you mentioned that joy has become weird for people these days, where it's such a natural thing, and it should be natural by default. And I know that you know, as I know, working with angels, that angels are just the embodiment of joy. They're just joy-like.
And we have this natural default. Babies come out, you know, and this are cute when they laugh, it's that childlike quality. And so I find that really interesting, that - that's where we've come in the world that it's now like, you're a weirdo if you're happy, you know, what's wrong with you!
If You Were an Animal, What Would You Be?
And so Alok, if you were an animal, what animal would you be? And why?
Loka Pandya
Natalia Kuna
Monkey? I knew it! I knew it was monkey!! (lol)
They’re playful, and so fun. And I just love it kinda like that, bouncing around energy swinging from tree to tree, grabbing a banana, having the time of their lives. And I just always love Rufiki because he is that way. But he's also a sage, and so monkeys are like my first default, playful joy. But then I go back to Rafiki's, because that's what it is like. If you see somebody with the most spiritual masters they've got that monkey energy and they're peaceful, but they're playful at the same time.
So yeah I want a monkey. I'm like, how do I get a monkey?
Natalia Kuna
I can just see you with a monkey on your shoulder. It's really funny, because, like, you know, that a monkey is sage, and that's not a word that someone would analogize a monkey with. They would go with the crazy, run around everywhere, part of it. And it's really making me think of how you've been the larrikin of the room. It's kind of like the court jester, like the comedian archetype where, if you think of like Robin Williams, you know, they can get really depressed and sad because they've got such big hearts, and I've really seen, I've sort of made up this whole thing of a court jester being an archetype in that way. And what I notice about some people who have that joyous sense of spirit and that sort of entertainment quality about themselves with certain people like yourself is that you are very observative.
You observe a lot, and I feel like some of these comedians, the really big ones like Jim Carrey, have this heart and soul, and they see, and they notice, and they kind of get away with. They get away with saying things that someone else might not, you know, like they can literally call out the King. So I think that you have that as well inside of yourself.
Loka Pandya
Natalia Kuna
Monkey? I knew it! I knew it was monkey!! (lol)
They’re playful, and so fun. And I just love it kinda like that, bouncing around energy swinging from tree to tree, grabbing a banana, having the time of their lives. And I just always love Rufiki because he is that way. But he's also a sage, and so monkeys are like my first default, playful joy. But then I go back to Rafiki's, because that's what it is like. If you see somebody with the most spiritual masters they've got that monkey energy and they're peaceful, but they're playful at the same time.
So yeah I want a monkey. I'm like, how do I get a monkey?
Natalia Kuna
I can just see you with a monkey on your shoulder. It's really funny, because, like, you know, that a monkey is sage, and that's not a word that someone would analogize a monkey with. They would go with the crazy, run around everywhere, part of it. And it's really making me think of how you've been the larrikin of the room. It's kind of like the court jester, like the comedian archetype where, if you think of like Robin Williams, you know, they can get really depressed and sad because they've got such big hearts, and I've really seen, I've sort of made up this whole thing of a court jester being an archetype in that way. And what I notice about some people who have that joyous sense of spirit and that sort of entertainment quality about themselves with certain people like yourself is that you are very observative.
You observe a lot, and I feel like some of these comedians, the really big ones like Jim Carrey, have this heart and soul, and they see, and they notice, and they kind of get away with. They get away with saying things that someone else might not, you know, like they can literally call out the King. So I think that you have that as well inside of yourself.
Spiritual Techniques to Help You Find Joy
Natalia Kuna:
So I guess one of the last questions I might ask you for today is just to bring it back into the spiritual side of things. What for you is the most spiritual technique or thing that you like to do. That really helps you get into that true set of joy, or one that you could recommend for other people?
Loka Pandya:
Yeah. breathwork. Breathwork, breath work, breath work. I do want to called pranayama, and it's like a basic approach to the breath work. What it does is, when I finish I am in this state of bliss, and I thought I was one of the only ones. But as I started to talk to more breathwork people, especially people in the front of the space they would feel the same thing, because normally I would say, Oh, meditation, meditation! But you know we live in this world where it's tough to come in and really zone in and focus.
But when you get to that state of breathwork, this is something that is a connection with something beyond myself, but then within myself, it's like within and without. And it's the most beautiful thing. And so I would say, Pranayama, or even shamanic breathwork, which is circular breathing.
And so a lot of people may ask where? Where can you find this. And you could search on Youtube. But then, actually, I've got a friend, and I'm trying to think of the app. He just created this amazing breath work App. Oh, it's called the Breath Source.
And so Pranayam is not on there yet, but we literally just talked 2 days ago.
He's like: “You love this stuff. Why don't you teach it on yours?”
“Oh, yeah, I will.”
But they've got all kinds of different breathworks in there. So if you, if you felt called to going to get to breathwork, I would definitely check out that app. Otherwise, just look on Youtube, at Pranayam’s 7 different sort of breath works.
And so one that I do is called Bromery. I can show that to you right now. It's my favorite. It's a little weird!
Natalia Kuna
I knew it! Ok, here we go!
Loka Pandya
It's called Bumble Bee Breath. [Alok proceeds to demonstrate, with hands on face]
But you take your fingers here, and do you wanna try this with me, Natalia?
Natalia Kuna
No, I’ll just watch!
Loka Pandya
Yeah, you take index finger, put it on the forehead. This goes here, here, here, and then your thumbs will then close in here, and you'll just hum, and so I'll just do a real quick one and take a deep breath in, and when you exhale and hum, you close in your ears, and so it goes…
oh, yeah, that good stuff. And it brings all your senses inside. I feel this bliss in my head. There's this buzzing. It's amazing.
What is kind of funny, or kinda crazy is that I've taught some people that were addicted to marijuana, some of this breathwork. And one of them literally reached out to me and said, I thank you so much, and I'm like, cause you wanna learn meditation? (I taught breathwork first). I was like for what? He's like: I'm saving so much money, not spending on weed.
I was like: “What?”
He's like: “Dude. This breathwork gets me so high, man. It's amazing!”
I'm like: “That's so awesome!”
He's like: “Yeah!”
We have this natural ability to feel those different feelings. We just have it within us. And for me it's been breathwork that gets me there.
So I guess one of the last questions I might ask you for today is just to bring it back into the spiritual side of things. What for you is the most spiritual technique or thing that you like to do. That really helps you get into that true set of joy, or one that you could recommend for other people?
Loka Pandya:
Yeah. breathwork. Breathwork, breath work, breath work. I do want to called pranayama, and it's like a basic approach to the breath work. What it does is, when I finish I am in this state of bliss, and I thought I was one of the only ones. But as I started to talk to more breathwork people, especially people in the front of the space they would feel the same thing, because normally I would say, Oh, meditation, meditation! But you know we live in this world where it's tough to come in and really zone in and focus.
But when you get to that state of breathwork, this is something that is a connection with something beyond myself, but then within myself, it's like within and without. And it's the most beautiful thing. And so I would say, Pranayama, or even shamanic breathwork, which is circular breathing.
And so a lot of people may ask where? Where can you find this. And you could search on Youtube. But then, actually, I've got a friend, and I'm trying to think of the app. He just created this amazing breath work App. Oh, it's called the Breath Source.
And so Pranayam is not on there yet, but we literally just talked 2 days ago.
He's like: “You love this stuff. Why don't you teach it on yours?”
“Oh, yeah, I will.”
But they've got all kinds of different breathworks in there. So if you, if you felt called to going to get to breathwork, I would definitely check out that app. Otherwise, just look on Youtube, at Pranayam’s 7 different sort of breath works.
And so one that I do is called Bromery. I can show that to you right now. It's my favorite. It's a little weird!
Natalia Kuna
I knew it! Ok, here we go!
Loka Pandya
It's called Bumble Bee Breath. [Alok proceeds to demonstrate, with hands on face]
But you take your fingers here, and do you wanna try this with me, Natalia?
Natalia Kuna
No, I’ll just watch!
Loka Pandya
Yeah, you take index finger, put it on the forehead. This goes here, here, here, and then your thumbs will then close in here, and you'll just hum, and so I'll just do a real quick one and take a deep breath in, and when you exhale and hum, you close in your ears, and so it goes…
oh, yeah, that good stuff. And it brings all your senses inside. I feel this bliss in my head. There's this buzzing. It's amazing.
What is kind of funny, or kinda crazy is that I've taught some people that were addicted to marijuana, some of this breathwork. And one of them literally reached out to me and said, I thank you so much, and I'm like, cause you wanna learn meditation? (I taught breathwork first). I was like for what? He's like: I'm saving so much money, not spending on weed.
I was like: “What?”
He's like: “Dude. This breathwork gets me so high, man. It's amazing!”
I'm like: “That's so awesome!”
He's like: “Yeah!”
We have this natural ability to feel those different feelings. We just have it within us. And for me it's been breathwork that gets me there.
Escapism & Getting a 'High' through Drugs vs Pure Energy
Natalia Kuna
I love it, and you have touched on something. And you know with the drug thing, is that people will look outside of themselves to find, you know, the joy, or to escape. But we can do so energetically. We can reach a higher vibration energetically. And that's what breathwork does. And it's like you're breathing in the Source code, you know, and you're literally breathing it into you. And then you're exuding it outwards. And it's all about energy and frequency which you very much know and have learned over the years. So that's amazing. I just love it!
Loka Pandya
And something to say about that. So you know, I've been in the spiritual space. I've done the breath work. But, and you picked this up on a session.
I got on a session with Natalia Kuna, and she's like: “Cocaine!”
And I'm like: “What?” (lol)
Natalia Kuna
“I didn’t wanna mention it, but yeah”, lol
And boom! She's got this down!
“No seriously, you’ve been doing cocaine!”
And I’m like: “Yeah, I am!” (lol)
And I you know, I've tried Molly, MDMA. I’ve tried these things, and I felt the difference. And yeah, you get that temporary high with these things. But like, there's a lower vibration that you can just feel when you're super aware that you have to build back up from.
And my most beautiful time is I went to a music festival. and I'm like, you know what, I'm not gonna do, Molly, MDMA. And so the first day I get in there and there's so many people, they're in the state of love, you know. A lot of them are on Molly, but I get in there, and I do breathwork in front. There's like 200,000 people there. I'm sitting on the ground doing breathwork and meditating, and I feel this insane amount of bliss, like this highest high, cause I just feel like I am so connected with the music and everyone around me.
I'm like: Wow, this is amazing!
And somehow, the next day, I get a Molly Pill, and I'm like, should I do it? Should I not? Should I do It or not? And I popped it in my mouth, you know, and I felt that sensation, that serotonin rush, but I couldn't feel as high as I have before. So then I got another one.
And I did it, and it was the first time in my life where the night I didn't take it felt significantly better than the night I took it.
And I feel like that I was meant to have that experience, because if I only had the, you know meditation, then I wouldn't get to see that contrast.
And I'm like: Wow, I don't need this to feel this amazing feeling because I have it within me!
And the first time I took it I'm like, Oh, it lets me know that I can achieve something here, but I don't need something outside of it.
And so I feel a little bit of that bliss every single day, and sometimes even more, to where I feel like I'm almost on MDMA almost every single day, but the blissful version of it. It's just cool. It's just so cool.
Natalia Kuna
Absolutely. Oh, that's so funny that you mentioned the ‘coke’. So be warned if you have a session, I'll spot drugs of all kinds. (lol)
But yeah, and for me, like the cocaine feels like, I just feel the frequency of different drugs, right down from a depression medicine to, you know, to Coke or something, and cocaine really is like, it's like a ‘fake high vibe’. That's how I would put it. And there's a lot of people out there and you know, that will use that to ‘escape’ and because I feel that it comes from. They have so much (and people use drugs, all sorts of reasons, and I've got no judgment towards it at all) … but you know that the high vibe thing, people … even just going to trance parties and things like that, they're trying to find something outside of themselves, because they naturally know within themselves that there's this bigger open space, where we come from, and the celestial realms that is truth, expansion.
And so they want to expand their minds, outside of running away from feelings and all that stuff. But you're very right ,when you come into yourself, and you learn how to raise your frequency, which you do in various ways, and breathwork is one of those, it's just the most natural high that you can really get on that spectrum. That is true. You know, which is really interesting. So thanks for sharing about that, cos that's pretty cool. I think that's a good topic to talk about as well. And also, you know very well that there are mental health aspects with drug usage as well. There's all that side of it.
I love it, and you have touched on something. And you know with the drug thing, is that people will look outside of themselves to find, you know, the joy, or to escape. But we can do so energetically. We can reach a higher vibration energetically. And that's what breathwork does. And it's like you're breathing in the Source code, you know, and you're literally breathing it into you. And then you're exuding it outwards. And it's all about energy and frequency which you very much know and have learned over the years. So that's amazing. I just love it!
Loka Pandya
And something to say about that. So you know, I've been in the spiritual space. I've done the breath work. But, and you picked this up on a session.
I got on a session with Natalia Kuna, and she's like: “Cocaine!”
And I'm like: “What?” (lol)
Natalia Kuna
“I didn’t wanna mention it, but yeah”, lol
And boom! She's got this down!
“No seriously, you’ve been doing cocaine!”
And I’m like: “Yeah, I am!” (lol)
And I you know, I've tried Molly, MDMA. I’ve tried these things, and I felt the difference. And yeah, you get that temporary high with these things. But like, there's a lower vibration that you can just feel when you're super aware that you have to build back up from.
And my most beautiful time is I went to a music festival. and I'm like, you know what, I'm not gonna do, Molly, MDMA. And so the first day I get in there and there's so many people, they're in the state of love, you know. A lot of them are on Molly, but I get in there, and I do breathwork in front. There's like 200,000 people there. I'm sitting on the ground doing breathwork and meditating, and I feel this insane amount of bliss, like this highest high, cause I just feel like I am so connected with the music and everyone around me.
I'm like: Wow, this is amazing!
And somehow, the next day, I get a Molly Pill, and I'm like, should I do it? Should I not? Should I do It or not? And I popped it in my mouth, you know, and I felt that sensation, that serotonin rush, but I couldn't feel as high as I have before. So then I got another one.
And I did it, and it was the first time in my life where the night I didn't take it felt significantly better than the night I took it.
And I feel like that I was meant to have that experience, because if I only had the, you know meditation, then I wouldn't get to see that contrast.
And I'm like: Wow, I don't need this to feel this amazing feeling because I have it within me!
And the first time I took it I'm like, Oh, it lets me know that I can achieve something here, but I don't need something outside of it.
And so I feel a little bit of that bliss every single day, and sometimes even more, to where I feel like I'm almost on MDMA almost every single day, but the blissful version of it. It's just cool. It's just so cool.
Natalia Kuna
Absolutely. Oh, that's so funny that you mentioned the ‘coke’. So be warned if you have a session, I'll spot drugs of all kinds. (lol)
But yeah, and for me, like the cocaine feels like, I just feel the frequency of different drugs, right down from a depression medicine to, you know, to Coke or something, and cocaine really is like, it's like a ‘fake high vibe’. That's how I would put it. And there's a lot of people out there and you know, that will use that to ‘escape’ and because I feel that it comes from. They have so much (and people use drugs, all sorts of reasons, and I've got no judgment towards it at all) … but you know that the high vibe thing, people … even just going to trance parties and things like that, they're trying to find something outside of themselves, because they naturally know within themselves that there's this bigger open space, where we come from, and the celestial realms that is truth, expansion.
And so they want to expand their minds, outside of running away from feelings and all that stuff. But you're very right ,when you come into yourself, and you learn how to raise your frequency, which you do in various ways, and breathwork is one of those, it's just the most natural high that you can really get on that spectrum. That is true. You know, which is really interesting. So thanks for sharing about that, cos that's pretty cool. I think that's a good topic to talk about as well. And also, you know very well that there are mental health aspects with drug usage as well. There's all that side of it.
Closing Off
So, anyway. Thank you so much, Loka, for sharing your love and your joy, for spreading your light and your goodness out there to the world, and I know with you that it has ripple effects, and that it comes from a sincerely genuine, authentic place.
And it's just been a pleasure to to know you. And I consider you like a friend, client, and just love you to bits and I wish all the best for you and your joy journey.
Loka Pandya
Thank you. Thank you for your love and guidance and healing, and I said at the beginning call, I would not be here without you. And you've taught me to trust myself. Trust myself, trust myself, trust myself! And that's huge!
So thank you for everything that you do for me and the entire world!
Natalia Kuna
It's a love fest! Yay, joy! (lol)
And just as a last note to everybody - honestly go out there today and do something joyful. Even some little thing like Alok suggested, like a childlike thing. Go and skip, go and do something crazy, dance or something, and then make an effort to go and do that every single day.
So make it long-lasting rather than short-lived!
Alright, signing off - thanks for joining Spiritual Soul!
And it's just been a pleasure to to know you. And I consider you like a friend, client, and just love you to bits and I wish all the best for you and your joy journey.
Loka Pandya
Thank you. Thank you for your love and guidance and healing, and I said at the beginning call, I would not be here without you. And you've taught me to trust myself. Trust myself, trust myself, trust myself! And that's huge!
So thank you for everything that you do for me and the entire world!
Natalia Kuna
It's a love fest! Yay, joy! (lol)
And just as a last note to everybody - honestly go out there today and do something joyful. Even some little thing like Alok suggested, like a childlike thing. Go and skip, go and do something crazy, dance or something, and then make an effort to go and do that every single day.
So make it long-lasting rather than short-lived!
Alright, signing off - thanks for joining Spiritual Soul!
About Loka Pandya

Loka Pandya is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and speaker who inspires people to live a more fulfilled and meaningful life.
Loka’s first business started at the age of 17 which eventually led to a multi million dollar real estate company. During his entrepreneurial career Loka realized mental health and joy are the pinnacles to ultimate life success. He spent over two decades researching and practicing Western and Eastern healing modalities with the aim of understanding how to regulate nervous systems. Now as Chief Joy Officer, Loka’s mission is to help millions of people become the most joyous version of themselves.
Contact Loka Pandya (Alok):
Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor
Instagram: @LokaPandya
Website: www.LokaPandya.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact Natalia Kuna here.
Natalia Kuna on Instagram: www.instagram.com/nataliakuna
Loka’s first business started at the age of 17 which eventually led to a multi million dollar real estate company. During his entrepreneurial career Loka realized mental health and joy are the pinnacles to ultimate life success. He spent over two decades researching and practicing Western and Eastern healing modalities with the aim of understanding how to regulate nervous systems. Now as Chief Joy Officer, Loka’s mission is to help millions of people become the most joyous version of themselves.
Contact Loka Pandya (Alok):
Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor
Instagram: @LokaPandya
Website: www.LokaPandya.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact Natalia Kuna here.
Natalia Kuna on Instagram: www.instagram.com/nataliakuna
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